- Messages
- 242
- OOC First Name
- Silus
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- pftt
- Wand
- Flexible Rosewood with Hippogriff Core
- Age
- 8/2032
Full Name:
Oliver Jacob Foy
Date of Birth:
August 13, 2031
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Oliver has a youthful, boyish appearance. His hair goes back and forth between a chocolate brown during the winter, and a lighter caramel hue in the summertime. The boy's eyes are a bright and playful blue -- framed by unusually long lashes, and it's a rarity to find him not grinning.
Oliver is very outgoing and a very pleasant person to be around in general. Not only charismatic, he's a major extrovert, always more energetic and happy when around others. He's always raring to do things in search of an adventure, and therefore isn't afraid to take risks. Oliver also greatly enjlys pushing the boundaries, and has a great dislike for tradition and normalcy.
Mom: Jennifer Foy
Father: Henry Foy
Brother (6): Max
Rocky, a boisterous young Boston Terrier.
Area of Residence:
Oliver currently lives in the United States with his family in Homasassa, Florida.
Blood Status:
His father being a wizard and his mother being a muggle, Oliver is a halfblood.
Special Abilities:
Interests or Hobbies:
Oliver has taken piano lessons since the age of 4, he's fairly proficient at it, although he does not enjoy it. He however finds great interest in animals and has a penchant for sketching people's portraits and landscapes.
Additional Skills:
Oliver is selfless and a people pleaser. He's empathetic and able tell communicate very well with others. He's also very brave, though his mother regards it as recklessness, and doesn't anger easily. He can be very adaptable and is in general, always open to change.
He only tends to see the good in people, and his therefore easily fooled and manipulated by others. He doesn't easily acknowledge rules or authority, and won't see a problem with bending and sneaking his way around He questions everything he's told, and it's rare that he ever listens to authority. Along with this disregard for rules, he doesn't like tradition, and is constantly questioning and pushing the envelope. Oliver also doesn't seem to recognize when something of is out of his physical limitations, and will attempt almost anything, no matter how dumb or risky.
Describe your character in three words:
Good. Caring. Risky.
Favourite place to be:
Anywhere that's sunny and has a lake or a body of water.
He has befriended everyone in his local town, from the postman to everyone at muggle school.
Hogwarts House:
He wouldn't mind being sorted into any house, though he hopes to be sorted into either Gryffindor or Slytherin.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Oliver finds all the houses extroidinarily interesting, but he'd love being sorted in either Gryffindor or Slytherin based on how they usually seem to be the houses at the epicenter of drama.
Best school subjects:
In muggle school he exels at reading, spelling, and writing.
Worst school subjects:
Whiles he's good at reading, he dislikes it, and he is horrible at history and math.
Extracurricular Activities:
Oliver is very competitive, but in a playful manner. He loves just about any physical exerting activity, especially running.
Current Job:
House chores.
Plans for your future:
He simply dreams of having fun, and not growing "boring" like his elders.
Your Patronus:
He'd most likely have a wolf or a lion as a patronus.
Your Patronus memory:
Probably the time his father first preformed magic in front of him.
Your Boggart:
Most likely the corpse of any of his lived ones.
Your Animagus:
Probably a lion or a wolf, much like his patronus.
Mirror of Erised:
Himself as a famous and heroic wizard.
A page from your diary:
December 22, 2 Years Ago
Boy, does my bottom still sting... I wish they could see things the way I do. It's no fair Dad won't let me levitate rocks and pop the caps off of Pepsi bottles anymore. And I didn't see any harm in floating Mason Tanner`s hat off and on his head in History class. {The look on his face was so worth it. } Besides, if Dad can make him forget I ever did it, what's the point of not doing it? So much for adults being smart and stuff. I can't wait till I'm all grown, though I hope aging doesn't cause me to turn boring and stuffy like them. All the stories Dad tells me of himself at my age... He used to be so cool. Just a month ago he started explaining things out more clearly. And Hogwarts. I really don't see why I can't go right now.
Mom says I can come out of my room now. I'll probably stop right here for now. I'll write later when I get in trouble again.