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Novalie Emilia Rosenberg
NAME MEANING- Novalie (No-vah-lee): It's an modern Swedish name, formed from the name American Novaand the suffix 'lie'.
- Emilia (Ae-mie-li-a): A female name of Latin origin that means: ''To Strive Or Excel Or Rival.''
- Rosenberg (Ro-sen-berg): Means Rose Mountain in German.
NICKNAMESHer name can be made shorter as some of her family members or people close call her: Nova.
BLOODSTATUSShe's a half blood witch, both of her parents are magical. Her fathers family comes from an muggle-born family.
PLACE OF BIRTHNovalie was born in Stockholm, Sweden. In the place her other siblings were also born.
CURRENT RESIDENCENovalie still lives in Stockholm, Sweden. In the same house where she grew up, close to the store her father and sister runs together.
NATIONALITYBoth of her parents were born in Sweden. She can speak it fluently, and they speak in that language together at home. She has learned to speak English by her siblings and father.
BIRTHDAYAugust 8th, 2052

Novalie is the fourth child from Adela and Mans and their youngest. She was born in Stockholm, Sweden at home. Novalie was an beautiful blonde baby, but just like her older sister Giselle an tough one. She cried a lot and had an strong will from young age already. She's got three older siblings, two sisters and one brother. Novalie got an lot of attention from her siblings and they were all fighting to hold her and care for her. She's got the best relationship with Gabriel, since they both share the same love for Quidditch. And she has confrontations and different feelings with Sofia and Giselle about that. After an short period of happiness, Novalie lost her mother at young age, so she never really got to know her well. She was still a baby, when she lost her mother. Her mother was an famous quidditch player from the Nordic National Quidditch Team and got into an accident during an game and died. Sofia her older sister is kind of a mother figure, and Novalie is really close with her father. But she likes to get her way, and if not she can be difficult to her father. Novalie has some issues with not growing up with her mother. She can't really speak about her emotions very well, and shows it in other ways which were not always the right ones. When her sister Sofia left the house she felt responsible since she and Giselle were the only ones still living with her father. But Giselle with her issues, were intense and Novalie is in that way kind of grown up quickly to just take care of herself.

Little Novalie


Carlson Young
HAIRNovalie has got long blonde straight hair. She mostly wears her hair down. She takes a lot of care into her hair and doesn't like it when she has an bad hairday. Novalie likes her hair long, so won't easily cut it shorter.
EYESHer eyes are brown of colour.
HEIGHTShe is tall for her age. Novalie likes her height the way it is.
PIERCINGSNovalie does have both her ears pierced when she was six years old.
DOMINANT HANDHer dominant hand is right.
CLOTHING STYLENovalie likes to wear girly clothes. she likes many different kind of clothes but takes a lot of time into choosing her outfit and shopping. She likes to try out different stuff, and colours. But they don't have to be too bright colours.

- Cheeky: Slightly rude or showing no respect, but often in a funny way:
- Dramatic: Having a character or an effect like that of acted plays.
- Short Temper: If someone is short-tempered, they get angry easily, often for no good reason.
- Honest: Free of deceit, truthful and sincere.
LIKESNovalie likes quidditch, shopping, her family, fun, spending time with friends, flying, jokes and getting compliments about her looks.
QUOTE" Tell the truth. Or at least don't lie."
DISLIKESShe doesn't like books, studying, dark places, dishonest people, sneaky people, getting told what to do, old boring people and too many rules.
SECRETSNovalie doesn't have specific secrets at the moment.
GOALSNovalie her goal is once she joins Hogwarts, to become part of the quidditch team. And to be succesfull in that and play in the Nordic National Team later on, just like her mother had done.
FEARSShe fears dark places, and to lose her father or siblings.
STRENGHTSNovalie is straightforward and honest, so she says what she thinks and will tell you the truth always. That makes her very real, and that is why she hates people who are total opposite. She is also very independent and knows how to take care of herself, and how to defend herself to others in a verbal way. She will not easily be influenced to do something. Also she is not afraid to speak to others and make contacts, whenever she walks in a room she can decide an mood. That can be an strenght, but also in a negative way.
WEAKNESSESHer weakness is her quick temper. She is easily irritated when it doesn't go as she liked it to see. When someone will insult her or someone she loves/likes she will not hold back to use violence if needed. And believes that that isn't wrong, since you have to look out for yourself and your love ones.
PERSONALITYNovalie is on the outside an lovely girl to look at, well dressed but with an quick temper. She can go from 0 till 100 in a second, and is more an person who acts from emotions and feelings than to think something really through. She is very straightforward and honest, and will tell others how she feels about something. Novalie can defend herself pretty well with words, but she can also use violence if she feels threatened. She is loyal to the people close to her, and wil defend them also. Novalie hates people who are sneaky or dishonest, they make her blood boil. Growing up without an mother, makes her feel she missed an important part in her life. But instead of being angry at the sport which lead to her mothers death, she embraces it and wants to follow in her mothers footsteps. She feels it's a way to connect with her mother, to play the same sport as she did. And it's the only thing she actually knows of her mother, other than story's she heard from her family. Novalie is an person who speaks a lot, and likes to have fun. She doesn't like to be told what to do, but if someone has her respect she will listen.

AMORTENTIAShe would smell roses, lavendel and coffee.
MIRROR OF ERISEDIf Novalie would look into the mirror she would see herself playing for the Nordic National Quidditch Team.
WAND- Wood:
- Core:
- Inches:

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, New Zealand


![]() MOTHER BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Was happily married EDUCATION Hogwarts NZ HOUSE Hufflepuff OCCUPATION - | ![]() FATHER Mans Erling Rosenberg BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Widower (Single) EDUCATION Hogwarts NZ HOUSE Gryffindor OCCUPATION Shop Owner Rosenberg's | ![]() SISTER Sofia Gabriella Rosenberg BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS In a relationship EDUCATION Hogwarts NZ HOUSE Gryffindor OCCUPATION Professional Dancer | ![]() BROTHER Gabriel Evald Rosenberg BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS In a relationship EDUCATION Hogwarts NZ HOUSE Gryffindor OCCUPATION Professional Quidditch Player | ![]() SISTER Giselle Saga Rosenberg BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Single EDUCATION Hogwarts NZ HOUSE Slytherin OCCUPATION Alcoholic |
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