Noah Blakewood

Noah Blakewood

Well-Known Member
Ash Wand, 12¼", Essence of a Unicorn hair
-Full Name: Noah Ariel Blakewood

-Birth Date: July 1st

-Current Age: 15

-Basic Appearance: Dark brown/black Curly hair, Athletically built, charming.

-Parents: Xavier Edwin Blakewood (Father), Rosaline Blakewood (Squiret) (Mother)

-Siblings, if any: Daniel Blakewood (Brother)

-Pets, if any: Highlander (Hawk)

-Area of Residence: Currently New Zealand.

-Blood status: Half Blood.

Noah's wand is a Ash Wand, 12¼", Essence of a Unicorn hair. It is not particularly normal in shape. It is unique to the style that Noah likes; Traditional and simple.​

-What would their Patronus be? Lion. Due to the fact that it shows courage and bravery as well as leadership Qualities, all of which Noah possess.

-What would their Boggart be? The family home burning down.

-What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one): A Lion.

-What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Him and his family living in Australia.

-What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The day that he arrived at Hogwarts New Zealand.
Hi Noah,

just a handful of questions...

* Is there a particular reason why your boggart is your home burning down?
* What possessed you to get a hawk as a pet? Will it be going to Hogwarts with you?
* Why transfer to HNZ?
* What are your favorite subjects?
* What is your worst subjects?
* Do any professors from your old school frighten you? Who and why?
* Did any inspire you?
* What ambitions do you have for when you finish school?
* Why do you think that particular wand chose you?
* What occupations do your parents hold?

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