Olive Layton

Olive Layton

popcorn mate; nuggets mom; ten♡felix; mauled
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Swishy Oak Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
5/2020 (30)

O L I V E . M A E . L A Y T O N

- - r e a c h o u t b e f o r e i t f a d e s a w a y - -

E N E R G E T I C . F I E S T Y . T A L K A T I V E . I M P U L S I V E . E M P A T H E T I C

Olive Mae Layton
May 25th 2020
Sept 30th 2050

Muggle Born
New Zealand

Gryffindor (Prefect)
Ariana Layton
Clement Layton
Leda Layton

Gryffindor Seeker
Amortentia and Felix

Nugget (Black Cat)
[Table of Contents]

🍿 General Information.
🍿 Relationships.
🍿 Personality.
🍿 Appearance.
🍿 Education.
🍿 Interview.
🍿 Inventory.
🍿 Childhood.
🍿 At School.
🍿 Adulthood.

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[Name Details]
[Name Etymology]​
Olive Evolution of the older and now unused Oliva, which was taken from the Latin oliva (a tree of the olive family). A branch from the olive tree has long been regarded as a symbol for peace.
Mae In Roman mythology Maia: (source of the month May) was goddess of spring growth. Olive was born in May.
Layton The name Layton is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Layton is: Herb garden. From the meadow farm. A surname and place name.
Liv Before her younger sister Leda could correctly pronounce her name, she would call her this.
[Birth Name]​
Olive Mae Layton

[Date of Birth]​
May 25th 2020
Arizona, USA
Olive was born to Ariana and Clement Layton in the early hours of the day. There were no complications during the birth, although it had been expected during scans that Olive was male, and it wasn't until she was born that they realised the doctors had made a mistake. She was going to be named Oliver but they changed this to be more suitable.
[Blood Status]​
Muggle Born.


