- Messages
- 29
- OOC First Name
- Mik
- Sexual Orientation
- Heterosexual
- Wand
- Apple wood, thirteen inches, flexible
- Age
- 9/2016
Full Name:
Nihal (Joyous, or successful. The name is commonly used as a male name in India, and a female name in Turkey. Chosen by his father (both of Nihal's parents are of Indian descent), and hoped it would bring luck to the family.)
Sidus (Resemblance to a star. Latin translation also suggests rainy weather, constellation, and night. The name was chosen by his mother who saw him as her star of hope when all seemed lost.)
Saiph (A blue star in the constellation Orion. The family name traces back to the 19th century. It is uncertain how it was acquired, though theories suggest a criminal background resulted in the earliest traceable family member to alter their name. Another theory is the relative was uncovered as a mage, and changed their identity to avoid trouble.)
Date of Birth:
Sunday, September 4th, 2016. (Born in an alleyway in India while his parents were on the run. His mother was just shy of eight months pregnant. The stress induced early labour and Nihal was born at ten past two in the morning, delivered by his father (with the assistance of magic). Though he was premature and very weak, Nihal pulled through and even thrived.)
Current Age:
25 (Current date: March, 2042)
Basic Appearance:
Short brown hair (which is kept groomed), five feet and eleven inches (considered very tall in India, but most likely down to non-Indian heritage), chocolate brown eyes, likes to wear smart-casual clothing.
Scar (small and mostly hidden within hairline) from being attacked as a child. (When they were hiding out in India in 2016 - 2018, they were uncovered by a group of village members who proceeded to hurl objects and rocks at them in an attempt to drive them out. This resulted in Nihal taking a rock to the head, and the family fleeing to somewhere even more discreet. Nihal's father treated his wound and he recovered with no long-term damage (other than a small, mostly invisible scar).
Laid-back- Nihal has had to take a lot in his stride, over the years, and has grown up in all sorts of environments. He likes to make the best of a bad situation, and he is fairly understanding and sympathetic towards others. He will mostly sit back and let people get on with their lives while he quietly observes the world. This would make him a very good father if he ever met the right person to have kids with.
Humorous- Nihal loves a good laugh. His sense of humour can be a little mature at times, but mostly it is witty and light-hearted. He likes spending time with people who share his sense of humour, and will enjoy going to comedy performances, watching stand-up, and funny films. This is most probably down to his history and having to deal with some very dark situations.
Calm- Nihal enjoys yoga, meditation, and a general practice in wellness. His mental health is surprisingly positive, and he is always closely monitoring his state of mind. He keeps a diary to jot down any concerns or worries so that they do not evolve into major stresses. He sees a therapist privately once a month to keep his life in check.
Loyal- After all they have been through together, Nihal is particularly loyal to his parents. He is also loyal to other family and friends. He believes this is an important quality, but should not be allowed to fly out of control; for example, if a member of the family was doing something illegal, Nihal would try and persuade them to stop and get help, but if it was dangerous to others, he would possibly consider reporting them to someone.
Adult- Nihal, generally, behaves as a mature adult. He works, he socialises in an appropriate manner, and he enjoys more grown-up activities such as sport for health, dinners with friends, and formal outings. All this said, Nihal will relax his attitude more around those friends and family he feels appropriate to do so, and will behave a little more like others his age might. (Going out to clubs, though still remaining responsible, or going on a 'boys only' holiday, or attending house parties and playing the fool).
Nihal has a large and extensive family, though they can only directly trace the Saiph name back to the 19th century. There are a lot of people who have scoured their own trees and claimed they are part of the tree- and the majority have been right. One family even uncovered a previously unknown child of the first recorded Saiph.
