Oh, It's you

Sydney Caine

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bois d'Arc Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Crystallized Dragon Fire
Sydney sat by the lake. She remembered the last time she had just sat here with no-one and nothing to do. That was back when she drew when she was bored. The blonde hadn't drawn since her sketchbook had been found by a stupid hufflepuff who actually looked through it. She missed it sometimes but she didn't really mind not drawing, it was just a way to pass the time when she was bored and she was rarely bored any more wiht all the happenings lately.

Sydney looked up at footsteps, wondering if it was one of her freinds. The minute she saw the boy standing over she her ahe glared. "Great, It's you."
Alfie was wandering around by the lake when he saw a blonde girl sat by herself. He went over to the girl to say hi and see if she wanted company. He was stood behind her and about to greet her and introduce himself when the girl turned and spoke to him. It was Sydney! She had dyed her hair blonde. " Nice to see you too...Your hair looks nice by the way." He said before sitting down next to her. He smirked and flicked the hair out of his eyes.
Sydney glared at the boy who had taken her sketch book. "Why are you nice to me?" It wasn't usual that people like him were nice to people like her after they met her for the first time. Well, except Sam, but that was probably because she was the only one that hadn't really flirted with him upon meeting him.

"Seriously, it's freaky." Sydney chose to ignore the comment about her hair, though it was a compliment she could tell that he thought it was dyed. "I didn't do anything to my hair."
Alfie chuckled "I guess I'm just a nice person. But your blonde...you weren't before. That's your natural colour isn't it? Well it suits you." He smiled " How are you then?"
Sydney scoffed until she realised he was being serious. "Seriously? You're just a nice person? Since when have there ever been sincerely nice people? There's no such thing as really nice people." Sydney truly believed that nice people didn't exist, there had to be a little bit of nasty in everyone.

"Yeah, I'm naturally blonde." Sydney shrugged,s he felt kind of on edge around this guy, like he didn't believe she was nasty or something like that. She looked at him oddly when she asked how she was. "Really, you don't wanna know how I've been. It gets complicated."
Alfie chuckled again "I'm nice to most people, some people just become exceptions." You can't like everyone, he thought to himself "Of course I want to know how you've been, I wouldn't have asked if i didn't, would I?" He smirked, raising his eyebrows a little and flicked the hair out of his eyes again.
Sydney sighed when he insisted on knowing how she'd been. "Let's see, I gave up art because you still have my sketchbook. My dad died, my mum is pregnant with his kids, yes plural, she's having twins. I found out I have a half sister and her dad is going to be marrying my mum soon even though they already got a divorce before she married my dad." Sydney turned to Alfie, wondering how he would take all of that.
Alfie felt his face flush a little as she mentioned the sketchbook. "Wow. Life's not quiet for you is it? Sorry about your Dad and congratulation's for your Mum." Alfie smiled awkwardly and ran his hand through his hair.
Sydney laughed at his reaction. "Loving your reply, especially the little bit of pink right here." She laughed and poker his cheeks, it was strange really. Sydney felt she liked Alfie, she wouldn't admit it ever of course, there was only one Hufflepuff worthy of her friendship.
"Hey! That's not fair!" He said mock sulking and crossing his arms. But it didn't work and he ended up laughing too. "Do you want that sketchbook back by the way?" He asked, a little embarrassed but with a smile still on his face from the laughter.
Sydney laughed at his pouting before she could stop herself, she quickly composed herself though. "No, I don't need it any more. I don't draw now. You can keep it. " She looked down, at the surface of the lake, and watched the ripples dancing. It was odd to think of her sketch book, it had been just over a year since she had seen it, she had even forgotten what was in it.
"As long as your sure. Your artwork's amazing by the way." He half smiled shyly.

( I replied eventually! sorry it's a load of pants :erm: )
"Whatever. I have to go." Sydney stood and walked back to her dorm without another word. She hated that he made her laugh, she had to go away before she ended up having a real conversation with a Hufflepuff.
"Oh okay. Well bye then, see you around." Alfie watched her leave before turning back to look out across the lake a little longer. Then he got up and walked away back to the castle.

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