Off the boat.

Rukevra Vanderzuk

Well-Known Member
Having spent the past month studying hard for his end of year exams, Ruki just wanted to relax; head out; walk; have a little fun. This was something he had to fight for. Ruki's parents where attempting to transfer him from Durmstrang to New Zealand. Something Ruki wasn't overly thrilled about, but also felt relief for no longer having to stay within the darkened institute that seemed to suck away at his soul every waking minuet. Choosing not to head home to his un-caring parents, Ruki instead made his way to the local town; where he caught the attention of a fisherman repairing his nets. Ruki knew his parents would find him. They somehow always could, as if he had had a homing beacon embedded into his head after birth.

Casually walking towards the dock, Ruki waved his hand to make sure the fisherman, who appeared to be quite an old fellow, knew he was there. "Hello good sir." Ruki began. "Is it at all possible you would be headed towards New Zealand when you next launch?" he continued, knowing his question was a little out of the ordinary; and slightly silly as they where currently quite some distance away from the country. The old man looked up from his nets and eyed Ruki for a moment. "You looking for a job ey? Or just running from something." The old man grumbled. "I don't want to be harboring criminals now. Be gone with ya.", his voice wasn't overly friendly; but it wasn't harsh either. Ruki picked up on this tone, and stepped closer. "It's more like I'm running to something sir.". Ruki gave a polite smile, and offered out his hand.

The older gentleman looked over Ruki with interest now. "I could certainly use a younger pair of hands on the boat. Most of me crew are getting on a bit in years.". A small chuckle escaped the old fisherman. "Am I right in guessing you have never worked a trawler before?" he aimed a question towards Ruki. Ruki smiled and responded. "That would be correct sir.". However, Ruki had the use of his wand. It would be easy. Grumbling a little more, the older man turned and beckoned towards a small cabin. "There might be a few water-proofs in there you can use. We are leaving at three tomorrow morning, so be here if you can stomach hard work.". Ruki nodded in acceptance at the gentleman, and made his way over to the cabin; collecting a few items, before wandering into town again; to find a place to sleep.

The overall journey had been a long one, and Ruki was aching in places he never knew had existed before. Stepping from the fishing trawler, Ruki shook the older mans hand once more; and took his first foot-steps into New Zealand. These foot-steps, he hoped, would not be his last there. As he turned to wave off the rest of the crew, Ruki noticed the old man had slipped him a few notes. Catching the fisherman's eye, he saw him wink. "You done well kid. Could use more like you these days.". Ruki smiled. He had done well. This was something he could hold over his parents, who where certain to show up at any time. Breathing deeply, Ruki picked up his rucksack; and headed along the cobble pathway, not really knowing where to go next.
The world always seemed a colder place outside of magic school and even more so this particular vacation. She had spent the previous one holidaying with her friends back home to Ireland and to Canada and to France. All of that seemed like a vague memory now, this time she was working as a trainee in St. Mungo's and she ached from every bit of hard graft she put in. The patients were great but if it were only the patients she had to take care of that would be something but Andy had to do the bed changes and the bed pans, the sluicing and all the other disgusting menial tasks and all without her wand as she was still underage. Her hands were red raw everyday from the scrubbing and cleaning but really she didn't care. It was all good hard honest work and she knew it took her mind off of other things.

As she walked from the hospital now, still in her nurses uniform that they insisted she wear which looked more like something Florence Nightingale wore back in the day, Andromeda sighed and decided she wouldn't head directly back to The Gables after all but would head to the Leaky for a butterbeer or a pumpkin juice or simply walk along the harbour and clear her mind of the thoughts that jumbled it. It wasn't a bad day after all.

She reached up and pulled the pins that tied her long dark red hair up in a bun and let it fall about her shoulders. That for starters felt so much better. As she looked across the cobbled stones she saw the boats had come in and knew the docks would be full of wayfarers either up to no good or simply working hard. The idea of a butter beer looked more promising than the walk along the harbour now. Turning in the direction of the Inn, the nurses hat with the stripe that indicated she was only a trainee fell from her pocket and blew across the cobbles unbeknownst to her.
Having spent three days out at sea, before openly sneaking into the New Zealand harbour, Ruki's mouth was extremely dry. Anything he had drunk had made him retch. Having heard nothing of his location before, not even from his parents, Ruki simply headed towards the people and buildings; in the hope he would find a place to drink. As he walked, Ruki noticed a wide assortment of shops; somewhat similar to those he had frequented at Durmstrang. He couldn't help but smile at this. "Not so different after-all." he thought to himself, as a slight breeze blew dirt and scattered paper across his path. Ruki was still wearing his regular coat he used at Durmstrang, and began to feel warm. The weather in New Zealand was completely to what he had become accustomed to. Placing his rucksack down once more, Ruki removed his coat; and, opening the bag, folded in neatly in-side. Fastening the zip, Ruki hoisted the bag onto his shoulder; and proceeded further into the town, not realising a nurses hat had entangled itself around one of the straps.