In Depth Of Blood Relatives:
Father: Narayan Saiph
Born: 06/10/1990 - India
Blood status: Pure
Lives: New Zealand
Occupation: Chief and founder of 'Warlock's Own' magazine
Children: Nihal (eldest), Trishna (middle), Amar (youngest)
Spouse: Sunita Saiph
Education: Privately tutored in India (magical and muggle)
Other: Owns a goldfish called Cthulu- perhaps where Nihal gets his sense of humour
Mother: Sunita Saiph (Maiden: Joshi)
Born: 17/08/1992 - India
Blood status: Muggle-born
Lives: New Zealand
Occupation: Muggle pharmacy worker
Children: Nihal (eldest), Trishna (middle), Amar (youngest)
Spouse: Narayan Saiph
Education: Owl-post early education courses for adults
Other: Studying magic through an owl education course
Sister: Trishna Saiph
Born: 10/08/2019
Blood status: Half blood
Lives: New Zealand
Occupation: Journalist for 'Warlock's Own' magazine
Children: None
Spouse: None
Education: Hogwarts (NZ)- 2030 - 2038 (Slytherin), Owl-post University courses
Other: Attempting to join the ranks of the high and mighty
Brother: Amar Saiph
Born: 18/02/2021
Blood status: Half blood
Lives: New Zealand
Occupation: Quidditch reserve for the Moutohora Macaws
Children: None
Spouse: None
Education: Hogwarts (NZ)- 2032 - 2040 (Gryffindor)
Other: Obsessed with sports
Paternal Aunt: Indra Sharma (Maiden: Saiph)
Born: 23/11/1987
Blood status: Pure
Lives: India
Occupation: Healer (Midwife)
Children: Ajeet (eldest), Amrita (youngest)
Spouse: Jai Sharma
Education: Privately tutored in India (magical and muggle)
Other: Quite serious about her work and life, tends to relax around Narayan
Paternal Cousin: Ajeet Sharma
Born: 02/09/2006
Blood status: Half
Lives: France
Occupation: Shop owner of 'Poisson Rouge' (aquatic store with hidden back for magical stock)
Children: Cosette (eldest twin), Doriane (youngest twin)
Spouse: Adeline Sharma (part-veela)
Education: Privately tutored in India (magical and muggle)
Other: Met Adeline when she travelled to India for a holiday, moved to France within a year, children within two
Paternal Cousin: Amrita Breiner
Born: 04/05/2008
Blood status: Half
Lives: Germany
Occupation: Lawyer
Children: Elsa (eldest), Ferdinand (middle), Leela (youngest)
Spouse: Emmerich Breiner
Education: Privately tutored in India (magical and muggle)
Other: Met Emmerich through a language course pen-pal scheme, the Breiner line is a wealthy one
Paternal Aunt:
Born: 20/01/1992
Blood status: Pure
Lives: India
Occupation: Astronomer
Education: Privately tutored in India (magical and muggle)
Paternal Cousin:
Born: 13/12/2017
Blood status:
Paternal Uncle: Saiph
Born: 14/03/1995
Blood status: Pure
Lives: Cairo (last known address)/Undisclosed
Occupation: Classified
Children: None
Spouse: None
Education: Privately tutored in India (magical and muggle), Ministry of Magic (India) training courses
Other: Has a habit of popping up here, there, and everywhere. Always seems to have excess money.
Maternal Aunt: Vasuda Joshi
Blood status: Muggle
Maternal Aunt: Vina
Blood status: Muggle
Maternal Cousin: Kiran
Blood status:
Maternal Aunt: Yami
Blood status: Muggle
Maternal Cousin: Mala
Blood status: Muggle
Maternal Cousin: Madhuri
Blood status: Muggle
Maternal Cousin: Lalita
Blood status:
Paternal Grandfather: Saiph
Blood status: Pure
Paternal Grandmother: Saiph (Maiden
Blood status: Pure
Maternal Grandfather: Joshi
Blood status: Muggle
Maternal Grandmother: Joshi (Maiden
Blood status: Muggle
- If you have stories/memories/information/family history/e.t.c. for each member, feel free to write those too.
- What where the reactions to your character receiving their letter from Hogwarts?
- If your character has any, what are their names; types; appearance e.t.c, and why do they have them?
- Will your character be brining their pet to Hogwarts? If so, why? If not, why?
- If your character has non, why not? And would they like some?
Area of Residence:
Born in an alleyway in India in September of 2016. Lived in India until the middle of 2018.
Lived in the Netherlands from the middle of 2018. They stayed with paternal relatives, as this is where some of the family originated from before India. They lived here until 2023, when they moved to New Zealand to start a new life.
From 2023, the Saiph family began their lives in New Zealand, where they have lived quite peacefully since.
