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- 51
Full Name:
- Noah Mitchel Scott
Date of Birth:
- 22nd of August
Current Age:
- 15
Basic Appearance:
- I have short brown hair that frames my face and blue eyes. I'm tall and skinny, like most men in my family. I can usually be seen wearing button up shirts and jeans, you know casual.
- My family is always saying I'm a hopeless romantic. I guess there kinda right, I love being in love, its just the best feeling in the world! I'm also really nice once you get to know me and people who I've just met describe me as cold and distant, but I don't see why I should be nice to people I don't even know.
- Well theres my mum and dad, Jack and Haley. We get along most times, but you know I am a teenager and sometimes well... I'm just glad I go to bording school. I also have a little brother and sister. My sister is 10 and starts school next year, her names Katie, and my brother is Ian, hes only 8. Oh! Theres also my uncle Henry(my mums brother) and my aunt Danielle. We go visit them all the time on vacations, along with there kids Henry and Penelope. Henry graduates this year, I can't believe it.
- A cat named Rockey.
Area of Residence:
- We live in Barrhead Scotland
Blood Status:
- Half blood. My moms a mums a muggle but my dad is a wizard.
- My dad is French and my mum is Scotish.
Special Abilities:
- Well I'm a talented musican, if I do say so myself. I'm also good at remembering things.
Interests or Hobbies:
- I play guitar and sing, I love writing music also. I absolutly love reading and learning new things though, if it gets really quiet I'll start naming off random facts.
Additional Skills:
- I'm a fairly good flyer, infact this year I made Ravenclaw team beater.
- Music, speed reading, cooking.
- I'm horrible at transfiguration.
Describe your character in three words:
- Books, music, love.
Favourite place to be:
- The beach tree by the lake at school, its great to write songs and play music under.
- I have a few girl and guy friends.
Hogwarts House:
- Ravenclaw
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To learn as much as I can, isn't that why everyone goes to school?
Best school subjects:
- Charms, potions, and acient runes.
Worst school subjects:
- Transfiguration and astronomy.
Extracurricular Activities:
- Quidditch, as well as a few other student clubs.
- A few more years till that!
Current Job:
- None.
Plans for your future:
- Well I havn't really planned much past graduation...
Your Patronus:
- I unno, we haven't studied them yet.
Your Patronus memory:
- Any moment with my friends and ast girlfriends.
Your Boggart:
- A fish... ugh I hate thos things. *shudder*
Your Animagus:
- I have no idea, uumm, a cat?
Mirror of Erised:
- Me with the girl of my dreams just hanging out laughing and having fun.
A page from your diary:
- Guys don't have diarys!
- Noah Mitchel Scott
Date of Birth:
- 22nd of August
Current Age:
- 15
Basic Appearance:
- I have short brown hair that frames my face and blue eyes. I'm tall and skinny, like most men in my family. I can usually be seen wearing button up shirts and jeans, you know casual.
- My family is always saying I'm a hopeless romantic. I guess there kinda right, I love being in love, its just the best feeling in the world! I'm also really nice once you get to know me and people who I've just met describe me as cold and distant, but I don't see why I should be nice to people I don't even know.
- Well theres my mum and dad, Jack and Haley. We get along most times, but you know I am a teenager and sometimes well... I'm just glad I go to bording school. I also have a little brother and sister. My sister is 10 and starts school next year, her names Katie, and my brother is Ian, hes only 8. Oh! Theres also my uncle Henry(my mums brother) and my aunt Danielle. We go visit them all the time on vacations, along with there kids Henry and Penelope. Henry graduates this year, I can't believe it.
- A cat named Rockey.
Area of Residence:
- We live in Barrhead Scotland
Blood Status:
- Half blood. My moms a mums a muggle but my dad is a wizard.
- My dad is French and my mum is Scotish.
Special Abilities:
- Well I'm a talented musican, if I do say so myself. I'm also good at remembering things.
Interests or Hobbies:
- I play guitar and sing, I love writing music also. I absolutly love reading and learning new things though, if it gets really quiet I'll start naming off random facts.
Additional Skills:
- I'm a fairly good flyer, infact this year I made Ravenclaw team beater.
- Music, speed reading, cooking.
- I'm horrible at transfiguration.
Describe your character in three words:
- Books, music, love.
Favourite place to be:
- The beach tree by the lake at school, its great to write songs and play music under.
- I have a few girl and guy friends.
Hogwarts House:
- Ravenclaw
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To learn as much as I can, isn't that why everyone goes to school?
Best school subjects:
- Charms, potions, and acient runes.
Worst school subjects:
- Transfiguration and astronomy.
Extracurricular Activities:
- Quidditch, as well as a few other student clubs.
- A few more years till that!
Current Job:
- None.
Plans for your future:
- Well I havn't really planned much past graduation...
Your Patronus:
- I unno, we haven't studied them yet.
Your Patronus memory:
- Any moment with my friends and ast girlfriends.
Your Boggart:
- A fish... ugh I hate thos things. *shudder*
Your Animagus:
- I have no idea, uumm, a cat?
Mirror of Erised:
- Me with the girl of my dreams just hanging out laughing and having fun.
A page from your diary:
- Guys don't have diarys!