Passing a robe store, Ruki peered through the window. He suddenly realised he would require a new uniform if his transfer was to go through successfully. Sighing slightly at the thought, he moved on. Durmstrang was home. Ruki couldn't help feeling like he wouldn't belong at Hogwarts. Temptation ran through Ruki as he neared an Ice-Cream parlour. It had been some months since he had last eaten any. As his feet seemed to lead him closer to the cold treats, Ruki stopped himself. He was in need of a drink, and an Ice-Cream would only make his thirst more apparent. "Maybe later." he said, in a quiet tone; before re-positioning his feet.

A store off to one side suddenly caught his attention. Quality Quidditch Supplies. Having played for the Durmstrang team, or rather, having been on the team or some un-known reason, Ruki knew he wished to play for his Hogwarts team if he was accepted into the school. He had left a lot of his belongings behind after leaving the institute, knowing full well his parents would either receive them; or pick them up for him. His trusty broom was one of those items. Making a mental note to head back to this store later, Ruki moved on a few paces before casting his eyes towards a sign. Leaky Cauldron. Scanning the out-side, Ruki recognised the place to be somewhere he could order a drink. Moving swiftly under the weight of his ruck-sack, Ruki reached the door of the Leaky Cauldron; and headed in-side.
Andy made it to the door and as she was about to open it paused for a moment. She turned and looked at the spot that was now marked with a dried up bunch of flowers, walking slowly over to it she bent down and picked them up. There was of course a card attached and she was very surprised to see it was written by her mother. It was hard to imagine that it was five years now since her father had died in the fire. Andy put the dead flowers into the nearest bin and plucking a single carnation from a hanging basket placed that there instead. She still missed him terribly but now at least she knew she was doing something with her life that might help others in the future who got hurt in any way. It may have been too late for her father and uncle by the time help had come for them but she would do her best to save as many people as it was in her power to do so.

Still reeling over the fact that her mother had actually put flowers on the spot where her father had been killed five years earlier, Andy walked into the renovated Inn that had been his downfall. She often blamed herself still, knowing she had pushed her father to take her mother out on a date that night. That he had asked her to meet him here, looking around the inside she rolled her eyes at his lack of romance. Would he have asked his mistress at the time to meet him somewhere classier? Wanting nothing more now than to shake the thoughts that had found their way into her already tired mind, Andromeda sat at the nearest trestle table and picked up a menu.

It wasn't long before the bartender slammed an ale infront of her.
"I'm underage" she told him not bothering to look up, this had happened twice already since she had begun her work experience. The nurses uniform made her obviously look older than what she was and has a result she had the bartender and another man trying to ply her with drinks every time she came in.

"Just the pumpkin juice today make sure it's chilled and a large bowl of the house soup, make sure that's hot" she pushed the menu from her and though it might have appeared rude that she hadn't even looked up at the bartender, she knew at this stage not to. It only seemed to encourage any ideas he seemed to have regarding her. She took out her book on Muggle Ailments and began to read a little before yawning and rubbing her eyes. The book wasn't open very long when the bartender returned plonking her drink infront of her, obviously hoping to get her attention but Andy merely continued her perusal of her book.
Stepping in-side the dimly lit tavern, Ruki scanned the room casually; before locating an empty table towards the back. Heading over, Ruki slid his ruck-sack from his shoulders and onto the floor; before taking a seat on a wooden chair, and casting his eyes upon the frames hanging from the walls. Many of the frames housed images of wizards or fields, and gave the place a warm, yet dark look; along with the other furnishings which adorned the interior of the building. Settling into the seat, Ruki noticed a menu on the table. Sliding it towards him, he flicked it lazily open; and scanned the list of offerings.

Almost instantly, Ruki found his presence invaded by a burly figure. "Orderin' somethin'?" a voice growled. Ruki cast his gaze up-wards, and saw a slightly over-weight; middle aged man, wearing a stained apron, which looked too small for him. Ruki knew by the mans tone that he had none, or very little manners. Picking up the menu to give it his full attention, Ruki responded. "Is it possible to purchase a meal this late?". Ruki's eyes met the over-weight mans gaze, and he gave a slight smile. The bartender seemed a little taken back by the politeness, and hadn't too many words to say himself. "I guess if yer want somethin' it can be made.", his voice still held a growl. Flipping the menu over, Ruki scanned the list of meals; and settled on a Roast Dinner. Something he hadn't eaten for some time. "May I trouble you for a Roast Dinner and a glass of water?" Ruki looked up once more. "I don't mind waiting for a good meal.". Ruki's own tone was filled with encouragement. He was starving, and would say whatever words someone wished to hear to actually have something to eat.