Blood Status:
Most likely classified as a half blood, but likes to identify as unknown. He doesn't feel that his blood heritage is all that important, anyway. Nihal's mother is a muggle-born witch, his father is a wizard (a 'pure' blood, if you look at the streak of wizard-only blood in the family).
Nihal has very strong Indian roots, but his family line actually goes back to the Netherlands. The family supposedly lived there (under a different name) for centuries, but after (what is assumed to be) criminal activity, the name was changed to 'Saiph', and this is where the real tracing comes from. They started out in the Netherlands, but have been traced throughout Europe, and even further around the globe (most notably India, America, Germany, France, Scotland).
Nihal's immediate paternal family line started in the Netherlands, went to Germany, went to France, to Scotland, to India. This is probably down to (theory made by his father with research) the criminal relative fleeing to Germany, having a number of illegitimate children, going to France and living out his life there, his children spreading out in France, and one of his sons then marrying a Scottish woman, the family would have stayed in Scotland for some time, then one of the criminals grandchildren (or great-grandchildren, this bit is uncertain) ended up finding work in India, they met and wed, returning to Scotland after many years, at least one of their adult male children stayed in India, and went on to have his own children. This man would have been Nihal's paternal great-grandfather.
Nihal's mother's side has a very high Indian heritage, with only one traceable family member several generations back who came over from England.
Special Abilities:
Doesn't have any. He's quite observant, but that's down to a course in body language and a lot of practice.
Interests or Hobbies:
- What your character likes to do, and why?
- If your character has a favourite book, or song, put that here too.
Additional Skills:
Nihal can speak three languages: Hindi (100% fluent), English (100% fluent), Dutch (78% fluent). Nihal speaks English with a very mild Indian accent, but he can imitate a Dutch accent pretty well.
Nihal is very good with other species, mainly sentient. He has studied a variety of cultures and social etiquette, and enjoys spending time with most species.
Nihal is pretty good broom flyer, though he prefers to do it only when he has to, and not for sport. He enjoys watching Quidditch matches, but is not so interested in playing them.
- List some of your characters strengths.
- List some of your characters weaknesses and flaws.
Describe your character in three words:
- Single word descriptions, and a reason as to why; if you can think of one.
Favourite place to be:
- This can be anywhere. Also state why.
- If your character has any, who are they; where are they friends?
- If un-sorted, will they be missed at Hogwarts?
Hogwarts House:
- If an adult, which house was your character in, and why?
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- If a student or un-sorted, what do you hope to achieve in your time at Hogwarts?
- Any thoughts on joining the Quidditch team? If so, why; and if not, why?
- How will you settle in to starting Hogwarts?
Best school subjects:
- If an adult, which subjects where your characters favourites, and why?
Worst school subjects:
- If an adult, which subjects where your characters worst, and why?
Extracurricular Activities:
- If an adult, what activities had your character took part in, and why? For example, Quidditch.
2034. He went to Hogwarts in New Zealand as a Ravenclaw.
Current Job:
Journalist. When he turned 18, Nihal's dad gave him a job at the family magazine. Initially he worked in photography for it, but later proved to be a good journalist, and his father promoted him to this role (as well as photography). He really loves working for the company because it is mostly family members in the writing department, so there is more control over content, and it can be kept to morals agreed by all the family.
Plans for your future:
Nihal would like to meet someone special and start dating them, see where it goes, hopefully to settle down and marry, have quite a few children (though he is fine with whatever his wife might want), maybe get some pets, take over the magazine business, eventually retire and move to a quiet little house away from the city.
Your Patronus:
Cayuga duck. (Ducks can be very intelligent, but they are also happy to just lay in the sunlight or take a dip in a pond, taking each day as it comes, a bit like Nihal does).
Your Patronus memory:
First day at Hogwarts. Nihal was really nervous on his very first day at Hogwarts, and he hadn't really met any other wizards before. He was terrified walking into the great hall, but when he got there he met some really wonderful people who made him feel at home for the first time in his life. The feeling of being accepted would be his patronus.
Your Boggart:
Fire. Mainly house fire with any of his family or friends inside. But fire in general would be enough to scare him. He is easily made nervous around small fires like candle flames or a working fireplace.
Your Animagus:
Nihal is not an animagus, but if he was he would probably be some sort of bird. Something small and discreet so he could go unseen, but still watch what is happening around him, and see anything important.
