Of Damsels, Dragons and Dreams

Ashelia Fortescue-Bleakley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
So, this is Brightstone Village, Ashe mused, a smile on her face as she sat rather ungracefully down on the ground. New Zealand was slightly colder than what she was used to, but she was sure she could cope. After all, winter in rural Australia could be pretty cold, and this probably wouldn't be any different. Besides, being in a castle in winter? Well, it was basically a dream come true for the eleven year old. She'd always wanted to be a princess, and even though she was going to school, she could feel a little closer to her dream world in Hogwarts Castle.

"I wonder if Hogwarts has any dragons?" Ashe muttered to herself, staring up at the clear afternoon sky. Edea was off doing something or other, not enjoying the beautiful day outside in the park, so nobody was there to tell her to be quiet. "Mum said there weren't any at her school, but this Hogwarts is different. I wonder if the merpeople and centaurs are nice. And unicorns! I bet there's all sorts of other things there, too." Ashe grinned, hugging her notebook to her chest. Her notebook detailed the adventures of Princess Ashe and how she saved the world with her beloved dragon friend, Lady Puffington. The name was a bit childish, even Ashe had to agree, but she'd named her toy plush dragon that as a little girl and the name had stuck.

Ashe kicked her legs, slipping her pretty sandals off her feet, so she could stick said feet in the grass and wriggle her toes. Her mother always complained that she was a wild child, always needing to clean grass stains off her clothes (whereas Edea never seemed to have a speck of dirt on her), but Ashe never cared. She was having fun, she'd argue, as she'd have leaves pulled out of her mess of hair.

Hopefully Hogwarts would let her have plenty of fun, too.

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