As the over-weight man scribbled the order onto a pad, he grabbed the menu and turned away; grumbling something about ordering water in a tavern. Having buried his Galleons somewhere in his ruck-sack, Ruki pulled it closer to him; and began searching for the little box he had placed them in. As he searched, Ruki remembered the old fisherman had given him some muggle money; which Ruki new he could use at a later time, so removed it from his pocket; and upon locating the box, placed it in-side; before removing a number of Galleons to pay for his meal. Closing the bag up again, Ruki suddenly noticed a piece of material attached to one of the straps. Leaning forward, he scooped it up and took a closer look. Not knowing what it was for, or how it had become attached to his bag, he decided to place it in one of the pockets, and thought nothing more of it.

Several minuets past before the over-weight bar tender returned with a plate of food, which he had attempted to make look presentable; but had so blatantly failed at, and a glass of water in a glass which was cloudy enough that a fly would have no trouble avoiding bumping into it. "Thank you kind sir.", Ruki smiled at the bar tender again. He knew politeness could get him far in the world, and if a cheap meal came of it, he was certainly more than willing to embrace the lessons his parents had drilled into him. Picking up the knife and fork which had been placed upon the table, Ruki slid the plate a little closer; and settled in to the first real meal he had eaten in days.
Andy could not get into her book at all, no matter how hard she tried so she closed it and stretched her arms out, as she tilted her head to clear any kinks from the days work. There wasn't once that she had thought she had chosen the wrong profession. If anything the more she worked at it the more certain she was that a healer was who she was supposed to be. As she stretched she saw her favourite bartender being his usual polite and mannerly self to a boy about her own age. Hearing the polite way the boy spoke to him, Andy could only smile. Covering her mouth quickly and letting her other hand prop her head on the table, as her elbow rested there Andromeda wondered if the boy truly believed that in this forsaken place, manners mattered.

The same brusque half wit came back to her table and seeing that she now had a smile on her face and had accidentally looked at him, smiled back. Exposing the many toothless gaps in his mouth.
"Here's your soup Andromeda" she had been foolish the first day on her lunch break to give him her name when asked, she could only learn from hindsight of course and now knew better than to give her name to anyone, especially big oaf's.
"Tis on the house today" he told her, another less than toothy grin.

"Really I'll pay, thanks anyway" she pulled out another book this time, as she put the medical book away. Perhaps light reading while she drank her soup might help, it would certainly mean she wouldn't have to talk with the bartender. The book was Don Quixote and one she had found at her mothers house. Maeve had told her the book had belonged to Patrick once upon a time and that her mother had sent it over, thinking his sister would want something of him. Andy had merely hugged her mother, who had missed out on quite a bit with Patrick in the end. No fault but her own of course but Maeve (for Andy didn't call her mother anymore) had insisted that the one possession that she had belonged to him could also go to Andy. She had explained about the galleons he had left her and the custom made wand but still Maeve had been insistent that Patrick would have liked her to have it.

So she opened up the book and began reading and as she sipped on her soup, found the time slipping away as she fell deep into the land of the Spanish nutcase who believed himself to be a knight. She laughed heartily not being able to contain herself and oftern wondered in parts were there Gryffindors as mindless in their bravery as this man had been.
Slicing into the last piece of beef, Ruki cleared up the small amount of gravy that graced the plate; and finished his meal with a satisfied smile. For an ugly; over-weight slob of a bartender, it wasn't half bad. Ruki somehow thought magic had had a hand in creating the food here. Taking a drink of water, Ruki leaned back into the chair; and breathed out a sigh. Eating was never really an issue, but eating alone was. All through his time at Durmstrang, Ruki had only ever gotten to know a small number of his fellow house students. Not one of them even flinched when he informed them he was to be leaving. I may have been the darkness that was suffocating each of them, so Ruki cared no more about it. Ruki hoped he was leaving. The food served at Durmstrang was worth deserting the Institute.

As Ruki relaxed, drinking the last of the water; his peaceful moment was interupted by the bartender once more. "Finished av' ye." his growl slightly lower in tone this time. "Would you care for another water?". Ruki could only stare in shock, as the over-weight man attempted to show politeness. Even if he had meant it as sarcasm, it didn't matter. Perception meant everything, and if you spoke politely, you where seen as polite. Sitting himself up, Ruki placed his hands under his chin and cast his vision towards the bartender. "That would be most appreciative, thank you.". Ruki new he couldn't order anything more. He was still under age.