Ariana Layton 19 years older than Olive. Muggle. Ariana is the daughter of Lori and Grant Layton, and granddaughter of Christopher Layton. Christopher moved his family from England in 1970 in order to pursue a business in the Real Estate. Christopher's brother, Richard Layton, is the grandfather to Monty Pendleton. Ariana was the third generation to receive the family business, but unfortunately it was dissolved in 2033. Ariana is predominantly of American decent.
Clement Layton ne Cobble**** 20 years older than Olive. Muggle. Clement grew up in Arizona, and is the son of Aberdine and Harry Cobble****, and is of Scottish and English decent respectively. Clement passed away in 2047 due to illness.
Leda Lori Layton Leda is the Olive's younger sister, who was born when Olive was twelve years old. Leda is also a muggle born.
West Alexander King Olive began dating West when she was twenty eight years old. The pair had an unplanned child together and decided to work as a team to raise her. West proposed to Olive in January 2050, moment before Olive revealed they were due to have a second child.
Amortentia Autumn Layton-King AKA. Ten. Ten was born on the 22nd August 2049 in hospital.
Wendall Rupert Layton Son of Ariana's sister, Beth, Wendall was raised by a single parent in a strict household. Olive didn't get to know Wendall properly until he was due to attend Hogwarts, where she looked after him in New Zealand before he joined the school, and came home during the holidays.
[Distant Cousin]
Monty Pendleton While Olive was a professor at Hogwarts, Monty had concerns that Olive's Layton family tree, matched those by the name of his own ancestors (as he once went by the name of Richard Layton) and it was revealed that they are connected and thereby distant cousins.
Nugget Nugget is Olive's black cat that she adopted in 2041. Olive strongly believes that cats are the best animals as they're smart and independent creatures, and she decided to get a cat while living at her parents to help her focus on something more positive.
[Current Location]
New Zealand 1st September 2045 - Present
[Previous Locations]
Arizona, USA May 20th 2020 - 31st August 2045
50% American, 25% English, 25% Scottish
American English
Yes indeedo
13 and a half inches
Phoenix Tail
[Colleagues & Classmates]
[Current Occupation]​
[Previous Occupation]​
Hogwarts New Zealand Potions Professor Years 5-7
[Boss at Hogwarts]​
Professor Katherine Alicastell
[Feelings about Previous Boss]​
Olive hasn't had much of an opportunity yet to get to know Katherine more than the Headmistress of the school, however what she has seen of her she finds inspiring. Olive thinks that she is very confident both around children and adults, and can remain calm under pressure.
Olive struggles with making friends, as she often doesn't trust their true motives. She's had a number throughout her life but none have stuck around longer than a few years. She isn't in contact with those she went to school with, and considers her current colleagues to be her friends.
[Relationship with friends]​
As a young teenager, Olive was the daughter of wealthy parents and often spoilt. As a result her friend groups comprised of similar children, and maybe believed that money was the answer to popularity. Once Olive's parents lost their business, Olive lost her financial security and also her friends that no longer considered her to be a benefit to the group. In her later teen years, she often kept herself closed off due to a breakdown of failed friendships and relationships. It wasn't until Olive was twenty one that she began to start meeting new people, and while she doesn't consider anyone outside of Hogwarts a true friend, she's grateful that she was able to meet them.
[Best Friends]​
Olive's current best friends include Professor Jonathan Phillips and Professor Monty Pendleton.
[Sex & Intimacy]
[Sexual Orientation]​
Olive would consider herself to be heterosexual.
[First Kiss]​
Olive's first kiss was with her first boyfriend when she was twelve years old. The pair had been together a couple of weeks, and the relationship quickly broke down around the same time as the family business dissolved.
[First Love]​
Olive believes the first time she was in love has been with her current fiance, West.
[First Time]​
Olive's first time was with a long term boyfriend when she was seventeen, although looking back she realises that this was a bad relationship for her and despite the pair being together for almost a year, Olive wishes she had waited until she was older and in a better place emotionally.
[Opinion on romantic relationships]​
Her opinion on romantic relationships is that if it has to be forced then it's quite clearly not right. She has had two long term relationships and a brief encounter at a party, and believes that if something is going to happen in the future it will occur naturally. She would like to one day get married, although she is currently unsure as to whether she would ever want to take her future husbands name.
[Further Information]
[Star Sign]​
Taurus is an Earth sign, just like Virgo and Capricorn, and has the ability to see things from a grounded, practical and realistic perspective. They find it easy to make money and stay on same projects for years, or until they are completed. What we often see as stubbornness can be interpreted as commitment, and their ability to complete tasks whatever it takes is uncanny. This makes them excellent employees, great long-term friends and partners, always being there for people they love. Earthly note makes them overprotective, conservative, or materialistic at times, with views of the world founded on their love of money and wealth
Green, Pink
Friday, Monday
[Lucky Numbers]​
2, 6, 9, 12, 24
[Chinese Zodiac Sign]​
People born in the Year of the Rat are instinctive, acute and alert in nature which makes them to be brilliant businessmen. They can always react properly before the worst circumstances take place. They are also sophisticated and popular in social interaction. They are sanguine and very adaptable, being popular with others.
[Lucky Colours]​
Gold, Blue, Green
[Signature & Handwriting]​
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Name: Ariana Layton
Met: May 11th 2020
Born: Januart 22nd 2001
School: N/A
Blood Status:Muggle
Marital Status:Married
Relation: Mother</COLOR>

[th colspan="5"]Immediate Family[/th]



Name: Clement Layton
Met: May 11th 2020
Born: November 16th 2000
School: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married
Relation: Father



Name: Leda Layton
Met: February 2033
Born: February 2022
School: S - Hogwarts NZ '44
Blood Status:Muggle Born
Marital Status: Single
Relation: Sister



Name: NA
Met: -
Born: -
School: - -
Blood Status: -
Martial Status: -
Roleplayer: -



Name: NA
Met: -
Born: -
School: - -
Blood Status: -
Martial Status: -
Roleplayer: -





Name: Jonathan Phillips
Met: December 31st 2044
Born: August 22nd 2016
School: Beauxbatons '28
Blood Status: Half Blood
Marital Status: Single
Roleplayer: Annaleise

[th colspan="5"] Friends[/th]



Name: Monty Pendleton
Met: September 1st 2045
Born: January 2nd 1999
School: R - Hogwarts S '10
Blood Status:Muggle Born
Marital Status: Single
Roleplayer: Claire



Name: Ryder Warrick
Met: September 6th 2045
Born: January 5th 2023
School: H - Hogwarts S '35
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Martial Status: Married
Roleplayer: Dan



Name: NA
Met: -
Born: -
School: - -
Blood Status: -
Martial Status: -
Roleplayer: -



Name: NA
Met: -
Born: -
School: - -
Blood Status: -
Martial Status: -
Roleplayer:<COLOR color="midnightblue"> -