Mirror of Erised:
Smiling at himself in the mirror with a few small children of his own running around and playing.
A page from your diary:
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it.
Nihal (Joyous, or successful. The name is commonly used as a male name in India, and a female name in Turkey. Chosen by his father (both of Nihal's parents are of Indian descent), and hoped it would bring luck to the family.)
Sidus (Resemblance to a star. Latin translation also suggests rainy weather, constellation, and night. The name was chosen by his mother who saw him as her star of hope when all seemed lost.)
Saiph (A blue star in the constellation Orion. The family name traces back to the 19th century. It is uncertain how it was acquired, though theories suggest a criminal background resulted in the earliest traceable family member to alter their name. Another theory is the relative was uncovered as a mage, and changed their identity to avoid trouble.)
Date of Birth:
Sunday, September 4th, 2016. (Born in an alleyway in India while his parents were on the run. His mother was just shy of eight months pregnant. The stress induced early labour and Nihal was born at ten past two in the morning, delivered by his father (with the assistance of magic). Though he was premature and very weak, Nihal pulled through and even thrived.)
Current Age:
25 (Current date: March, 2042)
Basic Appearance:
Short brown hair (which is kept groomed), five feet and eleven inches (considered very tall in India, but most likely down to non-Indian heritage), chocolate brown eyes, likes to wear smart-casual clothing.
Scar (small and mostly hidden within hairline) from being attacked as a child. (When they were hiding out in India in 2016 - 2018, they were uncovered by a group of village members who proceeded to hurl objects and rocks at them in an attempt to drive them out. This resulted in Nihal taking a rock to the head, and the family fleeing to somewhere even more discreet. Nihal's father treated his wound and he recovered with no long-term damage (other than a small, mostly invisible scar).
Laid-back- Nihal has had to take a lot in his stride, over the years, and has grown up in all sorts of environments. He likes to make the best of a bad situation, and he is fairly understanding and sympathetic towards others. He will mostly sit back and let people get on with their lives while he quietly observes the world. This would make him a very good father if he ever met the right person to have kids with.
Humorous- Nihal loves a good laugh. His sense of humour can be a little mature at times, but mostly it is witty and light-hearted. He likes spending time with people who share his sense of humour, and will enjoy going to comedy performances, watching stand-up, and funny films. This is most probably down to his history and having to deal with some very dark situations.
Calm- Nihal enjoys yoga, meditation, and a general practice in wellness. His mental health is surprisingly positive, and he is always closely monitoring his state of mind. He keeps a diary to jot down any concerns or worries so that they do not evolve into major stresses. He sees a therapist privately once a month to keep his life in check.
Loyal- After all they have been through together, Nihal is particularly loyal to his parents. He is also loyal to other family and friends. He believes this is an important quality, but should not be allowed to fly out of control; for example, if a member of the family was doing something illegal, Nihal would try and persuade them to stop and get help, but if it was dangerous to others, he would possibly consider reporting them to someone.
Adult- Nihal, generally, behaves as a mature adult. He works, he socialises in an appropriate manner, and he enjoys more grown-up activities such as sport for health, dinners with friends, and formal outings. All this said, Nihal will relax his attitude more around those friends and family he feels appropriate to do so, and will behave a little more like others his age might. (Going out to clubs, though still remaining responsible, or going on a 'boys only' holiday, or attending house parties and playing the fool).
Nihal has a large and extensive family, though they can only directly trace the Saiph name back to the 19th century. There are a lot of people who have scoured their own trees and claimed they are part of the tree- and the majority have been right. One family even uncovered a previously unknown child of the first recorded Saiph.
