On The Rampage.

Robert Lock

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Bleak Street was a place where Rob Lock only came when he was angry. And boy was he angry. There was nothing in-particular that had happened that had made him angry. Rob was just an angry man, with a troubled life. He had wanted to get in touch with his brother, but he had refused, everyone hated him. Well, everyone except Cloe and her son Reece, but he hadn't seen them in ages, and now Rob was bored.

As he walked along Bleak Street Rob kicked a wall then shouted in anger. "ERGH." He yelled, before punching that same wall then putting his head in his hands, trying to calm himself down, but failing. Rob was just thankful that Bleak Street appeared to be fairly quiet again, he didn't want any dodgy Wizards suspecting him, he would only cause havoc for them, and it wouldn't end well for Rob. It never did, even when he had beaten-up Eric, it had back-fired on him. Rob suspiciously looked along the street as it began to grow dark.

Andrew walked out of the Poison Ater slamming the door behind him. He didn't care if he scared away a few customers, his future father in law would have to deal with that if he wanted a restaurant in the Bleak Street and have Andrew help his daughter run it. It was one customer that had got him angry today. The drunk wizard was behaving like he owned the place misbehaving with some witch and when Andrew asked him to leave he started shouting. He just had him thrown away through the back door with the garbage where he would be unconscious till the morning but doing that did not turn off the temper button that had been tempered with. Leaving Adira to finish off the last customers for the night Andrew set out in the Bleak Street.

A few minutes later his eyes caught a wizard kicking and punching the wall, probably a mental case he thought. He was going to walk away as the man shouted. "Whats your problem? Can't you shut your mouth?"he asked the man, his emerald eyes glaring at the face.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry I took so much time to reply
Rob saw red when the guy spoke to him in that way. Rob took a deep-breath in as he tried to avoid starting a punch-up. But once again, Rob's mouth was getting the better of him. "Shut-up will you...I'll speak all I want thanks very much..." At the back of Rob's mind, he knew he was making a massive mistake, messing with someone who was lurking on Bleak Street. But Rob simply couldn't stop himself.

"And you can hardly talk about me having problems? Have you never got angry before?" Rob snapped at the guy, he didn't like this guys attitude, and planned to make a fuss about it.
Andrew chuckled as the man spoke back. No, he was not amused of his words but of his foolishness. He had no idea what he was getting himself into and Andrew wasn't in the mood of warning him. If he wanted to play hard, he was going to understand that Andrew was a better player and he was the best rule breaker because there were no rules!

Andrew rolled his eyes as he watched the man snap. "Everyone has problems, but unlike you I don't go shouting around in streets" he challenged. "Only babies cry about their problems" he added as he crossed the road and went to stand right in front of the man.
Rob knew he was messing with the wrong guy here. He had dug himself into a whole, but little did Rob know that he was about to dig that hole even deeper. "Incase you didn't notice...I wasn't crying..." As Rob found this horribly behaving stranger infront of him, he was tempted to punch him. But no way was he going to start like that. He just wanted to make this guy leave him alone so he could forget about him and be on his way.

It wasn't all that easy to see through Rob, but he wasn't as tough as he made out to be, and Rob sensed that the guy was getting that vibe. Especially since he had dared to appear so close to Rob, who would quite frankly take his frustrations out on anyone who pushed him past his limit. "Get away from me man." Rob told him firmly, shoving him away with force as he began to walk. Rob had the feeling that this guy wouldn't settle for just a shove, but it worth a try as Rob walked past the man.
Andrew laughed as the man said he wasn't crying. "You were close to it" he said with a smirk. He had to take his anger out on someone, better on a stranger than a friend and he didn't really care if he cursed someone who was shouting around in the streets it would be a good thing too if he got rid of them. Andrew was expecting the man to do something like pushing him away and a small push like that to his muscular figure was hardly anything that was going to make him go especially since the man had invited him by shouting around in the area that was his territory. "Why should I?"he asked, his voice now sharp and darkness reflecting on his face. "If anyone should be scuttering away that should be you, or I could just make you" he said as his emerald eyes scanned the man from head to toe for a second before he wave his wand and mumbled the incantations "Langlock" and in the next second another incantation "Levicorpus"
Rob managed to block the Langlock attempt with Protego but soon found himself dangled by his ankles. "Incendio!!!" He shouted, pointing his wand at his ankles, yes it hurt and burnt his ankles a little, but it meant that he was free. Rob felt his shoulders bang against the ground...hard. Rob knew that if he could get at the guys wand he'd have a much better shot at a full on physical fight. Rob quickly got to his feet then charged at the guy, taking his wand into his left hand then swinging a punch at the guys face with his right hand. He knew the guy was strong, but so was Rob's punch. He hoped the shock of pain would delay the guy for a second or two. But Rob had a feeling that this guy was all magic, and no man.
Andrew watched as the man was dangling by his ankle before he freed himself. Andrew was expecting the man to use his wand and he was taken by surprise as the stranger just took the wand in his left hand and punched him on his face. Andrew was pushed a few footsteps back by the blow. He could feel hot liquid from his nose. "Taken the muggle approach, much expected" he said as he spat at the man's feet before he shouted "Incarcerous" His eyes narrowed at the man who was challenging him, he didn't know why he always had to meet such losers.

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