🌹 Rose Giving On A Hundred Worlds

Raawhiti Te Rangi

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Emery) (Bisexual
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
8/2045 (18)
((Yellow, open after @Jordan Harris))

There were a few names on Rāwhiti's list he was excited to meet, and he was pleased to have reached one of them. He knew the Head Boy must be popular enough to have gotten plenty of roses, but it still felt like a little bit of an honour. Spotting the older boy in the corridor, he hurried to catch up. "Jordan, hi! I've got a rose delivery for you!"
Jordie was on his way down from the dorm, wincing when he heard his name. "Ah no, kid, it's Jordie," He corrected easily, turning around with a smile. "It's only Jordan if I'm in trouble." He studied the boy a moment. "It's... Raawhiti, isn't it? You're on the Gryffindor team," He asked, thinking he recognized the kid from the team.
Rāwhiti puffed up immediately with pride at being recognised, nodding quickly. "That's me!" He beamed, feeling every bit the superstar he hoped to be one day. "Got a rose delivery for you, here you go!" He smiled, handing over the rose and note.

To Jordie,
Thank you for being so kind when no one else was.
I hope you enjoy your day and all of the roses you will receive.
Jordie chuckled, accepting the rose and peeking at the note. He smiled warmly. Louis. He tucked both into his bag, turning back to the kid. "I'm not sure I've seen you play yet," He offered easily. "Maybe we could hit the pitch sometime, practice a bit?" He gave the kid a smile. "Should be fun."
Rāwhiti shrugged slightly at the comment. "I'm just an alt for now. Hopefully I'll get Elara's spot next year." He added with a smile. His face lit up immediately at the older boy's offer, nodding eagerly. "Yeah, that'd be mean as!" He said enthusiastically. He knew it was probably some kind of betrayal of his team, but hey, if he could pick up any of Hufflepuff's tactics from the Head Boy that could give them a strategy advantage and he could train with one of the best players in the school.
Jordie chuckled and offered his hand out. "Great, sounds like a plan then," He smiled simply. "I'm free this weekend, see you then?" He asked, thinking that would work now that his Saturdays weren't occupied. He ignored the little pang his heart did at the thought of it.

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