One of Us

Danielle Warbeck

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
James {Main}
Birch Wand 14 1/4"
Danielle Sat next to the, the lake playing "One of Us" on her guitar. She sang some of it at the beginning.

"If God had a name, what would it be
And would you call it to His face
If you were faced with Him in all His glory
What would you ask if you had just one question."

She sang so quietly. She hoped no one heard her. This was her time for herself.

OOCOut of Character:
This Is The Real Song
Ryan was having a nice time.It was early morning and he had wanted to explore the grounds of Hogwarts.He had already been in the Forbidden forest and had strangly made a new friend.His next destination was the Lakefront he had heard about a giant squid that lived in the lake he wondered could you go swimming in the lake even with all the creatures inside it.Dismissing the thoughts he looked around him it was a pretty place he had to say it kind of reminded him of his home.He still hadn't gotten used to the fact that he was in Slytherin he depised the house he depised the the fact that he was in the same house as Isobel and the fact there was no where he went that she couldn't if she wanted to annoy him.Of course he had met a few nice Slytherins he even had a new friend Leslie but sadly she was Nick's boyfriend someone who was also in his house but the both disliked each other so sadly he hadn't made much friends in his house but he had lots of friends in other houses and he also had a great girlfriend who by pure coincedence he saw sitting down playing her guitar.He walked up quietly not wanting to disturb her he he heard her singing and smiled he guessed this was like her own time his sister Kate did it sometimes she would zone out and do her own thing but it wasn't often because they nagged her to some down again.

He waited for her to be finished the song before he talked "That was nice"He said softly not wanting to ruin the quiet peaceful atmosphere that was present."Do you mind if I sit"He asked even though he was sitting down beside her as he said it
Shook, closed her eyes, and shook her head, just singing, and playing. When she finishd, she just smiled, her eyes still closed. She opened them when she heard voice, it was Ryan, her boyfriend. "Thanks." She whispered quietly. "Go ahead." She smiled, still in the hushed tone. Danielle moved over, to him and kissed him softly on the lips. "How are you?" Danielle asked, getting a small bit louder. "This lakefront is nice. I heard there is a giant squid. I'm trying to get it to come up with music." Danielle laughed. She really wanted to see the squid. "Would you like to sing? Here is some lyrics." Danielle said, handing him lyrics. "Its No Air, its a very nice song, I love it." Danielle smiled, she was much more calm then usual.
He smiled and for some reason he felt very relaxed and calm and he knew it was because of Danielle usually she was quite hyper but at this moment she was very laid back and calm.he grinned after she kissed him he really did like her and he loved it when she kissed him. "I'm quite good actually what about you"He asked in the same hushed tone.Ryan did a small laugh "Well I would definitly come out"He said smiling and kissing her on the nose quickly but gently.He smiled when she gave him the lyrics "Don't worry I know this song and your right it is very nice"He said smiling and sitting up so it would be easier for him to sing.They then began to sing and when they were finished he felt refreshed they had sounded good together."Well that was good"He whispered
"I'm great, thanks." Danielle smiled, happily. Danielle had defiantly, liked Hogwarts so far, and she very much liked her friends. "Me too! Jeez, tough crowd, or should I say tough Squid?" Danielle laughed, strumming a few chords, on her guitar. "This song is great. Lets sing." Danielle said, playing the chords to No Air as they sang. "Very nice! Maybe, we should sing more. Hold on I've got a song!" Danielle said, as she searched through her bag. When she found what she was looking for, she took it out and said, "Here sing!" Danielle handed Ryan the lyrics. "The Lady Is A Tramp, great song!" Danielle said.
"Thats good"He said smiling glad that Danielle was happy with her new life in Hogwarts other than being in the same house as Isobel and Nick Ryan was having a nice time here he had good friends and a great girlfriend what could be better?Ryan laughed at her comment "Thats true"He said looking off towards the mountains that looked the same as the mountains in Ireland Hogwarts was at a beautiful piece of New Zealand it was very scenic.While Danielle looked for a knew song he started humming some other songs when she gave him the sheet of music he read it quickly and then the song started to form in his head.When he was sure he knew it he started to sing with Danielle.When they were finished Ryan lay on his back and started to relax
As Ryan lay down, Danielle whipped out her wand, and said, "Hey Ryan, better get up or I won't let you!" Danielle said. "I know this perfect little spell!" Danielle laughed. Danielle planned to have a spell fight for fun with him., she would most like use a trip jynx, then lock his legs together so he couldn't get up.

OOCOut of Character:
OOCOut of Character:
Scrap what I just said

What I meant (or my know it all friend Maia) was that and I quote "That first years only know those two spells" (next PM) "Oh I'm not sure I though Nick said it Ah who cares anyway" So I'm sorry about that little blip but I'll post anyway :)
"Its so on." Danielle laughed. she heard Ryan yell lout a spell name but she quickly dodged. "Huh, trying to hit me eh? Expelliarmus!" Then Ryan wand came flying in he air, and landed on the ground in front of both of them. Danielle quickly ran for it.

OOCOut of Character:
Be sure to let Ryan take it first. And this is allowed, why would they tell us spells if we couldn't use them!
Ryan smiled when she disarmed him and he saw his wand fly over towards Danielle but Ryan being a fast runner got there first and shouted "Locomotor Mortis"he smiled when he saw the spell hit Danielle straight on

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry It took so long! :(

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