[Personality Explained]
[Energetic] (Adjective) showing or involving great activity or vitality..
Even from a young age, Olive has always had a lot of energy. While she does consider herself to be an introvert and will often tire quickly, she does get overly excited in many situations, and is one of the traits that she's passed on to her sister. Growing up she would often add additional enthusiasm into her stories, to make sure they were interesting to listen to, and would make Olive feel as though she had something worth telling. It is said that if Olive is ever quiet, it means that she is either asleep, content with a comfortable silence, or she is doubting whether she is being received well by others.
[Feisty] (Adjective) lively, determined, and courageous.
Although the reasoning behind her courage has changed over her lifetime, it has remained a strong factor of her personality. As an adult, Olive enjoys trying to break down boundaries set by both herself and others, and bring people together despite any differences. She has first hand experience of
[Talkative] (Adjective) fond of or given to talking..
[Impulsive] (Adjective) acting or done without forethought..
[Empathetic] (Adjective) showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another..

TBC    TBC    TBC    TBC    TBC 

[Strengths Explained]
[TBC] (Adjective) .
[TBC] (Adjective) .
[TBC] (Adjective) .
[TBC] (Adjective) .
[TBC] (Adjective) .

TBC    TBC    TBC    TBC    TBC 

[Weaknesses Explained]
[TBC] (Adjective) .
[TBC] (Adjective) .
[TBC] (Adjective) .
[TBC] (Adjective) .
[TBC] (Adjective) .

F A V O U R I T E   C O L O U R
F A V O U R I T E   N U M B E R
F A V O U R I T E   W E A T H E R
If I have to be in it, sunshine.
F A V O U R I T E   S E A S O N
F A V O U R I T E   H O L I D A Y
F A V O U R I T E   A N I M A L
F A V O U R I T E   S M E L L
Ginger or cooking pizzaaaa
F A V O U R I T E   F O O D
F A V O U R I T E   D R I N K
Coffee.. or wine.
[th colspan="2"] Likes & Dislikes[/th] [td]
<COLOR color="midnightblue">L E A S T   F A V O U R I T E   C O L O U R
L E A S T   F A V O U R I T E   N U M B E R
L E A S T   F A V O U R I T E   W E A T H E R
L E A S T   F A V O U R I T E   S E A S O N
Winter is a love hate.
L E A S T   F A V O U R I T E   H O L I D A Y
Who doesn't love a holiday?
L E A S T   F A V O U R I T E   A N I M A L
Bugs and Flies.
L E A S T   F A V O U R I T E  S M E L L
Sweaty public transport.
L E A S T   F A V O U R I T E   F O O D
L E A S T   F A V O U R I T E   D R I N K
Green Tea​
[Traits & Idiosyncrasies]
[Optimist or Pessimist?]
[Introvert or Extrovert?]
[Cautious or Rash?]
[Logical or Emotional?]
[Disorderly or Neat?]
[Work or Play?]
[Confident or Unsure?]
[Night Owl or Early Bird?]
[Book Smart or Street Smart?]
[Animal Lover?]
[Right or Left handed?]

[Lifetime Goals]
[Biggest Fears]
[Musical Tastes]

[Social Presence]

5 foot and 5 inches
Olive is of a slim build
She has a few light scars here and there, although no memory of where the majority came from. She doesn't have any that are particularly noticeable.
[Distinguishing features]
Olive has light freckles which are noticeable when she's not wearing make up, and slight dimples.
Emma Stone


[Natural Colour]
Red, which she inherited from her grandmother on her fathers side.
Olive's hair is naturally slightly wavy, but she likes to keep it at a length between her chin and shoulders. If she is working sometimes she will wear it in a ponytail.
Her hair is an average density.
It is soft and slightly wavy.

[Aesthetic: Daily Attire]


[Daily / Casual Attire]
Olive will usually wear a blouse, or something simple that can be layered underneath a dress. She often at least one piece of red in her outfits.
She rarely wears trousers and much prefers dresses or skirts, but if she does it will usually be black or blue skinny jeans. She will also wear tights or leggings with her dresses.

