Oliver Ulysses Greenwood

OOC First Name
Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Cedar Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Full Name:
Oliver Ulysses Greenwood.

Date of Birth:
May 10th, 1960.

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Oliver is a tall man, standing 6'5 when not wearing shoes, though he often is taller than that due to his high boots. His body is thin and lean, as much now as it was in his youth as he was never and incredibly strong nor incredibly fit man, merely blessed with a fair metabolism and good genes. His fingers are long and spindly, often found cleverly working puzzles and tying intricate knots so they are never idle. His legs and arms are long as well, giving him the look of a tall willow tree with hanging branches, with the roots being his long and thin feet. Medium length hair of white, grey, and black he wears slicked back and slightly pulled up, as he feels this gives him a nobler bearing. Cold green and grey eyes sit among the various wrinkles and creases that age brings, beneath thick black brows forever un-moving. His nose is rather prominent on his otherwise narrow face, slightly obscuring his small, neatly pursed lips. His face narrows to a slightly pointed chin that remains hairless as he shaves it everyday.

He is overly fond of the fine dress partial to southern aristocrats and plantation owners of the United States in the 1800's, wearing intricately designed shirts, undercoats, ascots, and overcoats much of the time. He usually wears tall riding boots and pants as he owns horses and tries to ride them whenever he is home. He wears no jewelry and eschews excessive fragrances if he can.

Oliver is a rather quiet and reserved individual, though he is open and friendly to those he is close with. His private life is his own and few outside of his close circles of friends knows much about him, his wife, or his children as he keeps that information to himself and sees little need for colleagues and associates to know that about him. This tendency of his to be reserved and quiet comes from his home life and the way he was raised. His father and mother were very strict, insisting on proper speech, dress, and conduct at all times, and showed little affection to him over his childhood. Though like his parents in the sense of being quiet and reserved, he was and is incredibly affectionate towards his wife, children, and grandchildren, striving to be that which hid parents were not. And though insisting upon his children that they be well behaved and spoken, he did so lovingly and encouragingly, and not through the extreme disciplinary measures that his own parents took.

He has an active mind, demonstrated by his love for puzzles and mysteries, and he spends time each week on various challenges designed for the inquisitive. A lover of animals, he and his wife own numerous animals including dogs, cats, owls, hawks, falcons, and horses, though his wife is the main caretaker of them.

Oliver is the son of Wesley and Regina Greenwood, a South Carolinian landowner and his wife (who was a witch). The Greenwoods were a prominent family in South Carolina since its settlement. They owned huge tracts of land on the western half of the state and at one point controlled almost all business in 9 counties (as they rented out property but never sold it). By the time of Oliver's birth the Greenwoods owned far less land but remained influential, their wealth now invested in stocks and other businesses. Growing up the Greenwoods were incredibly strict with Oliver as they believed in proper dress, speech, and conduct at all times. When Oliver would act out against these rules, whether on purpose or by accident, he was severely punished, both with physical and verbal assaults. This left a profound impact on him as he grew to hate his parents, severing all ties with them when he was fifteen. After declaring his intention to have nothing more to do with them, he lived with an aunt and uncle (Ruth and Michael) in Canada who encouraged his love of astronomy.

He is married to Judy Winthrop, a Muggle horse-breeder he met in Scotland in 1978, a year after he graduated from Hogwarts. The couple dated for six years before marrying, giving birth to their first two children Elise and Kaleb outside of wedlock. After they were married they had three more children, Haden, Frances, and Peter. At the time of their marriage he was still an astronomer working in Scotland, but they soon relocated to Norway where they lived for nine years before relocating once more to Canada at the urging of Oliver's colleague Altras Von Heisen. This is where their children spent the majority of their lives, growing into adults in this country. The couple have twelve grandchildren.

Elise (57) is married to a man named Frank Vincent (61), a native of Boston, U.S.A. and the pair have one child, Ilia (32) a single woman who herself has a pair of twin sons named Cole and Paul (4).

Kaleb (55) has been married three times. Once, at the age of 18 to Eileen (who gave birth to Yasmine (35), the second time to Zara at age 28, and the third time to his now ex-wife Tia (who gave birth to Jonathan (13), Oliver (11), and Daniel (8)) at age 41.