After staring blankly at a wall for a moment, or for what felt like a moment, Ruki was stirred back in to reality by the sound of laughter. Turning his head slightly, which was still seated upon his hands, Ruki looked over towards a table positioned not far from his. The tavern itself wasn't extremely full, and it was likely that those who where occupying the seats where regulars who never left; even after closing. Ruki hadn't heard laugher for some time. Not open laughter at least. Laughter from someone who was care-free, and enjoying every moment they possibly could.

Noticing a bowl upon the opposite table, Ruki quickly under-stood the owner of the laughter was Andromeda, whom the bartender had served; a few seconds after dealing with him. Ruki turned his head to take a full account of the bartender, and felt slightly repulsed. He couldn't help but shudder at the thought of how the young woman must feel. She had been offered a free meal though. Ruki suddenly flinched at the very thought of wearing a dress.
With her soup done Andy continued to read, pushing the bowl from her to make room for the book as she stretched her arm across the table her head resting in the crook of it. If it weren't for the fact that the place was an Inn she would quite happily have drifted off to sleep on the spot but she simply couldn't even be tempted to close her eyes. Most especially not with the bartender. She flicked a page of her book and as she did so her gaze shifted slightly to a boy in the corner who was looking at her. Holding up her book once more she wondered why a girl on her own couldn't be simply left on her own.

"Ya finish'd then, was it good?"the bartender nearly drooled as he watched her. sure she was young but she had more flesh than many the half starved witches that entered in and since his mistress did not bother much with the establishment what with being pregnant an' all, Boris figured he had the run of the place and that ran to the clientèle as well. He looked about making sure no one else was paying any attention to him. Then he reached down and took hold of her small hand in his vice like grip.
"Why you never nice ta me girl? I can be very nice to you" his almost toothless mouth gaped at her in a disgusting smile.

Andromeda looked up slowly as she felt her hand being grabbed. With ease she closed her book and as she put it away in her bag, she then pulled out her wand. So what if she couldn't actually use it for spells, a wand was just as dangerous in other ways.
"You let go of my hand or I'll stick this so far up your nose, I'll be able to pull the little brains you have out with it".

"Now there you go again, not bein' nice. BE NICE!" he squeezed her hand a bit tighter and leaned in closer. He could smell the scent of roses from her and was near heady with it.
"Are you going to be nice now?"

Andromeda thought he would surely crush her hand and considering it was her wand one, her writing hand and her all round generally used hand of preference, Andy decided that perhaps being 'nice' might be in her best interest for now.
"I will be nice if you let go of my hand. You're hurting me" she said the latter through clenched teeth, wondering why not a single person wanted anything to do with a girl on her own now. Scared bunch of jerks, she muttered to herself.
"Ya finish'd then, was it good?". The bartenders words rung through Ruki's ears. Snapping out of his daze, he looked up again; only to realise the over-weight man wasn't anywhere near him, but was in fact talking to the young woman who had ordered soup. Ruki's eyes fixed a gaze upon the bartender as he scooped up the young woman's hand. Seconds later, the girl Ruki new as Andromeda pulled out her wand, and pointed it towards the bartender; as she spoke to him. Ruki became fully alert now; his hand automatically locating his own wand.

As the over-weight man once again growled, he was threatening the girl to be nice. Ruki had met these types of people before. Not a single one of them knew how to respect a lady. Standing up, Ruki wasn't overly tall; but he looked older than what he was. Fixing his wand upon the bartender, Ruki stepped closer to the opposite table; and interupted the current events taking place. "Excuse me. I couldn't help noticing your apparent dis-respect for the young lady." Ruki's eyes locked on to the bartender's. "This is something un-acceptable." Ruki continued, his wand still fixed in position; as he flashed a polite look towards Andromeda.

Ruki knew he was now in the thick of the situation, and things would certainly become worse before they where any better. He could only hope his own attitude; politeness; level of respect; stern voice; and height gave him the advantage of seemingly being allowed to openly perform magic. Not that he was against its use, as he had already done so during the days before on his trip to New Zealand. As a Durmstrang student, Ruki had been taught darker spells than most wizards.
Andromeda was considering at this point to smash her bowl over the fools head but just as she was actually about to reach for it, the boy she had caught looking at her earlier walked over. She had to blink because quite frankly he was the same age as herself and standing up to the giant fool on her behalf. She could only smile delighted at his show of gallantry, of course they so weren't out of the woods yet but at least Boris let go of her wrist as he turned his weighty attention towards the boy. Andy rubbed her wrist but wasted no time after that, she knew neither of them could use their wands no matter how tempting. So she grabbed her bad that was filled with medical text books and her rather thick volume of Don Quixote and got up from the bench. To anyone it may have looked like she was simply running for cover, getting out of there while she could.

