Closed On the Threshold

Aisa Hunter

🎸 Hit Wizard | Stoic | 2055 Graduate 🎸
OOC First Name
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Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
1/2037 (25)
Aisa didn't like being impressed, but she was. This place was the first magical place she had seen after hearing Abian talk about it all the time, and she had to admit he hadn't exaggerated. Abian tended to be more enthusiastic about things than Aisa, so it hadn't been hard for her to imagine her brother had been telling tall tales in his excitement, but during today's shopping trip, Aisa had seen more new and mind blowing things in a few hours than she had in the rest of her life, and she felt like her brain needed a break.

The smell of the apothecary was still lingering in her nose, so she had asked her mother to leave her outside of the next store for a while so she could get some fresh air. Her mum had been reluctant, but had agreed after a moment. Aisa could tell she was a little overwhelmed too, and was glad her mother understood how she was feeling. She had found a bench and waited for her brother and mother to return from buying him some new school robes. It was annoying that they were only buying things for him, and nothing for Aisa herself, but it was because she hadn't officially had her own letter yet. Abian had assured her that she would go to Hogwarts too, because she could do the same strange things he could as a kid, but she wasn't sure if he was right. What if she didn't get a letter? Then she would know about all this without being able to take part of it. The thought made her sad, and she hid it behind a slight scowl as she looked at people passing her by. She wished she had her music with her, but Abian had told her electronics didn't work in magical places. That was definitely disappointing, and it would be one upside if she didn't actually receive a letter. Aisa tapped the bench with her fingers to the rhythm of a song she had stuck in her head, all the wile taking in the strange people passing by. Even if she was magical, she would never dress like that, she decided.
Ren was bored out of his mind. Who cared that he and Rose were both wizards or witches or whatever? He had more important things to do than accompany his mom and his tall baby sister to wherever they were. He had things to do. Couldn't he just come shopping next year when he went to school? He wanted to finish his project for Lily before she got back. He sighed dramatically as he followed behind her. "Roz, can we go home yet?" He complained, slouching as he stuck his hands in his jacket pockets. He didn't understand why everyone was running around in robes. What was wrong with jeans?
Rose was excited that her mama had decided to bring her and Ren along. She needed to get a good feel for the wizarding world so she wasn't so out of it when it was finally her turn to go to school. If there was one thing she hated, it was being unprepared. She'd been unprepared when Lily had got her letter to go to this Hogwarts place. She wasn't about to let it happen again. "No, you big crybaby." She snapped, running over the list of things they still needed to do. "Mama will be back soon. She said she would look into getting me a guitar that would actually work at school before we leave."
Aisa was quietly watching people pass by, hoping they would leave her alone. She tensed a little as she saw two kids walk past who looked around her age. They appeared to be siblings, and Aisa made sure not to look at them as they passed where she was sitting. She could easily overhear their conversation, and they seemed to be bickering. But then Aisa heard something that made her look up, and she had asked the question before she could stop herself. "They sell guitars around here?" She asked the girl who had spoken. "What do you mean, one that works at school?" She added to that, frowning slightly. That didn't sound promising at all.
Ren let out a sigh of relief when some girl spoke up. That would distract Rose for a few minutes, at least. He turned and sauntered over, plopping down on the ground next to the girl who'd talked. "Ugh, I am so over today." He complained, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. He just wanted to go home and be done with this stupid trip.
Rose looked over to the girl, narrowing her eyes a bit. "First of all, it's rude to eavesdrop." She walked after her brother and sat down. "But yeah, I guess so. That's what my mum's saying." She kicked her brother as he complained. "Shut up, Ren." She shook her head. "Apparently electricity and magic don't mix. An acoustic would probably be okay but my electric guitar wouldn't be." She scrunched her nose. "It's idiotic."
Aisa frowned and looked down as the boy sat down on the ground, and didn't answer her question. It hadn't been an invitation to sit with her, and she opened her mouth to say so when the girl said something even more rude. "It's not eavesdropping if I don't have to do any effort to hear you." She said with a cool glance at the girl. "Then it's just you guys talking too loudly, which you should work on if you don't want people to hear you." She shifted away slightly, frowning as the girl kicked her brother. The information about electricity at Hogwarts sounded like something Abian had said, and she shrugged. "Okay." She said, crossing her arms. "But you said your mother would look into getting you one that would work at school. Does that mean there's a way around that?" She hoped the girl wasn't going to be more rude to her, but it wouldn't be too bad if she at least also answered the question. Aisa wasn't sure what to make of these strangers sitting with her, and scooted slightly to the side on the bench she was sitting on to leave more room between them and her.
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Ren snorted at the girls' response. Maybe he'd have time for a nap. He shut his eyes and tried to tune the girls out. This new girl would keep Rose off him for a little bit at least, even though he knew he needed to keep an ear on them. He knew Rose could be a bit... passionate sometimes. He didn't really have the energy to keep his little sister in line right now. Why couldn't he be here with Lily instead? Lily was so much simpler. And sweeter. And better. Not that he didn't love Rose. He just... didn't have her energy.

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