Oliver Harris

Oliver Harris

OOC First Name
Name: Oliver Demian Harris
Nickname: Occasionally called "Olly" by friends
Age: 10

Basic Appearance

Oliver has bright silver eyes and dirty blonde hair.
He is average height and average weight.
He has a birthmark on his chest that no one but family know about.


Oliver has a pleasant nature, he values friendship above almost everything else. He loves reading and flying, whether that flight be on a broom or a creature. He has a slight fascination about muggle technology, especially watches. He dislikes the feeling of metal against his skin, heights, the ocean and fish. His fears are of heights, the ocean and fish, especially gold fish.


His mother is named Gloria Harris. She's an article writer and loves cooking

His father is known as Tom Harris, or Mr T. Harris. He works with dragons abroad, but tries to spend as much time as possible with his son.

His sister is called Alexandria "Alex" Harris. She is Oliver's twin.

I know I'm missing quite a lot, so, question would be more than welcome.
Hey, just some questions for you :)
Is Gloria Harris a witch?
Gold fish are a weird thing to be afraid of. Why do you think he's afraid of them? What does Oliver do when he encounters a gold fish?
What type of birthmark does Oliver have? Is there a reason why not many people know about it?
Is Oliver going to Hogwarts? If so, what house does he want to be in, and why?
What was his reaction when he got his acceptance letter?
What is Oliver's favourite thing to do?
Does Oliver prefer sweets or savories? :)
Yay! Questions! :D

Gloria is a witch.
He believes that a gold fish tried to eat him when he was younger. It was about 2 cm long, managed to jump out of the fish tank and landed on him. He was about 6 years old at the time. And, when he sees them, he freaks out. And sometimes screams like a girl.
It kind of resembles a heart that is broken in half. No one sees it because he is kind of embarrassed by it.
He is going to Hogwarts. And, he wants to be in any house except Slytherin, as he's heard bad things about Slytherins.
He passed out from shock at getting his letter. He knew he was getting it, but it still surprised him. Other than shock, he was over-joyed. But also nervous at the prospect of a new school.
Favorite thing to do... Depends on his mood. Usually he'll read unless there's a set of swings near by. He loves swings.
And, SWEETS!!!!!! :D

Thanks you for the questions! Muchly appreciated. :D
Haha, awesome :) Hope to get to role play with your character!
I have a few more :D
Where does Oliver come from? If not from New Zealand, what made them move to New Zealand?
What are some of Oliver's strengths and weaknesses? -Physical and Mental.
Describe your character in three words.
Does Oliver know what he wants to do in the future?
What would Oliver's boggart be? His patronus memory?
What would Oliver see when he looks into the Mirror of Erised?
He's from Scotland. A little village known as Braidwood. And he moved to New Zealand as his mother got offered a job.
His physical strength is pretty poor, but he can run long distances. He is bad at making people feel better, but is actually a good listener. He also gives good advice when it's really needed. Though, he doesn't seem to ever listen to his own advice.
Three words... Caring, Unique, Random.
He has no idea what he wants for his future. He just wants to go with the flow for now.
Boggart would be without a doubt, a gold fish. His patronus memory his seventh birthday as it's the only birthday where his whole family were together and getting along.
He would see himself in a meadow with a broomstick in his hand and his father beside him and both of them smiling.

Thanks for even more questions. :D (Smiley face that is)

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