Nixie Neolani

Nixie Neolani

Well-Known Member
The Basics
Character's Name: Nixie Neolani
Character's Birthdate: 6th November
Hometown: Paris, France
Blood Status: Half Blood
Wand:Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Tail of Charmed Newt
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Hair: Platinum Blonde, often dyed different colors.
Eyes: Violet
Height: 5'
Style: Quirky, different
Other Distinguishing Features: The largeness of her eyes.
A Little Deeper
Personality: Nixie is a very happy, optimistic person. She's also very perceptive and can often tell the way people are feeling just by observing them. She tries her best to understand and help people and back at home, her friends and classmates called her their shrink. She plays the drums and the piano and like to draw. She also likes to draw up clothes designs but isn't heavily into designing. She loves eating as well as cooking and isn't much into sports.
History: Nixie grew up in Paris where she was born and raised till she was seven. Although her parent's were around a lot, they weren't very responsible so it was her Grandmother who really raised her. At seven, Nixie's Grandmother passed away and they moved to New Zealand. Only 2 years later, her father passed away and there was only Nixie and her mother.

Nixie's mother was a muggle born witch so she raised Nixie as a muggle, and homeschooled her with more magical lessons. Since she is a half blood, she was always surrounded by magic.

Mother: Isabelle Neolani
Age: 37
Occupation: Own a magical plant shop.
Blood status: Muggle born

Father: Gerard Neolani (passed away)
Age: 40
Blood Status: Mixed blood

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