Closed Obvious Signs

Amodeus Jones

Clueless ~ Adorable ~ Soft
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 Inch Whippy Fir Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
15 (9/23/2048)
Amodeus always felt better after a trip to the Hospital Wing, if not a bit silly. He'd just been released after having fallen down the stairs again, and was walking out into the hall, his mind already a million miles away. There was just always so much to look at in a castle this big. Some chirping caught his attention and he looked over to a window nearby, stopping and holding perfectly still as he watched a pair of birds talking to each other and hopping around on the windowsill, looking around as if the stone may have some hidden treats for them. He stayed perfectly still, staring and admiring the way the sunlight bounced off of their feathers. Everything always looked better in the sunlight, he thought, the sun must delight in bringing out new colors. He hummed softly to himself under his breath, completely captivated.
The professor finished her conversation, one eye on the door as she spotted one of the students, a Gryffindor head out. She waved and then picked up speed as she headed for the door. She needn't have rushed. The student was still in the hallway, not too far away. She was curious at what had drawn his attention so firmly. "Amodeus" the professor called out, "a moment, please."
Amodues was drawn from his thoughts, turning and looking to the Professor with wide, clear eyes- like there wasn't a thought behind them, an easy smile so big it split his face. "Hello!" He greeted cheerfully. "How are you?" He questioned, turning and tilting his head back to look up at the woman, immediately noticing how there were clusters of dust dancing in the sunlight of another window, and he was staring at that now, immediately distracted again as they danced in the beams.
The professor caught up to Amodeus and was able to see that he'd been transfixed by a few birds. She took a look at the young Gryffindor now that she was closer. He appeared in good health, but he'd just left the hospital wing...again. "I'm doing well, thank you" the professor stated formally. "And how are you doing? I noticed you walking out of the hospital wing just now" she added.
Amodeus brought his eyes back to the Professor, trying to focus more as she spoke. "I'm good!" He replied with a bright smile, sincere even as he thought of why he'd been there. "I just fell down some stairs again, but I'm okay!" He promised her, folding his hands behind his back and rocking on his feet. "I wasn't looking," He admitted, not ashamed to admit he'd been spacing out- again- when he'd taken the topple down the steps.
The professor listened as the boy explained why he'd been in the hospital wing. "I'm glad you're ok" the professor stated, her tone genuine. She cared very much for her Gryffindors. "The stairs here can be pretty tricky..." she added, thinking of the ones that moved every now and then. "Are you getting along with the other third years?" she asked quietly.
Amodeus gave her a bright smile. "Thank you, Professor," He told her. He nodded eagerly at her question. "Oh, yeah! I mean, Audrey turned me into a bird once, but I spend a lot of time with Teddy and Dominic and Marley and Lucy!" He chattered without a thought. "They're all my best friends ever, though I spend the most time with Teddy,"

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