[Dressing Down]

[Dressing Up]


[Academic Education]
[Schools Attended]

Oatfields School for Girls - September 5th 2024 - July 15th 2031 (Aged 4 - 11)
Hogwarts Scotland - September 1st 2031 - June 30th 2038 (Aged 11 - 18)

[At Hogwarts]
[Hogwarts House]
[Learned Credentials]
In her sixth year, Olive received her licence to be able to apparate in addition to her grades. She ended with the below NEWTs in her seventh year:
Charms - EE
Transfiguration - A
History of Magic - A
Potions - O
Herbology - O
Defence Against the Dark Arts - A
Ancient Runes - EE

[Corporeal Patronus]
White Swan - Those with the white Swan have a beautiful heart and are often sensitive. This can cause those with the white Swan to be easily hurt by people with ill intentions. Swan symbolises grace and beauty on many levels. It is associated with love, music, and poetry. In Roman mythology Swan was sacred to Venus, the goddess of love. In Greek tradition, this bird was often pictured singing to a lyre.
[Patronus Memory]
Olive memory to perform the Patronus charm is when she was twenty two, and she was out in the back garden at her parents house with Nugget. Simply being able to be herself and finding that she had more to give that she'd ever given herself previous credit for, Olive was the most content than she had been in years. She was learning to make the most of what she had and felt as though she had light at the end of a tunnel.
[Non-Magical Credentials]
As Olive had to bring up her sister, and they lived in a muggle environment, she has gained a few credentials from this time. Even though she doesn't enjoy to do so, Olive is very good at sewing as has had to make a number of amendments to clothing over the years. Additionally she obtained a licence to drive a car when she was eighteen, allowing her to transport her sister to and from school and saving her parents the trouble.

[Hogwarts New Zealand - Potions Professor]
[Reason for Career]
During her time at Hogwarts, Olive was unaware as to what she wanted to do when she graduated. This was partly due to the fact she was requested to look after her sister Leda when she returned home, as her parents were struggling taking care of another child at the time. Between the ages of eighteen and twenty four, Olive brought Leda up herself and would teach her things that she felt she would need to know from the muggle perspective, as it was unknown whether or not she would also be magical. She enjoyed helping her sister, but in her spare time she would pursue a topic that had been her favourite while at school - Potions. When she got the chance to, Olive would experiment at home creating new combinations of ingredients, and it gave her the escape she needed while stuck at home in America. When Leda joined Hogwarts, Olive was able to decide for the first time what she wanted to do with her life, and knowing that Potions had given her the most satisfaction, she decided to apply to teach others at the same school in New Zealand, and hope to spark her own students curiosities as much as it inspired her own.
[Olive's Office]
Directly below her Potions class, leading from a spiral staircase, is Olive's office and lounge. Upon entering the room you will find a desk on your right hand side, where she will often work and is filled with her personal notebooks. To the left is a small station, where she will experiment making her own Potions. This was something she enjoyed doing growing up and she continued to try and mix new ingredients to find something she can make. While she is working things tend to get a bit unorganised but Olive will not let this remained so for very long, as she prefers her environments to stay clear. In the centre of the room is a large rug, with various seats in front of the fireplace. Towards the end of the room are a number of chairs and tables within the alcoves of the windows. Despite being in the Dungeon, Olive wanted to use windows in her office. She had the windows from the fourth floor corridor enchanted to be reflected in the glass panes that are installed in her office, and as such will show the view as one would see from the fourth floor corridor. As these are just the reflected images, the windows do not open, but they do cast enough light to allowed the room to feel as though it's not underground.
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Posted 25th May 2046, 10:51am
By Coppellia Sauky

Today we speak to Professor Layton, a Hogwarts New Zealand Potions Professor. Born in America, and with a background in Scotland, we were keen to find out more!
[What is your real name, birth name, and the name you use most often?]
"Hi! My name is Olive. Olive Mae Layton. The only time I think I don't go by Olive is by my students, and, even then it's iffy."
[Do you have a nickname? What is it, and where you get it?]
"Erm, not really. I don't think so. My sister used to call me Liv because she was too small to get my name right. I'm quite grateful I've managed not to get myself a nickname just yet."
[What do you look like? Be as descriptive as possible]
"I have red hair! That's usually the first thing people notice. Green eyes. I am five feet five inches tall, although I do wear heels most of the time so you can tell everyone I'm five foot nine with some accuracy. Sometimes I look like a woman that's had way too much fun in a Crayola factory."
[How do you dress most of the time?]
"I wear a lot of skirts. A lot of dresses. Most things floaty. If I'm not in my pajamas and binge watching a show over the course of a week, I will probably dress quite smart. And in red obviously. Why not."
[How do you "Dress up"?]
"I have a few dresses that I only use on special occasions. Apart of that nothing really changes too much from my outfits I wear around the Hogwarts."
[How do you "Dress down"?]
"Pajamas. The nice soft fluffy ones with the thick lining like you're cuddling a sheep, the best thing. The best thing. Although don't ever buy them in white if you own a black cat." -She shrugs-
[What do you wear when you go to sleep?]
"Still.. pajamas.. yeah" -Olive laughs nervously-
[Do you wear any jewellery?]
"Yeah I mean who doesn't? There's nothing I wear religiously but I own rings and necklaces, mostly cat themed though."</COLOR>

"Sometimes I look like a woman that's had way too much fun in a Crayola factory."