In Depth Of Blood Relatives:
Father: Narayan Saiph
Born: 06/10/1990 - India
Blood status: Pure
Lives: New Zealand
Occupation: Chief and founder of 'Warlock's Own' magazine
Children: Nihal (eldest), Trishna (middle), Amar (youngest)
Spouse: Sunita Saiph
Education: Privately tutored in India (magical and muggle)
Other: Owns a goldfish called Cthulu- perhaps where Nihal gets his sense of humour
Mother: Sunita Saiph (Maiden: Joshi)
Born: 17/08/1992 - India
Blood status: Muggle-born
Lives: New Zealand
Occupation: Muggle pharmacy worker
Children: Nihal (eldest), Trishna (middle), Amar (youngest)
Spouse: Narayan Saiph
Education: Owl-post early education courses for adults
Other: Studying magic through an owl education course
Sister: Trishna Saiph
Born: 10/08/2019
Blood status: Half blood
Lives: New Zealand
Occupation: Journalist for 'Warlock's Own' magazine
Children: None
Spouse: None
Education: Hogwarts (NZ)- 2030 - 2038 (Slytherin), Owl-post University courses
Other: Attempting to join the ranks of the high and mighty
Brother: Amar Saiph
Born: 18/02/2021
Blood status: Half blood
Lives: New Zealand
Occupation: Quidditch reserve for the Moutohora Macaws
Children: None
Spouse: None
Education: Hogwarts (NZ)- 2032 - 2040 (Gryffindor)
Other: Obsessed with sports
Paternal Aunt: Indra Sharma (Maiden: Saiph)
Born: 23/11/1987
Blood status: Pure
Lives: India
Occupation: Healer (Midwife)
Children: Ajeet (eldest), Amrita (youngest)
Spouse: Jai Sharma
Education: Privately tutored in India (magical and muggle)
Other: Quite serious about her work and life, tends to relax around Narayan
Paternal Cousin: Ajeet Sharma
Born: 02/09/2006
Blood status: Half
Lives: France
Occupation: Shop owner of 'Poisson Rouge' (aquatic store with hidden back for magical stock)
Children: Cosette (eldest twin), Doriane (youngest twin)
Spouse: Adeline Sharma (part-veela)
Education: Privately tutored in India (magical and muggle)
Other: Met Adeline when she travelled to India for a holiday, moved to France within a year, children within two
Paternal Cousin: Amrita Breiner
Born: 04/05/2008
Blood status: Half
Lives: Germany
Occupation: Lawyer
Children: Elsa (eldest), Ferdinand (middle), Leela (youngest)
Spouse: Emmerich Breiner
Education: Privately tutored in India (magical and muggle)
Other: Met Emmerich through a language course pen-pal scheme, the Breiner line is a wealthy one
Paternal Aunt:
Born: 20/01/1992
Blood status: Pure
Lives: India
Occupation: Astronomer
Education: Privately tutored in India (magical and muggle)
Paternal Cousin:
Born: 13/12/2017
Blood status:
Paternal Uncle: Saiph
Born: 14/03/1995
Blood status: Pure
Lives: Cairo (last known address)/Undisclosed
Occupation: Classified
Children: None
Spouse: None
Education: Privately tutored in India (magical and muggle), Ministry of Magic (India) training courses
Other: Has a habit of popping up here, there, and everywhere. Always seems to have excess money.
Maternal Aunt: Vasuda Joshi
Blood status: Muggle
Maternal Aunt: Vina
Blood status: Muggle
Maternal Cousin: Kiran
Blood status:
Maternal Aunt: Yami
Blood status: Muggle
Maternal Cousin: Mala
Blood status: Muggle
Maternal Cousin: Madhuri
Blood status: Muggle
Maternal Cousin: Lalita
Blood status:
Paternal Grandfather: Saiph
Blood status: Pure
Paternal Grandmother: Saiph (Maiden

Blood status: Pure
Maternal Grandfather: Joshi
Blood status: Muggle
Maternal Grandmother: Joshi (Maiden

Blood status: Muggle
- If you have stories/memories/information/family history/e.t.c. for each member, feel free to write those too.
- What where the reactions to your character receiving their letter from Hogwarts?
- If your character has any, what are their names; types; appearance e.t.c, and why do they have them?
- Will your character be brining their pet to Hogwarts? If so, why? If not, why?
- If your character has non, why not? And would they like some?
Area of Residence:
Born in an alleyway in India in September of 2016. Lived in India until the middle of 2018.
Lived in the Netherlands from the middle of 2018. They stayed with paternal relatives, as this is where some of the family originated from before India. They lived here until 2023, when they moved to New Zealand to start a new life.
From 2023, the Saiph family began their lives in New Zealand, where they have lived quite peacefully since.
Blood Status:
Most likely classified as a half blood, but likes to identify as unknown. He doesn't feel that his blood heritage is all that important, anyway. Nihal's mother is a muggle-born witch, his father is a wizard (a 'pure' blood, if you look at the streak of wizard-only blood in the family).
