Not too cold...

Arianna Tipley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Arianna was determined to go for a swim, even though it was getting colder. She packed her towel, and spare clothes in a bag, changed into her bikini and board shorts. She headed down to the lake, and put her bag down on the grass. Looking gingerly into the clear water, she scanned the bottom. Last time she had swam in the lake, she had been with Sam, and she had seen a human hand in in the weeds. Decding that being afraid was stupid, she stood up, paused for a second, then dived into the water. It was cool and refreshing, and all thoughts of hands dissapeared from her mind. Sighing in contentment she rolled onto her back, and floated there, closing her eyes, enjoying the peace.
Ares was wondering around when he saw a girl floating in the lake with her eyes closed. An evil smirk crossed his face, he quickly stripped off his shirt. He paused and glanced down at his pants, they would have to do. He did a running dive and entered the water quickly and quietly.

All his years of swim team paid off as he was still able to hold his breath for a long time as he swam undewater. When he came beneath the girl he reached up with two hand and pulled at her legs.
Arianna vaguely heard a little splash, but brushed it off as a fish or something like that. A few seconds later, she felt something grab her legs. The image of the hand lying in the weed flashed in front of her eyes. She screamed, and thrashed around, swallowing a large amount of water in the process. She twisted herself free, and, coughing and choking on lake water, she looked down into the water for the source of the commotion. She saw the form of somebody she vaguely recognised, and realised it was Ares, a guy she had met on the cliffs a while ago. Still coughing, she waited for him to surface.
Ares noticed Arianna swallowed a mouth full of water and he quickly let go. As he surfaced, he gave her a small guilty smile. "Sorry, didnt mean for you to swallow water." he apologized sincerly
Ari was just about open her mouth and tell him not to worry about it, but she was struck by a sudden idea. Putting on a hurt expression, she put a hand to her mouth, pretending to cough. She kept up the charade for a few more seconds, before letting out a whoop, and dunking him under the lake. When he surfaced, she put her hands up "Ok, I call a truce!" she said, grinning, her eyes twinkling.
Ares moved to held Ari as she coughed, "Im so sorr.." he began and received a mouthful of water as Ari dunked him under the water. He surface, coughed once then gave Arianna an evil grin "Truce? Truce you want a truce now?" He splashed a wave of water at her.
Ari laughed and ducked, before splashing him back, then quickly diving under the water and swimming away as fast as she could. She came up for air a few metres away from Ares, and put her legs down too stand up, but found that she was too deep. She treaded water for a few seconds, then disapeared under the water again, appearing behind him.
"Actually no, no truce!" she said, attempting to send a small tsunami at him.
Ares laughed as Ari sent a huge wave towards him. He got hit by it and quickly dived underwater and came up behind her, he reached in front of her and attempted to splash her in the face.
Ari giggled as he sent a wave of water into her face. She fell backwards into the water, splashing around to regain her balance.
"Ok, ok! You win!" she said, as she stood back up in the water, still laughing.
The Lake water was reasonably warm, and she didn't mind having a water fight, but she was starting to get slightly tired.
Jeez, you're so unfit she told herself.
Ares grinned proudly as she gave in. A cold wind passed and the ravenclaw suddenly shivered "Okay! Lets get out of here its freezing!!" he glanced as Ari and grinned as he turned around, "Hop on im giving you a ride to shore"
Ari nodded, and began to wade towards shore but was stopped short
"Huh?" she said "Oh.. Ok then!" she said, hesitating, before hopping onto his back and letting him take her back to shore. She hopped off quickly as soon as they reached the bank, and retrieved her towel, wrapping it around herself.
"Thanks" she said, smiling at him, and sitting down on the grass.
Ares transported Ari back to shore then lay down in the grass, in full glare of the sun to try and dry off. "Sooo..." Ares smilled at Ari "Tell me about yourself"
Ari looked thoughtfully out over the Lake
"Me... Hmm" she said, wondering what parts of her life would actually interest him "As you know, I'm a Hufflepuff second year, and I'm from Canada... I'm in a band" she said, saying the last part with pride "And... yeah" she finished, lamely "I'm pretty boring overall" she said, laughing quietly.
"What about you?" she asked in return "Your deepest darkest secrets?"
Ares smirked as Ari mentioned the band, remembering his audition. He smiled and watched her as she described herself. "Your not boring". Ares sighed "Me, Im in Ravenclaw, have absolutly no idea how that happened, rarely go to class, never do my work and love mischief and Im from Australia"

