Okay, Maybe I Lied A Little Bit

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Sophia Turner

OOC First Name
Hey there. I know I said I was going to focus on my Boys but these lovely ladies kept popping into my head demanding I made them.
So here they are;


Sophia is a 32 year older woman (Hopefully a healer soon). She is very caring and sweet and maternal. She will happily help someone in need or take someone into her family that needs it. She grew up in England but moved to New Zealand after she couldn't deal with the amount of harassment she was getting because of her teenage pregnancy. She is in no romantic relationship because of the actions of her boyfriend-at-the-time when she was pregnant and it would probably take a lot for her to trust someone enough to be in a relationship with someone again.
She is requiring friends and maybe someone to be in a relationship with but they would have to be very nice and it would take a long time. Also, if any characters need help or a place to stay, she is always happy to provide.


Natalya is Sophia's daughter. She is 15 years old and a student at Durmstrang. She takes after her mother in that she is very nice to people and is always happy to help them but she also focuses on things like fashion and appearance. She isn't afraid to rebel a little and loves to have fun. She is in no way a pushover and will rip someone to shreds if they cross her or someone she cares about.
She really needs anything and everything.​
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