[In your opinion, what is your best feature?]
"My best feature. It's probably my teeth. I had a lot of work done on them growing up and I wear lipstick most days. I've been through that phase of having no confidence so now I'm just really happy with them."
[What's your real birth date?]
"My real birth date as opposed to my fake one? It's the 11th of May, 2020."
[Where do you live? Describe it: Is it messy, neat, avant-garde etc?]
"I've actually just purchased my very first house. I was living at my parents home in America unless I started as a Professor, but I've bought a flat now in New Zealand for Leda and I. It's quite small, but it's really tidy and I love that. It's a sort of mix between being cosy and organised. Monty would hate it."
[What is your most prized mundane possesion?]
"Probably my pestle and mortar. Only because I've had it since I was fourteen. I stole it from my Potions professor in Scotland who never found out who took it, but he was an amazing Professor and partly the reason why I pursued the subject. I keep it in my office now and I'm just really hoping no one steals that from me."
[What one word best describes you?]
"I'm going to be really cliche here and say brave. It's not something I've always been but it's a trait I really admire. I think that yeah, if I'm looking back on the things that I've achieved, I could say I'm quite brave."
[What was your family like?]
"Well my parents are muggles. They work really hard at home and are always trying to get new projects to float. And of course there's my sister Leda, who, is very creative, very imaginative, and I think she has the potential to really push herself and achieve whatever it is she wants to."
[What is your first memory?]
"I don't know if this even happened or if it was a dream, but if it was I was about two I suppose, and everyone at the orphanage was having our nap time. I was lying on this fold out bed thing in the dark room with everyone and the guardians were sat between each bed keeping us company."
[What was your favourite toy?]
"I don't think I had any toys. I was much more of the kind of kid who would play with dirt than toys!"
[What was your favourite game?]
"I loved hide and seek, but I did cheat a bit. I would morph into a member of staff so the seeker would just get so confused. I managed to keep that up for a few years before they finally caught on to why I always won."
[Who was your best friend when you were growing up?]
"Riley! Oh I love her. We met when we were really young since she was at the orphanage too, but she's attending Hogwarts in Scotland. We still write to each other though, and I'm going to be visiting her at Christmas!"
[What is your fondest childhood memory?]
"Riley and I, we made a treehouse at the end of the yard, and it was just our place and it was really good to have somewhere to go. It was great to just be outside "
[What is your worst childhood memory?]
"When I was eight, one the boys insulted Riley and locked her in a cupboard. So I punched him. The worst part was trying to defend myself though, because I thought I was in the right but none of the staff believed me."
[What hobbies do you have?]
"I love to go running, I try and jog early in the morning every day. And Quidditch too. One day I want to be on the Hufflepuff team, it would be so good to play with and against my friends."
[Who is your worst enemy? Describe them and why you don't get along.]
"I don't really have any enemies but I guess I have one person that I really don't get on with. She was really mean to one of my best friends and I just can't stand her. She doesn't care about anyone but herself."
[What annoys you more than anything else?]
"Basically that. People who are really selfish and can't see further than what's in front of them."

[What would be the perfect gift for you?]
"Oh I'd love anything that is related to Hufflepuff. Or Law. Or Nature. I'm really easily pleased I think"
[What's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?]
"The sight of Phoebe Holland's face when I scared her at Halloween last year was pretty amazing. That or the cake Riley made for my tenth birthday. It had four different layers to do it and it sparkled, it was so great."
[What time of day is your favourite?]
"Early morning for sure. When no one else is awake and the day hasn't started yet. You can do whatever you want before anyone else has even woken up."
[What kind of weather is your favourite?]
"Everything thinks I'm strange when I say I hate summer but it's true! It's too hot and you can't do anything. I love rain, but only if it's that type of rain that isn't so light it just ruins your hair nor it's so strong you can't think straight. The sound of rain is really relaxing too."

