Oh Man.

Andy Hydran

Well-Known Member
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4 Essence of Phoenix Ash
Andy once again found himself by the lakes edge. Even though he was terrified of water, and everything it stood for, it was the only place he could go right now, he was sure that he could get just a little bit of piece here, atleast five seconds of it. Andy honestly thought that his third year at Hogwarts was stressful, he had fainted multiple times and everything was just downright horrifying, the classes were scary and the people were scary. But fourth year? He wanted to die, simply put. Some horrible little magazine had been released, he vaguely rememebered the last one, but this one? He remembered every word, mainly becausehe was one of the victims of the horrible little thing. It was amazing how one little piece of paper changed his life, and it didn't look like it was going to change back any time soon. People have been jumping out at him in the halls for spirits sake! Scaring him half to death, making him jump back half a metre, it was horrible. Usually he would just walk to and from class, relatively unharmed, people didn't really notice him, and they never used to purposefully scare the crap out of him, until that magazine, now the whole thing was different, people would look at him weirdly, like it was insane or something, they would ask him about this Nephy girl, he has no idea who Nephy was! He had never heard of the person until that magazine came out the other day! He sighed and folded himself up, pulling his knees to his chin.

The thing that annoyed him most was the last part of the paragraph dedicated to him and a girl named Nephy. 'On the prowl' Andy was far from being on the prowl, for anything, let alone a guy. Life was horrible at the moment. He just didn't like being hugged, or touched, or spoken to or anything, he just liked living in his own little bubble, without having people burst it every single day, was that too much for the young Ravenclaw to ask? Just to be left alone? For once?
Yes it was. Lola had seen some of what had been going on to Andy and she was not happy. The last boy who had scared him ended up turnning around to a fist in his face and a couple of missing teeth that she was sure the nurse could grow back but it felt good. She wondered if she couldn't orgenize and Andy Protection Program with his cousin Hazle but then she remembered that the girl wanted to break every bone in her body for making Andy faint the first time. Still it was Andy's heart we where talking about. Physical heart that was, too much of a fright could end up killing him and no one wanted that. Well Lola didn't want that. Andy was a friend to her that just happened to avoid her like the plague but that was just Andy.

"Ey if your wondering about the dude that scared you back there we won't do it again." She called before she got to him so he would know she was there. Lola was the kind of girl that was heard before she was seen anyway but she wanted to make sure Andy was fully aware she was there before getting closer. He must have been on edge since the day that stupid thing came out. Andy, gay? Andy didn't have a sexuality as far as Lola had see for both male or female. Well she was sure there was an adorable girl out there with a face like an angel who would put Andy at ease around him but that was cetanly not going to happen around here.
Andy sighed as he quickly realised that his thoughts were stupid. There was no way in Hell that people were going to leave him alone, he wasn't lucky enough for such things, people were always doing something that rubbed him the wrong way and he didn't know why, he wasn't a bad person, so why did he have bad stuff happen to him? It didn't seem fair at all to the small Ravenclaw, it just wasn't right. He jumped three metres in the air when he heard a familiar voice, one that he was not ready to listen to right now. Lola Caracola, so was not a favourite of his at the moment, not at all. It wasn't that he hated her or anything, it's just that she scared the living daylights out of him, and now she had found him by the lake once again, where they first met, and where she scared him into fainting. The very thing that gained him an unwanted spot in that magazine of lies and horror. What was he to do? What was he to say? He could not just sit quietly and pretend to not hear her, because he was looking straight at her. Brilliant. He felt like getting up and walking away, but that would be rude and might make her angry, and what if she was violent when angry? He didn't want to think about it, not at all. "What do you mean?" He asked in his usual, quiet voice. He turned and faced her, taking deep breaths as memories of her hugging him stampeded through his mind like a charging rhiono.

Andy had the distinct idea that Lola had done something to the mean boy. Andy was not a fan of whoever it was, they had nearly scared the life out of him, but he didn't want Lola running around after him, harming the people that scared him, or she was be one very busy person indeed. "What did you do to him?" He question, his eyes darting to where she had come from suspiciously, he couldn't see anything suspicious, but he knew better and frowned disapprovingly at her, he knew she was trying to help, his eyes reflected this, but that did not mean he was going to thanks her for it, what she did was wrong and she had to learn that.

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