Oh that's high.

Elio Zephyr

finders keepers + I found you 💫
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Killian <3
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Whippy Elm Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
1/2035 (29)
Elio had been in the school for less than three hours, and he thought he'd already seen so much of the school. Of course he'd never see it all so fast, but with the excitement brewing the Gryffindor had been running up and down the corridors, trying to take in the magnitude of the place he could now call his home. With a wheezy breath he finally made it to the North Tower. Now he'd certainly be able to say he'd been on every single floor. How many others could do that? Despite not being able to breath, he walked limply across to the window, the horizon beckoning him as he peered outside, and looking down he suddenly felt a waves of nausea hit him. He'd never been this high up. Back in Amsterdam he lived with his family on the ground floor, never had any reason to go very high. From the towers of Hogwarts though it was a different story, and the brunette took a few steps back, trying to catch hold of his breathing.
Avaria had gone up the wrong tower. It was that simple. She was a bit embarrassed by it, but there was no helping it. Her dorm was not up here. She was on her way back down, tired from all the stairs, when she saw a brunette take a few steps back from the window. She smiled and skipped over to him. "Hi!" She greeted as she neared. "Are you looking for the Ravenclaw Common Room too?" She gave a chipper grin, holding out her hand before he could respond. "Avaria Lockwood."
"The common room for Ravenclaw is up here?!" Elio looked up surprise, shocked that everyday poor poor students were going to have the make the trudge to the death tower. The Gryffindor pushed down the feelings of his sickness, a smile appearing on his face. "Zephyr. Elio Zephyr," he replied, taking her hand and giving it a small shake. Very formal. "Gryffindor is my house but I'm just looking around. This school is amazing." He grinned, showing off his pearly whites, his voice coming out in with a dutch accent. He was glad to already be meeting new students, and those who would be in his class.
Avaria let out a giggle. "Oh no, I came up the wrong tower. I think I missed the right staircase. Ravenclaw is in a tower though." He shook her hand then, rather formally, and introduced himself.

"So do I call you Elio or Zephyr?" She asked once he had finished speaking. "You're a Gryffindor? That's cool!" She continued in response.

"The castle is very pretty, I can't wait to paint my favorite places to send home to Papa," she babbled, grinning widely as she gestured grandly at the castle around them. "I bet this place holds lots of secrets."
Thank god I didn't get Ravenclaw, he thought with the idea of spending the majority of his free time in a tower. It was horrific. "Oh, well maybe you'll get lucky and an elf will find you," he grinned, knowing just how useless he was going to be with directions to her common room. "Either." The Gryffindor shrugged, he didn't really care what they called him so long as it wasn't idiot. "It is?" he asked. Elio hadn't really given his house too much thought, happy enough to just be here in the first place. "I bet. I don't think you could get a school this big and this old without them. Do you always paint places?" he asked, moving across to one of the railings that overlooked the lower floors. There was no way he was peering over the edge, but he made a pose, leaning against it dramatically. "Just in case you need a little extra material? Help give it perspective?" he asked, knowing he would have made a fabulous model if he'd been a muggle.
Avaria smiled. This guy was fun. "I hope so, or I pick the right stairs." He looked more like a Zephyr, so she chose it as his name without another thought. She began looking around again, her blue eyes sparkling. She was about to answer his question when he spoke again. She turned her eyes back to him and burst out laughing. She clapped her hands together delightedly and began to circle him. "You look awesome!" She complimented him, before picking the right angle. She reached into her bag and pulled out a camera her papa had given her. He said it would work at school so she would have to take lots of pictures.

