Nora Blythe

Nora Blythe

animal kin; famous mum; shoulder chip
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 11 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core

I've been havin' dreams
Jumpin' on a trampoline

Full Name: Nora Anne Blythe
Pronunciation: n AW - r ah; AH n; b l ay th
Nicknames: Nor - Family only
Name Origins: Nora - Short for Honora, an Anglo-Norman name from the Latin for "honor." It's also short for Eleanora, a Greek name meaning "light." In Scotland, Nora is the feminine form of Norman.
Anne - The name Anne is a girl's name of Hebrew, French, English origin meaning "grace"
Blythe - Blythe originated as a nickname for an upbeat person, coming from the Old English word bliðe, meaning “merry” or “cheerful.”
Date of Birth: June 3rd, 2040
Current Age: Currently Eleven

Flippin' in the air
I never land, just float there

Basic Appearance: Nora has thick, curly red hair that is almost impossible to tame. She rolls around in the grass and twigs a lot so it can often be found to be full of twigs and stick and bits of grass and things she's picked up from the ground. It's very difficult for her to brush on her own so she normally sets aside one day a week for proper hair care. She is shorter than average and quite lithe, making it easy for her to crawl in holes and climb trees. She's pale and freckly and gets burned easily in the sun.
Personality: INFJ - The Advocate
Nora is a generally shy person who doesn't like to be in the spotlight, due to that, she dislikes people getting into her space and knowing who she is. She is bitter and has a chip on her shoulder because of the way she grew up with her mother as a famous author. She feels like no one really cares about her or her feelings and so she tends to shut down when she meets someone new. She's not largely into books and is actually mildly dyslexic, which can make things really hard for her. She feels like this makes her inadequate to truly be a part of the family as the rest of her siblings love books and their mother's work especially and so Nora often feels like the odd one out. She loves animals more than people and sees them as her calling. She has an inborn sense of idealism and morality, but she is not an idle dreamer. She is capable of taking concrete steps to realise her goals. Nora sees helping animals as her purpose in life and is often knee deep in different charity and rescue operations when she can. Though soft-spoken, she has very strong opinions and will fight tirelessly for an idea she believes in. She is decisive and strong-willed, but will rarely use that energy for personal gain. Nora tends to believe that nothing would help the world so much as using love and compassion to soften the hearts of tyrants. She finds it easy to make connections with animals and tends to understand them a lot better than she does people. Nora sees the world as a place filled with inequality, but she wants to help make the world a better place.
Immediate Family: Mother: Emily Blythe
Father: William Blythe
Brothers: None
Sisters: Celia Denise, Katie Maria, Lilian Louise and Aliyah Quinn

As I'm looking up
Suddenly the sky erupts

Pets: text
School: Hogwarts New Zealand; Hufflepuff
Blood Status: Half Blood
Heritage: English
Interests or Hobbies: Animals
Strengths: Creative, Insightful, Inspiring and Convincing, Decisive, Determined and Passionate, Altruistic
Flaws: Fatal Flaw: Always needs to have a cause - Nora can sometimes get so caught up in her pursuits that any of the cumbersome tasks that come between her and her ideal vision is deeply unwelcome. She likes to know that she is taking concrete steps toward her goals. If routine tasks feel like they are getting in the way – or worse yet, there is no goal at all – she will feel restless and disappointed.
Major Flaws: Sensitive, Perfectionist
Minor Flaws: Extremely Private, Can Burn Out Easily
Values: Honesty, Intelligence, Kindness and Fairness

Flames alight the trees
Spread to fallin' leaves

Describe your character in five words: Honest, Bitter, Fair, Loving, Sensitive
Best school subjects: text
Worst school subjects: text
Current Job: Student
Plans for the future: Magizoologist
Patronus: Unicorn A unicorn is one of the most widely recognized and ethereal of mythical creatures, and it is one of the rarest Patronuses. Due to the unicorn’s affinity for women rather than men, medieval artists often portrayed the beast with a woman, causing it to become a sort of religious symbol of incarnation among Muggles. Unicorn blood can be used to keep a person alive but at great personal cost. With its mighty and majestic horn, a unicorn Patronus could easily charge down a Dementor, spearing it to keep its master safe.
Patronus memory: The first time she met an animal
Boggart: text - text
Ridikkulus: text
Animagus: Horse

Now they're right upon me
Wait if I'm on fire

Credits; text for the Lyrics, Google for the Images. Template is made by me.
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