The Ravenclaw turned his focus to the lake "Deepest darkest secrets, I like a girl, who's obsessed with another guy and made out with one of my friends" he frowned. "You?"
Ari half smiled, half snorted when he said she wasn't boring
"Oh, I was trying to figure out your accent. That explains it" she said, nodding absent mindedly.
"Oh" she said, eyes wide "I was kidding about the whole deepest darkest secret thing, but... wow that sounds complicated" she sympathised.
"Can't say the same... I don't really have any secrets" she said, wracking her brain for something "Um... maybe the fact that my eleven year sister tried to commit suicide last year?" she offered, dissapointed, yet again, that her life wasn't very exciting.
Ares looked away shame faced when Ari said she had been kidding about asking about his deepest secret.
He turned concerned to Ari when she said her sister tried to commit suicide, "Is she okay not? Are you okay?" he asked concerned.
Ari bit her lip, feeling bad "Sorry! I won't tell anybody" she promised, looking down.
"Yeah she's fine now" Ari said happily, thinking of her bubbly sister.
"It was tough there for a while, but it's all good" she added. It had been an awful time while Clare was St. Mungos, but now she was healthy.
Ares shook it off, it didnt matter now anyway. He changed the subject, "Eleven year old sister?" He asked smiling "Peytons ten. Is your sister coming to Hogwarts next year?"

[ooc does Clare wanna Rp with Peyton?? :D :D ]
(Yeah, sure! I have a lot of RP's going on, do you mind starting?)

Ari shook her head, a little sadly
"No, she was supposed to be a first year this year, but she din't want to come" she said, the smile fading from her face
"She goes to a non magical school" she said "But she's happy there" she added.
So I should be too she thought. But she wasn't. Ari had really been looking forward to having her little sister come to Hogwarts, so that she could get to know her, and look after her like she should.
Snapping herself out of it, Ari forced a smile back onto her face.
Ares nodded "Peytons the opposite," he laughed "Shes not due to come till the year after next, but shes so excited she's been saving for her own school supplies so she can have them before she starts and she loves hanging around the train station." He smiled. "She prefers non magic schools?" he asked curious.
Ari smiled genuinely, Ares's little sister sounded cool
"That's sweet" she said, looking out over the lake. She contemplated her answer to his question. She wasn't really that sure herself. The whole affair was complicated, and didn't know what to tell him. Sighing, she said quietly
"It's a long story?" she said, looking at him to see if he wanted to hear it all.
Ares smiled as he looked into Ari's eyes, her sister seemed to be really important to her, and the ravenclaw could see that everything concerning her sister touched deep near her heart. "I have time" he answered, feeling honoured he was given the option to hear it.
Ari smiled back, glad that he didn't mind listening to her story- Or rather her sister's story
"Alright, well it all started around the time I was born" she started, lying back on the grass, and making herself comfortable.
"My father got all stressed out and everything, and he... had an affair" she said, mumbling the last part, feeling embarrased
"And... well, that created Clare" she said, cursing her choice of words, but she wasn't sure how else to put it. Cheeks reddening, she continued
"We had no idea Clare existed, until last year when she got her Hogwarts letter. Her mother told her that she wouldn't be going, so Clare ran away to find dad. She found him and my mum, and then her mum came, and they had this huge fight apparently" she said, frowning slightly. Ari wasn't too sure about this part, but she tried to explain it best she could.

"Then Clare ran away, again, and found me here. She explained everything to me, which, was a bit of a shock" Ari said, smiling wryly, remembering her sister's blunt way of telling her what had happened
" So then I didn't hear from her again, and I assumed that she was coming to Hogwarts this year, but then towards the end of last year, my parents pulled me out for a couple of weeks... because Clare had attempted suicide" Ari looked down, twisting her hands. This was still hard for her to talk about
"I don't know the full story... but anyway she almost died" she said, forcing the last word out.
"Then, I went home for the summer holidays, and Clare had basically gone back to normal, but she had made up her mind that she wasn't coming here" Ari finished sadly, sighing
"She's very stubborn" she added, as an explanation.
Ari closed her eyes, hoping this story wouldn't put Ares off.
Ares watched Ari, and as she told her story, he felt so bad for her. He reached over and hugged her "Im sorry you had to go through that" he said sincerly. Ares realized it made him feel slightly more protective over his friend. He sighed and looked at her concerned. "How are you dealing with it, now?" he asked.
Ari smiled genuinely
"Thanks" she said, hugging him back
"Yeah, we're fine now" she reassured him
"If Clare's fine, then I'm fine" she said in a firm voice, thinking of her now healthy sister, which brightened her up, as usual
"Thanks" she said again, more softly. It meant alot to her that Ares cared about her.

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