Observations and Waves

OOC First Name
Finally a moment of piece where Evee had nothing to worry about but herself and her breathing and the tranquility of people watching. Eyes fixed on someone else who was relaxing themselves. She watched the way the air blew through the boys hair. In Evee's eyes there was something fascinating about someone relaxing. What part of them being in this area was relaxing to them. WAs it the sound of the crashing waves, or was it the grass, sensation of it against him. She wondered if he liked the sun or if he preferred cliuds. She wondered if everyone in the school liked the sun or if they wished for snow. She wished for snow. Unabashed to getting caught the blonde continued to watch.
Grayson hadn't been at Hogwarts long but it already felt like a lifetime. Classes were more intense than he ever expected, every time he turned a corner his sister Jasmine seemed to be waiting for him, and she never took kindly to seeing him with someone else. His sisters possessiveness could be cute, but sometimes it was overbearing. It felt nice to be outside for once, as Grayson had spent most of his time in the common room or in classrooms. The lake was beautiful and he had lost track of how long he had been laying beside it. After having been there a while he spotted a girl not far from him who seemed to be looking around at anyone who passed. "Are you just gonna stare?" He asked her.
When a question was posed to the young Hufflepuff she sat up and turned to face the boy with inquisitive eyes. Was there a right answer in this social riddle? If she said yes was it creepy or flattering? If she said no would he be insulted or expect more conversation for her. Asking too many questions up front might be rude, but if she didn't ask his name was that also rude? Elsie would have already been hugging this person, but wasn't that intrusive? Finally Evee decided to speak. "Yes." She said simply, tilting her head to the other side.
Grayson chuckled at the girls one word response and watched as she turned her head the other way. He thought he would leave it at that, and turned his own head back so he was looking up at the sky, his eyes closed, not a care in the world. This didn't last for long as Grayson's curiosity about the girl proved too strong. He got to his feet and quietly walked over to her, laid himself down near her and closed his eyes again. "Hi," He said without looking at her.
Social interactions depending on the region of the people socializing in question were so different. While it seemed that Evee shared more of a reserved - stay three feet away at minimum - attitude, her sister was much more European in her approach. Was European the right region? The 11 year old couldn't be bothered to look it up so as it fit it stayed. Evee watched the boy move over, but didn't speak much to him until he greeted her. "Hello. I'm Evee." She said shortly, glancing down at the relaxed features of her new acquaintance.
The girl seemed a little awkward like maybe his presence wasn't so welcome. Grayson would give it a little time to see how she reacted to him, perhaps he would have to go back to his original spot. When the girl introduced herself Grayson smiled and that niggle of doubt in the back of his mind went away. "Nice to meet you, I'm Grayson though you can call me Gray," While it wasn't a common nickname Gray was what his sister Jasmine called him and he was rather fond of the name. "Are the people really more interesting than the lake?"
Evee's much-too-large-for-her-face eyes were trained on the brunette, and she gave a sort of half smile to him that seemed both forced and natural. Perhaps Evee just wasn't very poised when it came to smiling. "I'm Evee." She spoke in a tone that was nearing robotic, monotone but higher pitched. "Everyone just calls me Evee." She said, since he'd given a nickname but she had no nickname to give him back. "People are endlessly interesting. Waves just move back and forth. People don't. Don't you think people are interesting?" She inquired, glancing toward a crashing wave noise and then back at her new conversation partner.

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