"Say cheese!" She laughed as she snapped the shot. There was no way she wasn't going to paint this. She would have to practice with painting people, but once she could make a really really good one she would give it to Zephyr as a present. Like a memory of their first meeting. "I like you," She announced in her usual way. "We're friends now." She nodded as she said it, once again forgetting that sometimes you had to ask people these things first.
Making people laugh was what Elio strived to do more than anything, so when Avi burst in giggles he felt like he'd already achieved something that evening. "Obviously." He knew how he looked, and he gave her a friendly smirk when she took out a camera, glad that there was going to be a memory of this moment. "CHEESE," he yelled, freezing for a moment so that she could take a clear shot. Once his new friend lowered the camera, he bounced back across to her, "Can you already see it like one of those digital ones?" he asked. His parents had cameras but the ones they had wouldn't work at all in the castle. "Yes. Yes we are." He sent another grin her way, putting out his hand but this time in order to bump their fists together the way he'd seen some of his friends do at primary. They were past handshakes now and this was serious. "I've got your back if you've got mine?" he promised, knowing that it was vital that the first years keep an eye out for one another in the monster that was Hogwarts and a majority of older students roaming wild.
The stairs were a challenge for farm girl Gadget, whom was more accustomed tracking through mud than up steps. The ginger haired Gryffindor didn't mind though, and toward the end of the highest staircase took the stone steps two at a time. Excitement courses through every vein in her body, as she was determined to explore every inch of the magnificent castle she called her home now. This was last on her list, the north tower she had been told about by helpful older students. The owlet was nearby, and Gadge thought perhaps writing a letter home would be considerate, however as she rounded the corner into the tower she skidded to a vault, facing a girl and a boy whom appeared young like her. "Whoops! Didn't mean to interrupt!" The Aussie girl exclaimed, smiling widely. "Woah, is that a camera? I thought technology didn't work here!" She exclaimed, unaware that magical cameras existed, her muggle born showing through in her speech.
Ava looked at the screen on the camera, smiling as it showed Zephyr in just the right light. She grinned up at him as he came over. She showed him the absolutely fabulous picture. He offered her a fist bump, affirming their friendship and offering to watch her back if she had his. "Of course!" She grinned, bumping her little fist against his bigger one. She opened her mouth to ask another question when a red-headed girl came around the corner.

Ava smiled as the girl apologized, laughing a bit. "Oh, no, it's cool." She was glad to be making friends so soon, Phillip and Papa would be thrilled to hear it. The red-head continued by asking about her camera, and the subject made Ava light up. "Uh-huh, my dad is a photographer. He usually works for muggle magazines, but he had this old magic one lying around. That's why it works here. He showed me how to take pictures and everything," She showed the other girl, chattering happily. "I'm Avaria Lockwood, by the way," She introduced herself. "But you can call me Ava. This is my friend Elio Zephyr." She gestured to Zephyr by her side.
Elio grinned at his new friend, pleased with the outcome that he'd quickly been able to find something that he could spend time with. The Gryffindor glanced up at the sound of another voice, his smile never fading from his face as he felt as though he could meet new friends for the rest of the evening. "Hi," he waved encouragingly, not bothered whether or not she'd popped up while they were talking. As far as he was concerned, now was the time to make friends anyway. "Is your dad magical too?" Elio asked Avi, once she'd spoke about her dad being a photographer. He wondered what it was like to have a family member you could talk to about magic, rather than feeling as though it always had to be kept a secret. When Avi introduced them both to the redhead, Elio gave a small curtsy, rather than putting out his hand. "What house are you in?" he asked, his memory never being his strongest trait, he'd already forgotten most of the students that had just been sorted.
Seeing that the two adolescents didn't care, Gadget felt much more comfortable intruding on the conversation. Stuffing her hands into the pockets of loose hanging jeans, the freckles youth smiled between them. "That's so cool! Is he like famous?" She asked, wondering if maybe she'd ever seen any of his photos. Not that she often read magazines. Only when she was waiting for the doctor to see her. Stepping to be more involved in the conversation, the Gryffindor introduced herself. "I'm Gadget. Least that's what everyone calls me." She spoke extending a hand for a shake the way her father had taught her.

Looking to the brunette boy with the funny accent Guiliana grinned further. "I'm a Gryffindor! Guess it's because I like to do things that are brave. Not sure what those things are though!" She spoke, but perhaps calf wrangling and other farm duties were considered brave. "You guys in other houses? There were so many faces at the sorting I can't remember hardly anyone who was sorted."
Ava smiled. Two new friends, that brought her up to four besides Philip. She would have to find him later and tell him. Zephyr asked if her papa was magical and her new friend asked if he was famous and Ava shrugged. "Papa's magical, but I dunno if he's famous, I've only been with papa for less than a year. I never thought to ask if he was," She admitted before smiling brightly at the girl. "Your name is Gadget? That's so cool!" Ava shook her hand excitedly.

"I'm a Ravenclaw," She told Gadget. "I was told it's for smart or really creative people."
Elio didn't even notice that the redhead had put out her hand, but grinned when she mention she was in Gryffindor. "I am too but I think it's because I'm not smart enough to be in Ravenclaw," he said, turning to Avi with a smile. "Gadget is a cool name. Why don't you get called your real name?" he prodded, unaware that she may not have wanted to share that information. Elio barely noticed silence in the room in any situation, and would speak his mind regardless. "What did you do before you were with your.. "papa"?" Elio asked the blonde. Everything was so new, and there were so many unanswered questions, and the first year glanced between both girls as he eagerly listened to their stories.

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