"Present me with waffles and I'll be your best friend everyday"

[What is your favourite food? What is your least favourite food?]
"I love Strawberries and Waffles. I think it's just really simple and you can find it everywhere. Present me with waffles and I'll be your best friend everyday."
[What is your favourite drink?]
"Bubble Tea! I hate anything carbonated but I also really hate water. I think bubble tea, you can have so many flavours and it can be so interesting. I love peach and kiwi though."
[What's your favourite animal?]
"?Oh, I have no idea. I don't have any weird, attachment to animals. I mean sure they're cute but that's about as far as that goes."
[Do you have any pets? Do you want any? What kind?]
"Nope. I nearly bought a pet once, I got given some money for my eleventh birthday, but then I realised I properly couldn't look after it like I should."
[What do you find most relaxing?]
"Oh my god I love silence. I love people and I love noise and excitement but when it's super quiet. I love that. I love a lot of things aha."
[What habit that others have annoys you most?]
"I think when anyone promise someone something, and then they break that promise. I guess it's not really a habit but that's just not right. I'm not sure about a habit."
[What kind of things embarrass you? Why?]
"I guess sometimes I can act before I think, and then if it's pointed out to me that can be embarrassing. No one likes to realise they're in the wrong at the time, especially if it's brought up at the time."
[What don't you like about yourself?]
"Well, I wish I could be more forgiving. Everyone says that because I'm in Hufflepuff I'm meant to be really patience and fair but I hold on to grudges really tightly. I'd like to be able to let go a bit more."
[How would you like to look?]
Geo waves her hands down her body, indicating she's happy as she is.
[Would you consider yourself straight, gay, bi or something else?]
"I'm Omnisexual. Which is the same as Pansexual. I've just always been attracted to people that have really admirable qualities, regardless of their gender."
[Do you currently have a lover? Who?]
"No I don't. There's a few people I really like though, but I don't know if anything will ever happen."
[What is the perfect romantic date?]
She shrugs "I just like spending time with people I like"
[Describe the perfect romantic partner for you.]
"Well asides from the fact they would have something about them that is really admirable, like they're really charismatic or smart or they can seemingly effortlessly cause a room of students to consider things about themselves, I think they also have to have the same sense of humour as me, and be someone I can trust."

[Do you ever want to get married and have children?]
"One day yeah. I'd love a biological family of my own. I think family is what you make it to be, but I'd love to experience being blood related to someone."
[What is more important - Sex or Intimacy? Why?]
She laughs nervously "I have no idea"
[What was your most recent relationship like?]
"The last person I dated was Jessica Cade. She's one of my best friends here at Hogwarts. I love her but we are definitely more suited to staying friends."
[How old were you when you first got drunk? What was the experience like?]
"What! I've never been drunk, I'm thirteen."
[Do you drink on any kind of regular basis?]
[What one act in your past are you most ashamed of? What one act in your past are you most proud of?]
"I don't really want to say actually, you'd hate me. I guess I'm just proud of getting to where I am? Is that even something I can be proud of? That's more for the people who got me here, they're amazing."
[Have you ever been in an argument before? Over what, with who, and who won?]
"Yeah of course. I've been in a tonne. That's what happens when you live with a bunch of other kids. I'd like to say I always win but that's not true."
[Have you ever been in a physical fight before? Over what, with who, and who won?]
"Only a couple of times, though it was years ago so I don't really remember that well. I know I managed to crack the back of my head on a table but I'm not sure if that was during an argument or if I was just being clumsy."
[What do you feel most strongly about?]
"I think the way that people treat others is most important. Anyone who thinks it's okay to act on their thoughts that someone else is below them, that's just wrong. But then, you have that whole argument that if you question someone who's behaving like that, well you're essentially being hypocritical. It's really difficult. I try to help where I can."
[What do you pretend to feel strongly about, just to impress people?]
"Oh. I don't really pretend to like anything. If I don't like stuff that's fine. Everyone has something."
[What trait do you find most admirable, and how often do you find it?]
"Oh why would you even go here? There's so many good qualities in people, I can't pick just one. Again, everyone has something."
[Do you think the future is hopeful? Why?]
"Well I would like to think it is. I try to do my best and hope that I can be successful, and I hope that things continue to develop too for the magical world. I'd love to see more integration between muggles and wizards though."
[What's the worst thing that can be done to another person?]
"Kill them. To end a life is just unforgivable. Although if you're talking about controlling someone's life, if you were to manipulate them too that wouldn't be them acting through their own decisions, so that's bad too."
[What's the worst thing you could actually do to someone you hated?]
"I'm not sure I want to think about that."
[Are you a better leader or follower? What do you think that?]
"I don't know. Probably a leader? I'm too impatient to follow most people, and I think I'm too loud to just stand back and watch something happen, especially if I don't agree with it."
[What is your responsibility to the world, if any? Why do you think that?]

