No Sound But The Wind

Sam Prince

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Sam walked up to the North Tower, his bag slung over his back. He had attempted a bit of revision in the library but he had no sucess. Instead he just doodled at the corner of the parchment. He needed air, he needed space to think things over. The North Tower was always the place where he came to think or to escape, either there or the Lakefront. But in this case, the North Tower was closer and it was almost sundown, so curfew would be dawning. As a Prefect Sam had to abide by the rules now and so, being seen outsideafter curfew wasn't exactly a good influence on younger students.

The fact that he was now a prefect was one of the things he had to think over. He was a prefect! Although he was delighted about his position he was also a little worried about it. Sam had to note the rules as of this year, he had to stop kids pulling pranks. He used to be one of those kids and now, he was the 'suck-up prefect' that himself and Hoshi titled when they got caught. How he would ever live up to the position was beyond him. Sam stuck his hands into his pockets as he stared out into the sunset. The mixed colours in the sky automatically made him feel at peace.

Another thing he had to sorely think about was the OWL's and without doing a scrap of since first year he really had to knuckle down to at least pass his exams. On top of all this Sam realised how plainly miserable he had become what with Scorpius leaving and that fact that he was actually worrying about all of this, he never used to worry about anything. He was a fun, happy guy up until last year. He really wasn't sure what happened him wheter it was just that he was maturing or he was becoming a boring abiding-by-the-rules person. Both of them were horrible outcomes. Sam leaned his head against the window pane and let out a long overdue, tired sigh.
Riley had come to the North Tower for no other reason but to have a breather. Life hadn't exactly gone the way she had planned lately but her care free attitude hardly ever let her show that. One noticeable change was that the fifth year had neither her guitar or her broom with her as she journeyed up the stairs and through the towers. Her muse seemed to have gone lately and she had decided a small break from Quidditch practise was excusable, her trial being well over with. She was supposed to be studying, after all OWL's were coming up and she wasn't exactly a genious, in fact she wasn't very good at paying attention at all. Things had been changing this year, alot of things Riley didn't understand. For one thing boys, what was so intriguing about them all of a sudden anyway? Slumping onto the floor in the dusk Riley barely noticed that there was somebody else in the room. She looked up at the silouette by the window as it let out a sigh, whoever it was looked awfully familiar.

"Sam?" Riley said rather quietly, something that many would have been shocked by if they knew her usual outgoing and all over noisy attitude. Pulling her hair back behind her kneck Riley snuck up behind her friend and poked her head over his shoulder. "Guess who" she said, covering his eyes with her hands as she let out a slight giggle. She wondered if the same thing had bought Sam here, school wasn't exactly the easiest thing for the pair, with the exception if it involved Quidditch or some form of music. The young girl just couldn't seem to stick sitting in one place for hours and copying down note after note. She was so proud of Sam becoming a prefect but she wondered if he battled inside his brain about the responsiblities and having to set an example, it seemed like a little bit of a bore to the fun loving hufflepuff.
Sam's hands immediately went to his eyes as he heard the voice of Riley. He managed not to hear her when she had said his name before, so it had come as quite an surprise to him that she was here. He lifted her hands from his closed lids while turning around to face her, "Hey.." He finally replied, with a small smile playing across his lips. Sam looked down at their hands realizing he hadn't let go of them, oh sh*t he thought quickly and dropped them instantaneously. " you doing up here?" He asked while scratching the back of his neck in the hopes that she hadn't noticed. He came to the conclusion that he did have a thing for Riley but he wasn't really sure what to do with that. He liked Riley, a lot. But he had also liked Toni, a lot and Taylor had liked Scorpius, a lot and as their relationship fell apart so did their friendship. Sam didn't want to lose another friend like that. He hoped that maybe the jolt of happiness he felt when he was with her, would pass. He hoped that his constant thoughts about her would pass. He hoped that the rapid beating of his heart when she smiled, would pass. Because these things usually did..right?
Riley let a smile play across her face as Sam lifted her hands from his eyes. She looked up at him with her hazel eyes and it seemed as though time paused, if only for a few seconds. For some reason things felt different between them lately, but Riley had brushed the thought off, thinking she was simply over thinking things. But she couldn’t help but notice that Sam was still holding onto her hands. She blushed slightly, did he just touch my hand? she thought to herself. She watched as he was obviously a little flustered, this wasn’t the Sam she knew, he seemed different. She replied quickly, so Sam would think she hadn’t noticed, he was nervous for some reason. “Oh, ah- I just came up here for a break. I don’t get the Ancient Runes homework at all” she said, rolling her eyes slightly, schoolwork was never her strong point, she hoped she had averted away from the awkward moment that had just taken place. Riley felt her pulse accelerate, the way it usually did when he flashed her one of his signature smiles. What was this feeling? For once Riley wished she had paid attention to the ‘birds and bees’ conversation her mother had tried to force upon her.

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