Oooh look a squid!!

Iris Lovell

OOC First Name
Iris was sat under a huge tree overlooking the lake, that glittered under the winter sunlight. The girl loved water and was fascinated by the patterns the sun made across the lakes surface. She had a book open in her hands but she hadn't got far as she kept being distracted by the large expanse of water in front of her. She wanted to go for a swim in it but she wasn't sure she'd be allowed. Every now and than the water would ripple and she wondered if they were caused by the merpeople or the giant squid that were said to live there.

After a while Iris had managed to get further through her book and she noticed a large tentacle reach out of the water. She was in awe, and giggled slightly at it's appearance. As quickly as it had appeared it disappeared into the depths of the lake once again. Iris dropped her book and ran to the edge of the lake to see if she could spot anything beneath the water's surface. After a few minutes of spotting nothing she made her may back to her spot under the tree a little disappointed.

Once sat back down she picked up her book and continued to read, trying to ignore the water as hard as she possibly could.

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