Nymphadora Thornabridge

Full Name
:-Nymphadora Bree-Anna Thornabridge

Date of Birth
:- December 23rd, 2012

Current Age
:- 15 Years Old
Basic Appearance
:-Bree has pale skin just like her mother, except her cheeks are always seem naturally shadow with blush. She never met her father so she could never compare herself to him, from what her mother had told her, the blush was generic. Besides the rosary shades of cheeks, her brown to black hair also said to be just like her father. It maybe correct, with her mother having strawberry red hair, Bree can not compare to that of her mother. Her eyes, are ordinary shades of lucid blue, the same fairness of her mother's side of the family, besides her natural appeals, Bree is a normal size girl with a normal amount of appetite. Never having problem with the way she look, anyone who knew her would say she a well round girl. To bad she born without luck, probably the biggest enemy of hers in the world. She truly believe she been lucky girl, just simply accident wise all the time.

:- Bree tags along with herself and noone else, so you could say she much of a loner. Except its not completely true, weather she likes it or not she always been surrounded by people. Kids at school, kids in her neighborhood find that her less energetic personality attracts them mostly or the fact she looks a certain way. Helplessly without a clue she could never figure that part no matter what.
:Dawn Narrisca Bloodworth-Thornabridge
-Best Friend
-Witch Philosopher
-Tortured by "Crucio" now living in St.Mungos for life
:-Author Hensel Warwick
-A bastard father she never knew about
:-A black sleek cat name Riddle

Area of Residence:-Manchester, England
-Different parts of England

Blood Status
:- Mixed Blood

:- British

Special Abilities:-Nothing special
That she's discover yet.
Interests or Hobbies
:-Like her mother once been too, she into old style literature
-Besides that she recently got into experimenting with curtain spells in effort to help her mother recover back to stability
-She now into researching as well, it had taken her mother's sickness to change solitary to communicating with about everyone she encounter
-Also to find her father Author.
Additional Skills:- None that can come in mind.
:-Hopes of not giving up on her mother
-staying strong for the both of them.
:-Losing all Hope easily if she face with difficulties

Describe your character in three words
:-sort of unlucky
-sort of a loner
-curious to learn
-living on hope regardless of back luck
-expanding her abilities
Favourite place to be
:-By the river near her home on an autumn day; where her mother read from old novels and Bree listen

:-None she could ever remembered
-Her mother Dawn

Hogwarts House:- Slytherin

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions
:-Since her mother been submitted she's drop out of school to help her out, though it hasn't done any good for her.

Best school subjects
:-History of Magic
Worst school subjects

Extracurricular Activities


Current Job
:- Personal help to Dawn when she see her; hardly at time.
Plans for your future
:-To look for Author and any possible siblings if she could track them down
-And maybe revenge on those who tried killing her mother.
Your Patronus:-A zebra
Your Patronus memory
:- The river memories with Dawn, the closes she can truly knew everything about her. Your Boggart
:-Seeing her mother be tortured, she wasn't there when it happen. Still it crosses her mind all the time.
Your Animagus:-A crow
Mirror of Erised:- Dawn and Bree

A page from your diary:-
Diary said:
March 18th,

They have move her to New Zealand, in my rejection of not sending here there, the ministry fought back my decision. What's been said has been done, I have nothing left but deal with her new home. I'm there every day, mostly in the afternoon. I read to her, mostly her favorite novels from Shakespeare, her favorite play being Othello. She once dream about acting in the play, but now she could do no such thing.

There's hope to her being here, regardless of my rejection to moving away from out home. A specialist is helping her, working with the mind every other day. These session are always a half hour long, maybe little longer. Its my only hope as of now, till than I'm staying with extended family of mum. Not my cup of tea or anything, but at least I can still see her whenever I want too and see how's she doing. One day though, just one day I hope she do well so that we can go back home.

Bree xx

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