"Wha' ya gonna do bout it?" Boris bellowed at him, spit flying from his mouth as he glared down at the boy. He had released Andromeda's hand to turn and face him, now punching one fist inside the palm of his other hand. It would probably take him all of five seconds to knock the young pup out and then he could turn his attention back to his favorite red head. He glanced her way but she was gone.
"Wha?" he frowned until he heard a familiar voice calling his name but he didn't get another chance to look as he got a ferocious whallop to the side of his head. At first he thought he had imagined it but then he felt the pain begin to pulsate. He rubbed his head and turned around to see where the blow had come from, only to see Andromeda standing there with her bag in her hands.
"Wha did ya do tha for?"

Andy had thought that at least one whallop with her heavy bag of books would knock him out but unfortunately he hadn't. She stood open mouthed staring at him, wondering what type of person was he to withstand that type of hit. At least the attention was drawn from the boy who might now have time to think up some other ingenious plan. Andy pointed to a footstool not far from him as she kept her attention focused on the bartender.
"Well.. you can't just ... go around hurting people or you..." she glanced over to see if the boy had gotten the hint about the stool but the bartenders great bulking frame was now blocking him from view.
Ruki's previous thoughts where realised to be true when the bartender released the grip he had on Andromeda's hand, and turned his attention onto Ruki. Respect meant nothing in this place. Ruki had hastily rushed in to a situation with his wand out, and now had to see it through to the end. The few people who had been in-side the tavern with them had either left quickly, or had taken a closer step towards Ruki; with their own wands raised. Ruki caught sight of the young woman pick up her bag, and act as if she was also aiming to leave. "Great." he thought to himself. "I'll be ground to a pulp as you run for cover.". Ruki could only scowl at her.

The bartender, who was now towering over Ruki, growled ferociously at him. Ruki felt sickened. Not because of the danger he was in, but the man's breath was retched. As the bartender turned to look back at Andromeda, the young woman had hit him across his head with her bag. This had had very little affect on the man, who Ruki, for a moment, thought must be part-giant to with-stand a blow like that. As the bartender now had his back turned to him, Ruki momentarily caught Andromeda's indication to the stool that was situated to his side. Picking it up, Ruki gripped it as best he could whilst still holding his wand; and swung at the over-weight man. 'Crack!'. The stool had broken into pieces. This new involvement only infuriated the bartender, who once again turned his attention towards Ruki; before grabbing hold of him, shaking him violently.

Being shook was not a pleasing event, and Ruki new he had to do something. He had to use his wand. Twisting his wrist in-wards, Ruki muttered the words of the Jelly Fingers Curse as his voice seemed to vibrate through the air. His tone seemed to be powerful enough, and a flash of light erupted from his wand; with the spell causing the bartender to release him and stumble backwards. As Ruki re-gained his senses, he knew now there would be no going back. Noticing one of the observers raise their own wands towards him, Ruki quickly shouted 'Expelliarmus'. The older man's wand flew across the tavern as the bartender made a grab for Andromeda. Ruki shouted at her, "Move!". He needed her help if they where both to survive this day.
Andy could only watch in horror as the events unfolded before her. The bartender she knew was a half giant but did he really have to be so damn strong. The stool smashed into pieces and the boy only got shaken for his efforts. Andromeda knew there was nothing else for it as a few of the bar's clients stood up to help the bartender. Exasperated she scowled at them and when the boy shouted for her to move, she took a deep breath and instead of running for cover as the bartender made a lunge for her, she took both wands in her possession out. Her own wand and the wand her uncle had left her. She ran and stood alongside the stranger with wands raised ready to duel.

This had been her mess and he had only been helping. Now look where the pair of them were. The fact that she was wearing a nurses outfit might indicate she was old enough to use magic on any one of this lot but the truth of the matter was she was underage and a werewolf to boot. If the ministry discovered her law breaking which she hadn't done as of yet, she would be in serious trouble. Of course she had to concede, they were already in serious trouble.

"Look you lot have two choices, either let us leave or get clobbered" she had never duelled grown-ups before and hated that she would have to now.

Boris took a step closer, showing all his five yellow teeth as he laughed at them.
"Get clobber'd" he made to swipe at them both with his huge fists as one of the customers shot out a spell at the boy.

Andromeda ducked out of the way of the bartender but instead of using her wands magically, opted for other methods. She turned them inwards so the bases of the wands were clasped in her fists, the gown sure hindered her movements a bit but not enough to get a swipe in at the bartenders jaw as he was bent towards her. He stood back laughing at her attempt but Andy only smiled back at him, her real target was now right infront of her as she delivered one swift kick to his most delicate of parts. He expelled a loud 'ooof' as the kick registered home and he even fell backwards.
Turning her head to look at the boy it was her turn to call out to him.