Nihal has very strong Indian roots, but his family line actually goes back to the Netherlands. The family supposedly lived there (under a different name) for centuries, but after (what is assumed to be) criminal activity, the name was changed to 'Saiph', and this is where the real tracing comes from. They started out in the Netherlands, but have been traced throughout Europe, and even further around the globe (most notably India, America, Germany, France, Scotland).
Nihal's immediate paternal family line started in the Netherlands, went to Germany, went to France, to Scotland, to India. This is probably down to (theory made by his father with research) the criminal relative fleeing to Germany, having a number of illegitimate children, going to France and living out his life there, his children spreading out in France, and one of his sons then marrying a Scottish woman, the family would have stayed in Scotland for some time, then one of the criminals grandchildren (or great-grandchildren, this bit is uncertain) ended up finding work in India, they met and wed, returning to Scotland after many years, at least one of their adult male children stayed in India, and went on to have his own children. This man would have been Nihal's paternal great-grandfather.
Nihal's mother's side has a very high Indian heritage, with only one traceable family member several generations back who came over from England.
Special Abilities:
Doesn't have any. He's quite observant, but that's down to a course in body language and a lot of practice.
Interests or Hobbies:
- What your character likes to do, and why?
- If your character has a favourite book, or song, put that here too.
Additional Skills:
Nihal can speak three languages: Hindi (100% fluent), English (100% fluent), Dutch (78% fluent). Nihal speaks English with a very mild Indian accent, but he can imitate a Dutch accent pretty well.
Nihal is very good with other species, mainly sentient. He has studied a variety of cultures and social etiquette, and enjoys spending time with most species.
Nihal is pretty good broom flyer, though he prefers to do it only when he has to, and not for sport. He enjoys watching Quidditch matches, but is not so interested in playing them.
- List some of your characters strengths.
- List some of your characters weaknesses and flaws.
Describe your character in three words:
- Single word descriptions, and a reason as to why; if you can think of one.
Favourite place to be:
- This can be anywhere. Also state why.
- If your character has any, who are they; where are they friends?
- If un-sorted, will they be missed at Hogwarts?
Hogwarts House:
- If an adult, which house was your character in, and why?
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- If a student or un-sorted, what do you hope to achieve in your time at Hogwarts?
- Any thoughts on joining the Quidditch team? If so, why; and if not, why?
- How will you settle in to starting Hogwarts?
Best school subjects:
- If an adult, which subjects where your characters favourites, and why?
Worst school subjects:
- If an adult, which subjects where your characters worst, and why?
Extracurricular Activities:
- If an adult, what activities had your character took part in, and why? For example, Quidditch.
2034. He went to Hogwarts in New Zealand as a Ravenclaw.
Current Job:
Journalist. When he turned 18, Nihal's dad gave him a job at the family magazine. Initially he worked in photography for it, but later proved to be a good journalist, and his father promoted him to this role (as well as photography). He really loves working for the company because it is mostly family members in the writing department, so there is more control over content, and it can be kept to morals agreed by all the family.
Plans for your future:
Nihal would like to meet someone special and start dating them, see where it goes, hopefully to settle down and marry, have quite a few children (though he is fine with whatever his wife might want), maybe get some pets, take over the magazine business, eventually retire and move to a quiet little house away from the city.
Your Patronus:
Cayuga duck. (Ducks can be very intelligent, but they are also happy to just lay in the sunlight or take a dip in a pond, taking each day as it comes, a bit like Nihal does).
Your Patronus memory:
First day at Hogwarts. Nihal was really nervous on his very first day at Hogwarts, and he hadn't really met any other wizards before. He was terrified walking into the great hall, but when he got there he met some really wonderful people who made him feel at home for the first time in his life. The feeling of being accepted would be his patronus.
Your Boggart:
Fire. Mainly house fire with any of his family or friends inside. But fire in general would be enough to scare him. He is easily made nervous around small fires like candle flames or a working fireplace.
Your Animagus:
Nihal is not an animagus, but if he was he would probably be some sort of bird. Something small and discreet so he could go unseen, but still watch what is happening around him, and see anything important.
Mirror of Erised:
Smiling at himself in the mirror with a few small children of his own running around and playing.
A page from your diary:
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it.