<SIZE size="150"><SIZE size="150"><COLOR color="#670205">"I'm too loud to just stand back and watch something happen, especially if I don't agree with it"

[Is it okay for you to cry? When was the last time you cried?]
"I think it's fine to cry. I'm more likely to just get pi**ed, sorry, angry, when I'm upset, but if crying is your thing then yeah it's fine."
[What do you think is wrong with most people, overall?]
Geo shrugs "People think of themselves too much? And they don't open up enough. If everyone communicated their thoughts a little more and considered other people's feelings then I think everyone would be better off."

Interview questions were created by Rich Taylor, and can be found right here, originally posted by Laura Cushing. Any edits are made by me, for the purpose of fitting into Hogwarts New Zealand's world



[Birth to Age Five]
Olive was born in the 11th May 2020, the day she was due. Her parents had been told at previous scans that they were to expect a boy, however upon Olive's birth the truth was revealed, and Oliver was renamed. Ariana and Clement were owners of a Real Estate business that had been handed down to Ariana when she had become of age, and a year later, she and Clement had married. Her parents had met at school in Arizona, and continued to date for four years until their marriage. Olive had not been a planned child, however the trio were able to financially support themselves with the profits of the Real Estate business.
Despite being busy working from home and running the business, Olive's parents made sure they had time to spend with their daughter, although it was quickly noted that she was a little more strange than the other children from the nursery. There was a few occasions when Olive was a few years old, that her parents would be contacted about her behaviour, although it was unexplainable as to how Olive was doing such things. One one occasion she was supposed to be painting in her class, however the mixture of paint was replaced with car oil, despite no one coming in or out of the room. Ariana and Clement were certain that they didn't want more children, as they were content with their current balance of work and family life, and Olive spent the first few years of her life being catered for as best as they could organise.
By the time she was four years old, the family had a large number of pets that would require constant attention. The Laytons however were wealthy enough to employ members of staff around the home, that would help out with the animals as well as guarding Olive, and keeping the house in order while they ran their errands.</COLOR>
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One of Olive's favourite things to do as a young child would be to spent time with the families collection rabbits. They had twelve in total, and she would often be found out in the garden with them. She preferred the smaller ones as she thought they were the cutest. Her parents paid attention to her love of animals, and experimented further in an attempt to broaden what she liked and find something she was passionate about, and for her fifth birthday she received her first pony, who would become to be one of her most treasured pets of the home.
In addition to their animals, Olive was also given dance and music lessons. She attended the Oakfield boarding school for Girls as it had been the school her mother had attended and offered a number of extra curriculum activities for their students, and Olive tried to get involved with Ballet and Tap and was introduced to the violin.
[Age Six to Eleven]
Olive managed to get to Grade 5 on the Violin before she decided she didn't want to learn it anymore, although she quickly picked up Piano lessons in its place. While at the boarding school, she often missed her family although it gave her a good chance to make new life time friends, however this didn't go according to plan. Although the school was primarily made up of students in a similar financial position as the Laytons, the children were often unkind and used their family influence over other students, and as a result Olive found it difficult to make friends that she could fully trust. She shared a dormitory with three other girls, and in the seven years she was at the school she became very close to them, her parents feeling alienated from their daughter whenever she would return home during the breaks in the semester. During the later years of her boarding school education, Olive would try to intimidate the younger students as she was led into believing that those who had more were of more importance.
On her eleventh birthday, she was at the family home when she received a letter from Hogwarts Scotland. Her parents were unaware that there had been a chance she had magical blood in her veins, and it took them a few months to come to terms with the fact their dreams for their daughter wouldn't be the one they had initially desired. Ariana wanted Olive to pursue the family business once she was seventeen, however unable to stop Olive making her own decisions, she was allowed to travel to Scotland, the home country of her father, to experience magic for the first time. Olive had known that there was something different about her to other children, and if there was a school that would be able to cater to her abilities then she would need to take it. Her initial reaction to finding out that she was a witch however was disappointment, as she felt as though something was wrong with her and she would be letting her parents down if she were to pursue it.
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[First Year]
On the 1st of September, Olive started her education at Hogwarts Scotland, where she was sorted into Gryffindor. With no previous knowledge of magic, she was unaware as to what this meant, and everything she was facing was new. Feeling as though she was out of place, and a disappointment to her family, Olive had put defences that would be there to intimidate the other students. She would often tease and make fun of the others in her house and classes, unable to accept that she was a part of this new strange world. Her parents would write to her frequently asking her to return home, and while she felt most days that it would be much easier to, she wanted to find out what exactly she was able to do before she left. She found Potions and Quidditch to be among her favourite subjects, as it felt like something she could enjoy rather than something she needed to work too hard at. Although Olive made friends during this first year, she saw them more as a competition that would be better to have close to her, rather than people she would actually open up to. She was not a particularly good student academically, only getting average grades across the board, although she knew she would always have the family business to fall back on once she was finished at Hogwarts. Towards the end of her first year, Olive found out that she would be getting a younger brother or sister, and while she felt indifferent towards this fact she didn't feel as guilty for leaving her parents in America.
[Second Year]
During November of Olive's second year however, the family business collapsed. Ariana and Clement were responsible for leading it towards success, however failed to take the necessary steps to do so. They would often let the profits roll in and not strive to keep their processes up to date, and despite a slow decline of activity they failed to notice that they were in danger until it was already upon them. Despite not yet being directly related to the business, Olive felt a sense of betrayal at their neglect, as it was to have been her security blanket when she was an adult. Feeling as though she'd had the wind knocked out of her, Olive tried to focus on her work at Hogwarts more than she had during her first year, although she continued to push anyone who tried to be friends with her away, afraid now that they would believe her family reputation had been tainted and she didn't stand a chance of befriending anyone who would take her seriously. On February 29th, at twelve years old, Olive became a big sister to Leda Layton. Her parents didn't want another child and so this was an issue enough, but with the failure of the business on their tails, they found it particularly difficult to come to terms with the addition of another family member. With no other prospects to fall back on, and no longer able to afford the lifestyle they'd always had, the Laytons moved house and Clement took a full time position at a News Station. During this time Olive felt as though Hogwarts was the only thing around her that she could be certain of, and that wasn't about to change too, and she ended the year with the best track record of grades that she had, or ever would have.
[Third and Fourth Year]