"Come on while we have a chance" she knew it would only be a moment for Boris to grapple his way back up again and by then he would be seriously angry.
Ruki's words spurred the young woman into action, as she removed not one; but two wands to join the now elevated situation that had un-folded before them. Standing beside Ruki, the woman shouted a warning to their four opposer's; who chose to ignore it and continue with their attack. There was no time to thank the woman, as a voice erupted from the side. "Stupefy!". Ruki instinctively dodged behind a pillar as the spell exploded against the wall behind him. He knew they where both in serious trouble now.

Looking around the pillar, Ruki spotted the dis-armed man running towards his wand. Two armed adults where already too many, so Ruki aimed his wand and shouted. 'Locomotor Mortis!'. He watched as the man's legs locked together, causing him to fall to the ground; and as he did so, he hit his head off of a stool. He was un-concious. Un-able to re-join the fight. "Come on while we have a chance.". The woman's words rung through Ruki's ears. Looking in her direction, Ruki noticed the bartender on the floor. How had she managed that. The man was huge, and had failed to be knocked out twice.

Deciding it would be a good time to leave, Ruki stepped from the pillar; and grabbed for Andromeda's arm. "Expelliarmus!". The spell hit Ruki with force. As his wand was thrown across the room, Ruki himself was thrown backwards into the wall. "Eurfff!". Ruki let out a groan as the impact winded him slightly. Ruki couldn't work out why the woman he had attempted to rescue wasn't using her wands. She looked to be old enough at least. It wasn't too long before the bartender had returned to his feet, and to the battle that was getting worse by the second. Ruki could see the towering figure fix his eyes upon him. Ruki was now wand-less, and therefore helpless; unless the young woman decided to save him. Ruki knew it had to be now, as the bartender pulled out his own wand. The un-forgiveable word was spoken. "Crucio".
It was turning into a war zone and just when she thought they would be able to get out of there as the boy made a grab for her hand, he was knocked flying against the wall by a blast from one of the men. Andy needed to think quickly, this was going to be either annihilation of the highest order or they could try for another escape. She picked up the hem of her gown and ran to where the boy now lay in a heap against the wall.

"Are you ok?" she turned just as the bartender began to stand again, she twirled the two wands around in her hands knowing the fight had gone too far and she would have to resort to using magic when she had done her utmost not to. He raised his own wand and sent an unforgiveable at her. Perhaps another fifteen year old girl would have frozen solid at the sound of that curse but Andy had enough experience of it. Had been blasted with it enough times back in the dungeons of Durmstrang for it not to terrify her now. With so much force behind her words to make her professors proud Andromeda using both wands called out 'Protego Maxima'.

Instantly a large almost bubble like force field surrounded them. Perhaps it was the strength from the two wands, she didn't know or the fact that she had used the 'maxima' to strengthen it further. She just wanted it to hold in enough time to get them out of there.

"Get up!" she shouted as she kicked at the boy with her foot, not enough to hurt him but simply to rouse him, "Get up now".

She kept her wands trained on the men infront of her now. If she was going down she might as well go down with a fight after all.
"Get ready" she spoke in a low voice so the boy would hear her but not the others as they began to advance laughing all the while.

Lifting both wands again at them, Andy called out;
"Impedimentia" the other men stopped moving immediately while the bartender Boris' movements seemed slow and dull.
She waited for the boy to get up and incase anything else would go wrong.
Almost as soon as the words left the part-giants lips, the young woman forcefully shouted out a spell of her own. "Protego Maxima". As a huge bubble enveloped the pair, the bartenders curse met with it; and caused it to dissolve. For that brief moment, Ruki breathed out a sigh of relief. He knew what the curse was capable of, and if he remained at Durmstrang any longer; he would also know how to use it affectively. Ruki felt a sharp kick to his sides, as the young woman shouted to him to get up; before aiming at the three opposing men once more and casting another spell. "Impedimentia!". As soon as the spell had left the tips of her wands, two of the men froze in place; but the bartender only seemed to slow down in his movements.

Ruki knew this was the chance they needed. Jumping up, he called out. "I need my wand!". Not knowing exactly where it had landed, Ruki began to scour the tavern. "You get out!" he shouted towards the young woman. He knew the bartender could still perform magic, even if his movements where slow. Almost as soon as he had spoken, Ruki caught sight of his wand beneath a table. Running towards it, his earlier thought had was once again came at the wrong moment.

