šŸŒ¹ Rose Giving Not one but FOUR red roses?

Amory Raven

Work smart not hard šŸ¦• Bold šŸ Confident
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pine Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Tiny GM Approved <3

Yep signing up was definitely a mistake, now they had made him deliver to Mr.Grumpypants himself. Amory had decided to go looking for Mikael, pleased to not have found him in the Comon room but instead at the Student Lounge, with his less so grumpy boyfriend. Maybe the Gryffindor would balance things out and Amory would live to see another day. "Hello Mikael and Elio, nice day outside, yes?" The second year spoke out trying, and failing, to hide the bouquet of red behind his back.

@Mikael Nightray @Elio Boneheart
Elio had his head in Mikael's lap, with a book in his hands as he tried to get some studying done. It was nice when they could spend time like this together, and so when they were interrupted by a younger Slytherin, he sat up and frowned at him, noting he was looking rather suspicious. "So nice we're in here studying, why?" He asked, frowning at the boy who's just interrupted his time spent with his boyfriend.​
Mikael hadn't really thought much about Valentine's Day aside from buying Elio a gift - which he would give soon enough - and sending one of those roses that were for delivering for the holiday. He figured his boyfriend would like to receive one, and he'd used the same thing to send them to some of the girls as well. Now, he was forced to think about it because Amory Raven just came to breach the peace and quiet holding and hiding a bouquet of roses behind his back. Now he knew he didn't send any bouquets, so who the f*** just sent a bouquet to his boyfriend. "Who sent you," he glared at the boy.
Amory grinned at the two older boys, clearly having interrupted their little time together. Mikael 0, Amory 1, well at this point it was more like 2 probably but whatever. "Hey now, no need getting all hostile. I am simply doing my job!" The Slytherin said throwing one arm up before bringing the other one out to give the bouquet to the grumpy Slytherin. "For you Mikael." He announced. Whatever those held, could not be blamed on him.
More snacks please
Mi Amor,


~ Weekend bf
(two roses have no notes)
Elio took the Bouquet before it could even get to Mikael, frowning at it. Who the heck was sending this many red roses to his boyfriend, especially since none of them were from him since he didn't send any to Mikael. His plan was to have a picnic on a day that wasn't Valentine's day and make the rose himself and now he was going to look like a complete idiot. "Who's sending you a bouquet of red roses?" He asked, looking over at Mikael with a frown. He didn't wait, and instead looked at the notes, knowing Mikael wouldn't care. "Oh, this one is definitely from Rose." But Weekend Boyfriend? And then the blank ones? One of them might have been from Theo, because he was enough of an @sshole to do that, but the second one?​
Mikael frowned at the roses that were being handed to him which he made no move to take. By the frown on Elio's face, it was obvious that it was not his boyfriend that sent them, and so it was easy to lose interest. He shrugged when Elio asked him who was sending him red roses - he already had a guess. "Just send them back to Theodore," was what he said before going back to his book while Elio read the notes, he was pretty sure Elio could filter out if any was worth keeping. "I'll take the one from Rose," he told Elio, "what did it say," almost completely forgetting that Amory was there watching his interaction with Elio. "You," he told the younger boy. "10 galleons for you to send the stupid roses to Theodore Nightray. Gryffindor. Probably flirting with everything walking on two legs today."
Amory watched the two older boys and their reactions, which were varying stages of grief at this point. However one got stuck on anger and the other in denial. Oh well, it was worth the show. When the Slytherin spoke to him as if here merely a message boy he cocked an eyebrow. "I am no owl nor a message boy however," there was a stupid grin on his face "Since there is three of them make it 20 galleons and we have a deal, for Roses sake I am not charging for one of them. Call it me being nice." He smiled waiting for the response, surely he'd be willing to pay 10 more just for someone to do the job for him.
Mikael took his eyes off his book only to find his boyfriend pouting at all four roses before handing him the one that's supposedly from Rose. "Did you want to keep the note to ask Theodore?" he asked his boyfriend before turning to the boy who was trying to bargain with him. Mikael raised a brow at the ballsy move. "15 and I won't tell my uncle all about you. I heard he has a certain dislike for boys hanging around his daughters." Of course, he could easily pay the 20 galleons the boy was asking for, but he'd like to see how far this boy would push. "On top of that, I'll pay 15 galleons for every rose if you figure out their sender." It was obviously bothering Elio - he reached out to run his fingers through Elio's hair - trying to figure out who even dared to send roses, so they could make an attempt to find out.
Amory watched the older boy try to bargain back and his smile widened. "Nope 20 or no returns, I was already nice enough about it. You have mistaken me for one that cares much about what others think, news flash I don't so feel free to snitch to your uncle if you will." What was he gonna do? Expel Amory? Cast curses on him? Surely not, not if he wanted to keep his position as a Professor. "As for the second offer do I look like your personal circus monkey? I am not, but my bet is the empty ones being from your cousin just to keep you on your toes probably and third one someone close enough to you to know which buttons to push to get a reaction out, clearly it has worked since you are trying to pay for someone to investigate for you." Some nerve he had too, wouldn't he be better suited finding out who sent it? It was someone likely in his life after all. "So 20 or no?" He asked expectantly.
Mikael couldn't help but snort at the younger boy's guts, not disappointed at all. "See love? Even he thinks they're from Theodore," he still had no idea who the other one was from, but he also hadn't looked at the note at all. It was such a shame Amory wouldn't take the bribe; now he'd have to pay Rose or Sayuri to figure it out. He was pretty sure he could figure it out if he tried, but why do the work himself when he could delegate. "Hand over the roses now love," he said as he continued to run his fingers on his pouting boyfriend's hair, who then proceeded to give the roses back to Amory. Pulling out his wand, he cast two spells softly. First, to summon a pack from his bag, and the second floated exactly twenty galleons towards the younger boy straight from the pack. "Go on then. Do give Rose my regards."
Amory was a little taken back by the snort but his easy smile didn't falter the least bit. In his books this counted as a win. As the older boy agreed he made a score in his head 2 or 3 - 0 for himself of course. Taking the galleons the second year made a theatrical bow, "Pleasure doing business with you," and with that he turned around and walked out, all the while whistling a merry tune.

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