Not all Treasure is Silver and Gold

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Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
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Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair
Hey Everyone... AGAIN
I really have to post these and remember to check on them
I'm going to try get my Silver's Active.. again
So allow me to properly introduce them now that all my requests have been approved!</COLOR>
Cleo Silver
Cleo is a Ravenclaw First year, she is the youngest of three but recently her Father sent her an owl since she's starting her life as a first year at Hogwarts, she should know the Truth about herself.
When Cleo's brother Lake was young he was causing trouble for his parents and they were going through a rough time, because of this Cleo's father had an affair (or two), instantly regretting it he returned to his wife and begged for her forgiveness, 9 months later Cleo was found on the doorstep with a note from the woman informing Cleo's father that she was not going to care for this child and he had to, Cleo's father knew that the woman he had an affair with was half veela and hoped that she would grow up as normal as possible. His wife took Cleo in and treated her Almost like her own child but was still cold to the child.
The Secret was kept from her until recently when she got the letter from her father explaining everything and she ran into her only friend at Hogwarts, Deme (RP still going currently)

Cleo needs Friends and attractions.
Lake Silver
Lake is an 18yr old Durmstrang Student/Werewolf
He was infected when he was 9 years old (Got bored shopping with his mum so he decided the dark forest would be more fun to explore) and has been an outcast loner by choice ever since.
He recently ran into another Durmstrang Student Clover Shepherd while lurking in bleak street and he’s not quite sure if she is classified as his friend since he pushed her along a wall and ruined her favourite hoodie.. But he's still fun..ish, he likes to lurk and study expressions and when he does talk to people he has a bit of a dark humor to things and tends to flirt absentmindedly (Probably blaming his older sister for that since she is 100% Flirt)
Same as Cleo, Lake needs Friends & Attractions but he also needs some trouble.
Phoebe Silver
Phoebe is a Hogwarts Slytherin Graduate who likes to flirt.

She spends most of her time flirting and sleeping around, she never plans to have children she just plans to enjoy life. I'm thinking of Phoebe having maybe 3 or 4 children but putting them up for adoption and not telling their fathers, so I'm looking for people to be baby daddy's and adoptive parents of her children if possible?
Maeve Silver
<COLOR color="#000">
Maeve is the Silver's Aunt, she's also the School Librarian and an Author, she spends most of her time hunting down secret hook ups in the library, writing books and repairing and sorting the library books aswell.
Maeve is smart and kind but she never had any children of her own, she always put studying and writing before love and she regrets it now.
Maeve needs some friends and maybe an older person for a relationship since she will never have children but she does want love.

I think that's everyone....
PM me on Kida Frost if you have any questions

Oh yay! I love these!

Okay. For Cleo I have Heath James. The two have met before and Heath has changed much since. His personality is not very bright, and he is a bit of a jerk to most people, but since he already knows Cleo he would be nice. He absolutely hates being in Hufflepuff, so he dresses head to toe in black while at school. Maybe he and Cleo could have small crushes on each other? That's up to you though. It would be great to have those two RP with each other again.

Maybe these two can meet up again, and then Phoebe stops coming to him because she's pregnant? I can offer adoptive parents too, but you can PM if you are interested in that. It is quite fun RPing Hez and Phoebe.

That's all I can offer right now. I will PM you with a few offers for Lake.
Hey Lovi,
I'll PM you about this :)
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