For some reason, the bartender was holding a grudge against Ruki. Even though it had been Andromeda who had caused him the most pain, he seemingly wanted to rid his presence of Ruki; possibly hoping that the young woman wouldn't have the courage to act alone. As Ruki neared the table, the bartenders words echoed once more through the tavern. "Confringo!". As Ruki dived through the air, his body collided with the table in front of him. The momentum of his leap forced him over the side, and crashing to the floor. As he did so, the exploding spell obliterated the table that had momentarily shielded him. Without hesitation, Ruki picked up his wand; and with a powerful roar, fired off two spells towards the bartender. 'Petrificus Totalus!'. The part-giant became rigid. 'Incarcerous!'. Several ropes streamed from the tip of Ruki's wand, and tied themselves around the bartender. Ruki simply hoped the beast would no longer move.

Screaming once more at Andromeda, Ruki wondered why she was still in-side the tavern. "We have to go! Come on! Move!". He wished for her to follow him. Reaching the door, Ruki suddenly remembered his ruck-sack. 'Accio Ruck-Sack!'. He yelled with such furiosity as he pointed his wand in the bags direction, that he feared it would come flying towards him; and knock him un-concious.
Andy watched in exasperation as the guy got up only to dive straight back into the foray but he had lost his wand and was intent on finding it. She certainly couldn't fault him there. He roared at her to get out and for a brief moment she considered it but he seriously didn't know her. Andromeda knew that the spell she cast wasn't going to last very long, she had only cast it on objects before never people and not being a fully fledged witch yet, of course her magic wasn't strong enough to keep the two men at bay. As the boy found his wand and entered into another battle with Boris, Andy turned to see the other two coming out of the spell.

"Damn it" she muttered as they turned inorder to help Boris out, the boy was rushing for the door now after tying the not so friendly half giant up. Shooting a knee reversal jinx at them both and then a jelly fingered jinx so that both their wands fell from their hands, she winked at them before running after the boy who had so gallantly been trying to help her. As she reached the door she made a grab for her own bag, while he summoned his ruck sack and smiling as she ran past him out side Andy swore she would never set foot in there again.

She turned to the boy and before she could even say thank you or anything else for that matter she broke out into a fit of uncontrollable laughter.
"We better get out of here before they follow us" she grinned.
Planting his feet into the ground, Ruki caught his ruck-sack just as the young woman made her exit of the tavern; but not before hitting the last two men, who where once again moving, with a couple of jinxes. Ruki thought he saw the woman smile as she left, and realised she had as soon as she broke into a fit of laughter out-side. Ruki couldn't see the funny side for a few seconds, but soon realised that a fifteen year old had managed to half defeat four older men; with a wealth of magical experience between them. Watching the young woman laugh, Ruki couldn't help but follow her lead. They had survived the fight. At least for now, as Andromeda's words snapped Ruki back into the situation.

"Yes. We better had.". Having only been in New Zealand for a little under three hours, Ruki had no idea where they could go. He would hate to become lost somewhere and have to face more powerful wizards. "Any idea where we should go?" Ruki asked. "I've only been here a few hours.". Ruki grinned at his words. In a few hours he had already made a number of enemies, and had himself; and the young woman before him, permanently banned from the Leaky Cauldron.

Tucking his wand away, and hoisting his bag onto his shoulders; Ruki cast a weary look towards the tavern, before smiling at the young woman. This was exactly the fun he was looking for. Durmstrang was only a distant memory now.
Andy put her wands away as passersby began to look at them. Picking up the hem of her gown once more she knew she had to get back to The Gables. She smiled at the boy then held out her hand to him.

"Andromeda but call me Andy" the smell of sea and fish assailed her senses and she could have gagged from it but after his rescue attempt that would just seem really impolite.
"My godmothers house isn't far from here, there'll be hot water and a homecooked meal, after I can bring you back and find you a room at one of the Inn's, if you don't already have somewhere to stay that is?"

She began to take a few steps away turning once to look back at the Leaky.
"We could even come back here later" she laughed, "I hear the owner goes through more bartenders than a normal person goes through socks".
Noticing the young woman pull up the bottom of her dress slightly, Ruki, not having seen such attire before, wondered what the outfit was. As he did so, the young woman held out her hand; and proceeded to introduce herself, before inviting him to her god-mothers for a home-cooked meal. Since Ruki had already come to know her name, he scowled ever so slightly for not introducing himself earlier. As much as he hated his parents for what they where doing, he couldn't fault them for bringing him up with manners. Extending his own hand, Ruki decided now would be a good a time as any. "Rukevra." he told her, shaking her hand. "It only seems fair you get to call me Ruki.". Ruki grinned slightly. After-all, she had saved him from the Cruciatus Curse.