[Fifth and Sixth Year]

[Seventh Year]
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Age 17 - 21

Age 21 - 25

Age 25 +

Graduation 2046With Various
Exceeded ExpectationsWith West King and Asphodel King
Cheap EntertainmentWith Asphodel King and Dittany Belrose
Just one moreWith Lily Cliffeton
The perfect place for the Potions professorWith Dallas Paterson
A fresh closetWith Rose Thornhill
Broken BarriersWith Professor Monty Pendleton
Imperfect ImpressionsWith Professor Bryce Chamberline
Don't forget yourselfWith Leda Layton
VeritaserumWith Professor Monty Pendleton
A step too far in the danceWith Professor Cyndi Kingsley and Octavian Vetrov
A surreal EventWith Octavian Vetrov, Alessio Benivieni and Celebi Kovalenko
The standsWith Professor Monty Pendleton and Professor Matt Ward
Pink for Professor PhillipsWith Professor Jonathon Phillips and Wendy Bell
Rose for Professor LaytonWith Professor Jonathon Phillips and Tomas Wode
Pride Event 2046With Various
It's one to rememberWith Professor Bryce Chamberline, Professor Monty Pendleton, Professor Bella Matthias and Nixon Mercury
Relax and ReflectWith Professor Jonathon Phillips and Professor Ryder Warrick
How do you like your popcorn?With Professor Jonathon Phillips
Let it snowWith Professor Monty Pendleton, Professor Jonathon Phillips, Professor Cyndi Kingsley and Professor Ryder Warrick
Curious ChildrenWith Amelie Marchand, Memphis Hart and Arcturus Rabson
A Fresh ExperimentWith Professor Ryder Warrick
Coincidence or Not?With Professor Monty Pendleton
Professor Meeting 2045With Various
Loafing AroundWith Dominic Corelli and Mireya Sepulveda
[th colspan="2"]Year 30 (Newest at the top)[/th]

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