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OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn

Hi all! December is a new transferred student and is need of some friends and enemies. Obviously, not everyone is going to like her. But! She would really appreciate some new friends that will take to her personality. Ravenclaws are appropriate, considering they would be in the same house, but other houses (probably Slytherin or a strange Gryffindor) would be nice. You can get the link to December's biography in my signature for any information you will need to help your decision in helping December develop in New Zealand.

I haven't had any threads with anyone yet, so I really hope you help me out!

Also! December hasn't had any love interests in her life, and it would be a great change if there was someone out there willing to put up with her. : )

Thanks in advance!​
I can offer Klaus Smile as a friend. He is a seventh year Gryffindor. He is a half blood, and he loves Divination. He is very tall, but he is very sweet. He tends to be blunt and accidentally hurt people with his words, but he would never hurt anyone intentionally. Unless, his family was involved somehow. He is very loyal to people he sees as friends, but he does not have very many of them. I think they would ale good friends since thy both like Divination.

Flash Jethro Niel said:
I can offer Klaus Smile as a friend. He is a seventh year Gryffindor. He is a half blood, and he loves Divination. He is very tall, but he is very sweet. He tends to be blunt and accidentally hurt people with his words, but he would never hurt anyone intentionally. Unless, his family was involved somehow. He is very loyal to people he sees as friends, but he does not have very many of them. I think they would ale good friends since thy both like Divination.

That would be great actually! She really needs someone around. Go ahead and PM me when you want, and we can get a thread started. : ) Thanks for your willingness!
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