"This tavern was the first place I entered, so I haven't thought of a place to sleep. I don't think I'll do much of it tonight though." Ruki's voice was steady; but in-side he began to wonder what could have happened to them. As the pair set off walking, the young woman turned back to look at their recent battle ground. Her words caused Ruki to question her sanity as he laughed at the thought of coming back. "I guess if we where to do that they would charge us for our meals.". A smirk appeared across his face. He knew he'd have a free meal from the big oaf.
Andy bit her lip in contemplation, Harrison wouldn't mind sharing his room for even one night surely. It was her fault after all that he now had nowhere to sleep and it was pushing on. She returned the hand shake and smiled at him.
"Well Ruki, thank you. Not many would step up to the plate like that. Not that I'm any damsel in distress or anything but much appreciated all the same" she looked down at the nurses gown and knew she'd pass out soon if she didn't get home to change and freshen up.

"Come on you can come home with me. Essie won't mind an extra mouth to feed, she's sort of used to strays showing up anyhow" Andromeda smiled as she walked in the direction of the shop they usually used for the floo network. Stopping abruptly she turned once more to him.
"I'm not forcing you to come or anything, but you are more than welcome too".
Kind words left Andromeda's lips, as she thanked Ruki for his assistance with their little situation a few moments earlier. Ruki could only think how it would have turned out if he hadn't pulled his wand out and rushed in without thought. Would the situation of been worse. Would the young woman have been hurt. "Hurt." Ruki thought to himself. "You could have gotten her killed you moron.". If there was ever a moment Ruki wanted to see his parents, it was now. They would have simply obliterated the tavern where it stood.

Andromeda's next words caused Ruki to take a imaginative step back for a second. The young woman was inviting him to stay at her home. This was too much of a thank you. He should be the one thanking her. If it wasn't for her quick thinking, and her dual wands; Ruki surely would have been toast the moment he rose from his seat. The woman's comment of a stray caused Ruki to chuckle slightly. He was most definitely a stray. As Andromeda stopping sharply in her tracks, Ruki tensed up and grabbed for his wand; as she turned towards him and spoke again. Relaxing, Ruki listened to her words; and wondered if she truly wanted him to tag along. He began to wonder if she realised how old he actually was. Ruki knew he could get into trouble from the ministries for using magic outside of school, but the thought was washed away as he remembered school was still Durmstrang. The Dark Institute. They would be proud of him. They wouldn't allow one of their own to be harassed by a ministry official.

Knowing he had to leave the harbour for some time, and that if he stayed there for a few nights someone from the tavern may see him again; Ruki gladly accepted the young woman's generous offer. "Forcing me is not necessary." Ruki gave a polite half-bow. "Your offer is generous, and I would be a fool to deny it.". Ruki's mind filled with memories of higher class family gatherings, where the sons where expected to dance with the daughters.
Andromeda smiled, her face automatically seemed to transform glowing even.
"Well we can't apparate yet so come on the floo network is this way" she continued on until they finally came to where Andy usually entered in and out of Obsidian. It wasn't the most fanciest of ways but until she was old enough to apparate, then it would have to do.

She stood inside the old fireplace that stood at the back of one of the shops in one of the many alleys and waited for him to join her. Tossing the floo powder she said the words loud and clear to take them to The Gables.

Coughing as she stepped out, she smiled as she saw her godmother sitting there wagging her finger.
"Hope there's enough for one more" she walked over and gave her a huge hug, "Essie this is Ruki. Found him and had to bring him home".

She could only smile as she began to walk to the stairs at the end of the room.
"I'm going to freshen up see you in a bit".

Andy didn't mind leaving Ruki there with her godmother, she knew he'd be taken care of.
Almost as soon as Ruki had spoken, Andromeda's face seemed to glow. Ruki didn't have a moment to wonder if it was his politeness, or his acceptance of her offer; as the young woman had mentioned being un-able to apparate. Surely a woman of her age could dis-apparate, and apparate from the harbour. Ruki wondered if there was some form of protective charm in the area. His thought was immediately quashed as Andromeda indicated towards the floo network. If apparation was dis-allowed, surely the floo network would be too. This only left one thought. It suddenly hit him. Andromeda was not old enough. All of this time Ruki had thought she was somewhere in her mid-twenties. How stupid could he have been. If they where to get into trouble it would be all his fault, again. Ruki wasn't setting himself off on the right foot with this, girl. He had headed to New Zealand early to seek out a little bit of fun, and had ended up with much more than he could have bargained for.

Following the young woman, or rather, girl; Ruki began to curse at himself. This realisation changed the situation slightly. Heading in-side an old store, Ruki watched as Andromeda threw a handful of floo powder into a fireplace; and clearly called out "The Gables.". As she stepped through the fire-place, Ruki stood back and watched her. Could he follow her through. Taking a deep breath, Ruki decided it was now or never for a few days of fun; before his likely return to the darkness of the castle walls that would surely hold him for the next three years.

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