Old Friend

Teddy Cameron

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Teddy lay back and listened to the sound of the water hitting the side of the lake. There was a small breeze but nothing too strong and it was very hot. Hot enough for him to have his shirt off, though he did that most days anyway. Teddy had become quite the flirt with the ladies. The past few days flew through his mind, meeting Angela again and then running into Skyle. Now there was an interesting topic for Teddy to think of. Skyle. He practically loved her already.

Teddy sat up, trying to avoid those thoughts. He didn't want to love anyone. He thought he loved Immy and that finished, he had maybe loved Angela and look how badly that went down, now Skyle. She was beautiful though, he couldn't get her out of his mind. He tried shaking his head and only ended up dizzy and back on the ground again. Teddy sighed and closed his eyes untiil he felt a shadow fall over him. He opened his eyes and looked up at a familiar face. "Hi there Shaylah."
Shaylah walked slowly through the school grounds. She could feel the boiling sun beating down onto her but she completely ignored it. She walked straight towards the lake where she would be able to climb a tree and relax in the shade. At least then she'd have a chance to think her mind through. It was just a giant mess at the moment and she had no idea what was happening inside her head.

Shaylah saw someone led on the floor and thought she recognised them. She took a few steps towards them to see if she was right and realised that she was. A smile grew across her face as she ran over to him. She stood next to him with her arms crossed over her chest and then he said hi. "And, what exactly do you think you're doing here??" Last Shaylah knew, he had left the school and he wasn't coming back and yet here he was.
Teddy laughed, she was still as blunt as ever. Then again, he hadn't rally expected her to change. Shaylah was tough, it would take something major to change her. "Why I'm sunbathing, how about you?" He knew exactly what she had meant but he couldn't resist toying with her just a little bit. He wondered how she would react to his change, he was pretty sure she liked him because he had beaten someone up or someething along those lines. Something he wouldn't do any more.
Shaylah rolled her eyes. Teddy seemed slightly different than he was before. She wondered what it was about him that made him seem different. "You know what I mean. What are you doing here in HNZ??" Shay didn't like the fact that he was messing with her. It just made her get annoyed with him really. She sat down next to him and leant back on her hands.

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