Haden (48) is married to Diana Wheatfield (51) and the couple have six children: Charles (24), Christopher (20), Claudia (19), Calvin (17), Colleen (11), Cyrus (4).

Frances (41) has never married or had children, saying that her career is her main priority.

Peter (37) was made a widower at an early age, losing his wife to cancer when he was twenty-nine, leaving him the single father of Paulina (11).

All of Oliver and Judy's pets are named after deities in various religions. Their dogs after Germanic gods, cats after Egyptian, falcons and hawks after Hindu, owls after Greek, and horses after various Native American gods.

The Greenwood's own four dogs, all of them Border Collies. They are, in order of age, Odin (4); Thor (7); Loki (9); Sif (10).

The Greenwood's own two cats, a Calico named Ra (2) and a Siamese named Osiris (11).

The Greenwood's own two hawks and one falcon. They are: Krishna (2 year old Redtail hawk); Buddha (7 year old Northern Goshawk hawk); and Vamana (4 year old Australian Hobby falcon)

The Greenwood's own three owls, all of them Great Horned owls named Zeus (1); Hades (2); and Poseidon (8).

All of the Greenwood's horses are Kaimanawa horse's, tamed by Oliver and Judy. They are Tirawa (2); Haokah (2); Whope (5); Nerrivik (10); and Bmola (11).

Area of Residence:
Oliver was born and raised in South Carolina, U.S.A. for the first fifteen years of his life before moving to Canada during school breaks. After graduating Hogwarts he remained in Scotland for seven years before moving to Norway for nine, and then Canada once more for nineteen years. He then moved to Scotland once again for fourteen years after taking up a teaching position at Hogwarts. At the end of his time there he and his wife traveled the world for three years, they returned again to Canada, staying there for five years before moving to Dunedin, New Zealand where they now reside.

Blood Status:
Oliver is a half-blood, his father being a Muggle and his mother being a witch.

Oliver is the son of a long-line of South Carolinian landowners and aristocrats, though he renounced any claim to the family lands and wealth when he was fifteen and has not returned to South Carolina since then.

Special Abilities:
Oliver is especially gifted in the field of astronomy, having spent decades pursuing it, both professionally and academically. He is also a rather gifted horse-rider and falcon trainer.

Interests or Hobbies:
He is incredibly interested in animals, raising numerous kinds, specifically breeding horses and training falcons with his wife. He also is interested in puzzles, mind games, and brain teasers, often spending hours upon them during his free time. He is an advocate of orchestral and classical music as well, frequenting music performances of both Muggles and wizarding folk alike when he can.

Oliver is a loving father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and husband. Though incredibly dedicated to his work he has always made time for his family and his animals.

Oliver can be both bitter and resentful when crossed or when he feels betrayed, and is often annoyed by those who lack common sense or cannot follow directions.

Describe your character in three words:
Reserved; Academic; Disciplined.

Favourite place to be:
Oliver's favorite place to be is in the small city of Yellowknife, Canada (in the Northern Territories) where he went every year he was in Canada to view the Aurora Borealis.

Oliver has few close friends, preferring to invest wholly in a small group than merely be acquaintances with many. Among this group is his long time colleague Altras Von Heisen, his brother in law Anthony, his old schoolmate Jenny Copperman, and an old librarian from Wellington named Kelsey Granten.

Hogwarts House:
Oliver was a member of Ravenclaw House during his time at Hogwarts.

Best school subjects:
While at Hogwarts Oliver excelled particularly in Astronomy, taking it all seven years and earning an 'O' in it during both his OWLs and his NEWTs. He also earned high marks in Muggle Studies and History of Magic, though he was less interested in these.

Worst school subjects:
Oliver was dreadful in both Divination and Potions, and was considered a complete failure in his early Herbology classes.

Hogwarts Scotland, 1978.

Current Job:
Currently Oliver is currently a professor of Astronomy for Years 1-4 at Hogwarts New Zealand, as well as the director of the New Zealand branch of the Canadian Institute for International Astrological Discovery.

Your Patronus:
Oliver's Patronus takes the form of a Redtail hawk.

Your Patronus memory:
Oliver utilizes the memory of the birth of his first child Elise to create a Patronus. Though he was excited at the births of all his children, the first time he held his first child in his arms was a moment he could never forget nor even begin to describe.

Your Boggart:
His boggart takes the form of a Dementor.

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