Noah James Esquire

Noah Esquire

Well-Known Member
(( I've changed some things about this character, and the other thread didn't get really any feedback, so I've made a new one :D ))

Full Name:
Noah James Esquire

Birth Date:
November 31 (Sagittarius)

Current Age:
11 Years old

Basic Appearance:
Dark brown eyes and matching hair, skinny built and tall height. I sometimes get made fun of for being so lanky, but I laugh along :p

James & Alison Esquire - James works as a PR representative at my uncle's company, and Alison is a part-time philanthropist. James feels bitter about being employed by his younger brother, but he gets paid very well so he doesn't complain. Like the rest of the Esquire's, James & Alison go to many charity events, and are often in the public eye. They try to make me conform to the usual standard, but I don't want to be someone I'm not. They say I'm an embarassment to the Esquire name, and my relationship with them is very strained because of this. After being told one too many times that I'm not worthy, I ran away and traveled to Brightstone.

Siblings, if any:
I'm an only child, but my cousin Vivienne and I are way tight. :D

Pets, if any:
I have a puppy named Jimi. He's a puggle (pug x beagle) and I love him to bits.

Area of Residence:
Parents' house - A big white house in the suburbs. I hate it. It's so stifling, and blocks my creativity.
Current residence - My uncle and aunt's house by the lake, not far from Brightstone. I much prefer it here, it's so natural and free.

Blood status:
Mixed blood. Both of my parents have mainly wizards in their ancesty, but a few muggles here and there.

Five word to best describe you:
Free-spirited, curious, mischievous, goofy, laid-back :p

Hogwarts House (And why):
Ravenclaw. I don't think it's because I'm 'smart' or anything, because I'm definitely not a stereotypical Ravenclaw. I think I'm in this house more because of my curiousity, and hunger for knowledge. I just love to learn new things everyday!

Best school subjects (And why):
Probably care of magical creatures or History of Magic. I love animals and the outdoors, plus HoM teaches so much that I didn't know before about the world. I find it all really interesting.

Worst school subjects (And why):
Defence against the dark arts. I feel very strongly against dark arts, and don't want to associate myself with them at all. I do understand that the class is to learn about them and be able to defend yourself against them, but I still don't enjoy the class.

Favourite place at Hogwarts:
The grounds. I feel most at home when I'm with nature. ^_^

What would your Animagus form be? (If you ever were to become one)
A dove, because they represent peace and tranquility. Also because birds fly and migrate, and I like to travel alot too. I'm a bit of a nomad.

What would your Patronus be?
Some type of bird (see animagus question).

What would your Boggart be?
My father angry or disappointed in me. It's not that he's necessarily scary, but it just upsets me being told that I'm not good enough all the time.

What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?
1- The world being peaceful, free of war or anyone suffering.
2- My family being accepting of me, and not disappointed.
3- Everyone I love safe and happy.

What memory could they use to create a Patronus?
When I was seven and my dad said that he was proud of me. That hasn't happened since, so it's pretty special. Either that, or the first time I met Leia Evans..
Hello Noah,

just a few questions...

1. Are you a typical Sagittarius?
2. Does it bother you when you get made fun of?
3. What is your uncles business?
4. What position does your father have there?
5. When you say 'conform to the usual standard' what do you mean? Can you give an example, perhaps a memory?
6. Who state your parents house is in the suburbs, the suburbs of where?
7. How are you settling into Ravenclaw?
8. As you feel so 'at home with nature' I'm surprised herbology is not listed as one of your favourite subjects. Do you like the subject? Do you have any apititude for it?
9. What was special about your meeting with Leia Evans?
1. Are you a typical Sagittarius?
Yeah, I'd say that I am. Below are some common characteristics of a Sagittarius.. I think I actually fit them all pretty well! :lol:
Optimistic and freedom-loving, jovial and good-humored, honest and straightforward, intellectual and philosophical.

2. Does it bother you when you get made fun of?
Oh not at all. People just joke around about what a beanpole I am, but I agree with them so it's okay! It's just like when people mention something 'short, skin & bones, ginga etc' :p It isn't hurtful, just an observation.

3. What is your uncles business?
He owns a chain of wand shops all over the world.

4. What position does your father have there?
My father is a PR representative, meaning he works with advertising and stuff like that..

5. When you say 'conform to the usual standard' what do you mean? Can you give an example, perhaps a memory?
The Esquire's are like.. a large 'society family'. Sort of like the wizarding equivalent to the Kennedy's or something. I'm just.. not into dressing up and talking fancy, rubbing shoulders with snobby preps. One time I refused to wear a tux to some event, and just went in my jeans and t-shirt. My dad was pretty livid, because I apparently 'embarass' him.. =-/

6. Who state your parents house is in the suburbs, the suburbs of where?
My parents' house is in the suburbs of Auckland (the Magical part, not the Muggle part). It's only a few minutes from downtown, and easy to get through to the Muggle world if needed. Although Auckland isn't the capital of New Zealand, it is the biggest city, with the most shops and businesses.

7. How are you settling into Ravenclaw?
I'm doing okay. Classes are cool, and I'm really enjoying that part of it. I've learnt heaps, and it's really interesting. I haven't really made many friends though.. Probably just because I don't get out much :lol: It's not that I'm bad at making friends, in fact it's usually the opposite. I guess I've just been too busy with adjusting to the school that I haven't really continued the social side of things.

8. As you feel so 'at home with nature' I'm surprised herbology is not listed as one of your favourite subjects. Do you like the subject? Do you have any apititude for it?
Yeah, it's okay. I think I'm fairly decent at it, but I wouldn't say it's my favourite. I really dislike the idea of having to kill the mandrakes or whatever.. after you name them and look after them and all that. I don't even know if it's true.. but my cousin has some friends, and she told me they were forced to kill them -_-

9. What was special about your meeting with Leia Evans?
Do I really have to say.. :"> No comment!
No, I'm joking. She was one of the first people I met when I arrived in Brightstone, and definitely the nicest. It was long before we'd come to Hogwarts, so I've known her for a little while. We're good friends, and she means a lot to me. Just good friends, honestly!

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