Oliver Cade Halliwell

Oliver Cade Halliwell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 Inch Unyielding Pear Wand with Boomslang venom Core

Full Name: Oliver Cade Halliwell
Nicknames: Olly
Gender: Male
Birthday: September 18th 2015
Age: 24
Blood Type: O+
Blood Status: Half Blood
Languages Spoken: English
Heritage: English
Wand: Curly 10 Inch Unyielding Pear Wand with Boomslang venom Core
Broom: Nimbus 2001
Occupation: Quidditch Player
Affiliation: Tutshill Tornadoes and England Quidditch.


Hair: Short and trimmed brown hair.
Eyes: Brown.
Height: 6ft
Build: Athletic
Scars: None
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None


Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Food: Jacket potatoes
Favourite Season: Winter
Favourite Month: July
Favourite Holiday: Christmas
Favourite Country: England
Favourite Animal: Owl
Favourite Number: 1
Favourite Sport: Quidditch
Favourite Place to be: On a Quidditch pitch

A Bit Deeper|A Bit Deeper|A Bit Deeper

Likes: Quidditch, Running, Reading
Dislikes: Muggle sports, laziness, beaches
Erised: Winning the world cup with England
Boggart: Seeing his father's dead body
Dementor: Finding out his father was dead
Patronus Memory: His dad teaching him to fly
Patronus Form: Lion
Animagus: N/A
Strengths: Flying, duelling, mixing potions, Transfiguration
Weaknesses: Defensive magic, talkative.
Goals: To become a quality Quidditch player.


Sexual Orientation: Straight
Crushes: Kiara Tine Oliver had a crush on Kiara while at school, the two ended up being friends and continue to touch base every now and again.
Relationship Status: Single
How Long for: N/A
Feelings: N/A
Past Relationships: None
Past Flings: None
Innocence: Oliver lost his innocent the summer between sixth and seventh year with a muggle friend he'd known all his life, the same girl he shared his first kiss with.
First Kiss: With his muggle friend from home.
Aphrodisiacs: Chocolate, fruity perfume.
Turn Ons: Intelligence, Sportiness, outspoken behaviour.
Turn Offs: Arrogance, poor hygiene, laziness.
Ideal Man/Women: Oliver's ideal woman is an intelligent, ambitious women who can be outspoken and isn't afraid to stand up for herself. He also likes girls who are sporty or at least have an interest in sport.
Thoughts on Romance: Oliver has always thought of himself as romantic, although he hasn't had much chance to show how romantic he is.


School Attended: Hogwarts New Zealand
Titles: Prefect
Graduation: 2034
Best Subject: Transfiguration
Favourite Class: Potions
Worst Subject: Herbology
Least Favourite Class: Herbology
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<COLOR color="mediumblue"><SIZE size="50">Family|Family|Family​

Birth Parents: James Halliwell: Father. James was a muggle police officer. His father was killed in the line of duty.

Kira Halliwell: Mother. Kira is a witch who originally worked for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement in London, England before transferring to the same department in Canberra, Australia. She never really recovered from the death of her husband and moved to Australia to remove herself from everyday memories of him.

Pet: Salem: A black American short haired cat. Accompanied Oliver during his seven years at Hogwarts. Deceased

Birthplace: London, England

Current Residence: Tutshill, England

History: Oliver was born and raised in London to a magical mother and a muggle father. His father was a police officer and his mother worked for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement of the British Ministry of Magic. Oliver always assumed that it was their similar line of work that attracted them to each other. When Oliver was six his father was killed on duty and it was something his mother never really got over.

When the opportunity arose, Oliver's mother accepted a position with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement with the Australian Ministry of Magic which saw she and Oliver moving to Canberra. The move was an attempt to remove themselves from the memories of Oliver's father. Oliver was reluctant at first to move and did not enjoy his new environment at first. A few months after he moved he made friends with a muggle girl that lived across the street. The girl would grow to become his best friend, a friendship that would continue even during his Hogwarts years and she would share major milestones with Oliver as he grew up.

When Oliver arrived at Hogwarts he was sorted into Ravenclaw and quickly showed an aptitude for Transfiguration and Potions. Oliver also played various positions with the house Quidditch pitch, disappointingly however he never played his preferred position of Keeper. During his time at Hogwarts he formed a friendship with a Slytherin girl, Kiara Tine. Oliver developed feelings for her over time but a relationship never formed and they instead become good friends, a friendship they continued after graduation despite living in different countries. In Oliver's fifth year he was appointed as a Prefect.

After graduating from Hogwarts Oliver moved back to England and joined the Tutshill tornadoes, initially as an alternate Keeper but was quickly risen to become the regular Keeper. After his first full season with the Tornadoes he was called up to the England team. After four years with the Tornadoes, Oliver left the team after a dramatic dip in form in his last season. At a loss with what to do with his life following his disastrous run of form in his Quidditch career Oliver decided to travel the world, starting with a trip back to New Zealand before spending a few months in Australia and from there wherever he ended up.

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