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Dorothy Howard

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Dakota Howard (20)
Graduated from Hogwarts Scotland, Slytherin.

I'd like her to be a deatheater who place herself above everyone else. She's very brave and isn't afraid of anything. Back then in school, she was one of the bullies and one of the top student.

She takes care of her siblings very well. Unlike Donavon (the eldest) who is almost never home, Dakota is always home in the morning and late night to check on her siblings.
She's very close to Donavon and is often there to stop him from killing the younger siblings. She acts like a twin to Donavon and they're almost always together.

Dakota is very beautiful, and is very perfectionist. So sometimes, she's driven crazy by her younger siblings who fights all the time and scream or yell whenever they want.

5 words to describe her: Arrogant, Selfish, Hypocrite, Intelligent, Mean


<COLOR color="#650335">Devlin Howard (16)
Ex Slytherin (Hogwarts Scotland), currently: Durmstrang. [Future Death Eater]

Devlin was transferred to Durmstrang on his fifth year. The main reason is that he wants to learn the dark arts.

Just like Dakota, Devlin is very smart as well, he's a quick learner and is one of the top student.
He's very quiet but very dangerous, if anyone annoys him, he'll blast and will be casting spells at whatever's in front of him.
Devlin is also one of the psychopaths in Durmstrang, he often lose his temper and he often bully other students not caring if they're older than him or younger or even on the same age.

5 words to describe him: Arrogant, Selfish, Intelligent, Bully, Dangerous
- Raze

Danielle& Danton Howard (13)
Slytherin, Hogwarts Scotland [Future Death Eater]
(You may transfer them to Durmstrang/ Hogwarts New Zealand <Slytherin please>)

Who can stand the twins?
No one, I repeat No one.
They're just so arrogant, they're the worst in the family so far. They never think before they do something. They order their younger siblings a lot just because they're older than them. And both are very rude, they don't care if they offend other people.
They're very athletic and are into Quidditch.

Danton is more quiet, and he's very strong, he's not afraid in hurting other people and he will attack them physically if they mess with him or his family.

Danielle is the natural arguer, she attacks other people verbally more than physically. She's bossier than Danton.

The twins are smart but they lost their interest in learning, they find bullying much more interesting than attending classes.

5 words to describe them: Athletic, Bossy, Arrogant, Selfish, Bully

Danielle- Kate
Danton- Maia

So all of them, Dakota, Devlin, Danielle, Danton are very independent and they are all very ambitious and very smart. They're all prejudiced pureblood and they all hates muggles and muggleborns.

A little about the Howards, they were all born in London but in 2017 they moved to New York lived there for five years due to their father's (Rupert Howard the businessman) job. And then moved back to England.

They're also the cousin of the Huberta's. Rupert is the older brother of Abigail Huberta.

You may change the name but I'd like their names to start with a "D"

And as for their PBs... Well I dont mind... Blond/ Brunette...

So far I got

Donavon Howard (21) graduated from Hogwarts Scotland (Slytherin). Hopefully he'll be a deatheater.

Dorothy Howard (11) will be attending Hogwarts New Zealand.

Dancel Howard (11) will be attending Hogwarts New Zealand.

If you're interested in making one of them then please post here / PM me :)

Here is Danielle, the female twin :D

I was thinking of Georgie Henley as a pb.... is that ok????

And, what did you mean with the pure blood thing, do i need to apply for one of not??

Danielle Howard said:
Here is Danielle, the female twin :D

I was thinking of Georgie Henley as a pb.... is that ok????

And, what did you mean with the pure blood thing, do i need to apply for one of not??

pm? :p (alice)

thx kate :hug:
I can make Dakota if you want :D

u may close this topic

thanks ^_^
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