Nicholai Renton Van Zant

Reed 14" Core of Dragon heartstring
"Spinning further, deeper, I know you're out to try me...

I'm not in this to be a slave, push the dirt, make me feel..."

Locate what swallows life, night bird you build my world
People like you, you live in a dream world
</i><SIZE size="50">
[name] Nicholai Renton Van Zant
[etymology] The first name Nicholai is a variant of the name Nicolai, and it means one who is victorious. It would also give out the impression of jolly and generous person. While the meaning of the name fits very well with Nicholai's character, the impression however does not. He is never jolly at all, and hardly carries a smile. He might be considered as generous as he does hand out advice, often when it is not needed, but he doesn't exactly give anything except his opinion out to people. His middle name Renton is an old name which means settlement and would give out the impression of being grounded. This would be very true to his character because he is very grounded, almost to the point where he would seem highly logical and not believing in things that would seem out of the ordinary. His last name Van Zant comes from Germany, and has many variations of it. There is no known meaning of the name, however as far as Nicholai is concerned, he is the last of the Van Zant's.
[origin] While the name itself originates from Germany, the family that Nicholai descends from resided in the Frisian Islands, living on those that were uninhabited to protect themselves from the muggles and magic. Nicholai knows nothing of his family history due to him being orphaned after his birth. They mostly resided on the Kachelotplate island and also the Trischen island. Their blood status is completely unknown due to no known knowledge about the Van Zant families as it had vanished after Nicholai's parents were killed, however they were known to be Christians, and had Nicholai baptized when he was younger. Nicholai was aware of this when the adoption papers came to him after he had grown up, listing him as a Catholic religion even though to this day, he does not have one. Truth be told, the Van Zant's were mostly magical, and highly intelligent though often skeptical.
[nicknames] Nicholai chooses not to have nicknames even though the person that he resides with calls him Nic even after Nicholai protests on how informal it is, and how much he hates being called such a short name.
[alliance] Nicholai does not align himself with good or evil, so he is ultimately neutral.
[birthdate] Nicholai was born on February 14th, 2009 around six in the morning. He dislikes that his birthday falls on Valentine's day with a passion, and prefers not to celebrate his birthday or the holiday at all.
[age] Nicholai is currently twenty-seven-years-old.
[gender] He is a male.
[sexual orientation] Asexuality,in its broadest sense, is the lack of sexual attraction to others or the lack of interest in sex. The sub-term that fits Nicholai the best is aromantic which is a lack of romantic interest toward anyone. However this is because Nicholai has not bothered with girls, and prefers to stick to himself than anyone else. Once open to the experiences of lust and love, which Thanatos believes that he hasn't hit puberty yet, he may change his views.
[dialects] Nicholai had studied a variety of languages, most of which he could get by in and there are a few that he is fluent in, that include English, North Frisian, German and Latin.
[hometown] Nicholai originally came from a small house in Neuwerk on the Frisian islands, and the house now has been destroyed. Nicholai has no recollection of living there as he was transferred to Hamburg, Germany when he was adopted off.
[residency] Nicholai currently lives in Nelson, New Zealand in a good sized home with Thanatos, his guardian and friend that have been together for ten years. The only other person that lives there with Nicholai is Thanatos Van Alstyne.
[heritage] Nicholai's parents were both Frisians, so he is a full-blooded Frisian.
[blood status] Nicholai does not know what his true blood status is, so he is labeled as unknown. He does not care about how blood statuses are and believes them to be rather redundant as he had went through and found nothing special about the types of blood or the status, so the levels of statuses means little to nothing to him.
[blood type] The type of blood that runs in Nicholai is A negative. here is a belief in Japan that a blood type would give someone good traits and bad. The good traits are earnest, creative, sensible and calm while the bad traits are fastidious and over-earnest. The good traits tend to align with his character except sensible, and the bad traits fit perfectly with him.
[wand] The wand that chose Nicholai was the Reed 14" Core of Dragon heartstring. The wood from the Reed true seeks out an intelligent companion, and though it can be difficult to wield and handle. It is not a common wood, but it would bond easier with a Ravenclaw. The core Dragon Heartstring produce a wand with immense power, and it capable of flamboyant spells. It is easy to turn to the Dark Arts, and it is often temperamental. With the Reed wood, it makes it very unyielding unless the person is more intelligent that won it over.
[occupation] Nicholai works as a psychologist, helping others deal with their problems, though often in a harsh and blunt manner. However it still works regardless, and he has managed to build a decent reputation.
[health status] Many people have attempted to diagnose Nicholai's odd behavior yet no one has officially told him anything. As far as everyone knows, Nicholai is perfectly healthy and slightly underweight, which is nothing to be worried about. However he does have Haemophilia, which is a genetic disorder that he has, which means that his blood lacks the ability to clot. Haemophilia lowers blood plasma clotting factor levels of the coagulation factors needed for a normal clotting process. Thus when a blood vessel is injured, a temporary scab does form, but the missing coagulation factors prevent fibrin formation, which is necessary to maintain the blood clot. A haemophiliac does not bleed more intensely than a person without it, but can bleed for a much longer time. In severe haemophiliacs even a minor injury can result in blood loss lasting days or weeks, or even never healing completely.[sup][1][/sup]
[allergies] He is allergic to all animal dander as it irritates him to no end. However owls and non-shedding cats and dogs do not bother him as much.
[pet] Nicholai does not care for animals and does not have one.
And then I close my eyes
You despise the outside and you fear you're the next one
[five words] Intelligent, unsocial, sarcastic, exclusive, detached
[personality] Nicholai has a very unique personality. After he was adopted off into a loving family, and after watching them slowly die, his personality had been darkened since. He is very exclusive, and does not tell anyone about himself, leaving himself a complete mystery. He does not like change at all, and he acts as though he is superior to others when it comes down to his profession. His quirks, likes and dislikes, often make others wonder about his sanity, and finds himself researching and knowing more about the human mind and disorders that make others tick. He is incredibly sarcastic, and will point out how someone says something that tends to contradict someone. Nicholai often never uses curses unless he is extremely frustrated which hardly ever happens simply because he is very calm and collected, almost eerily so. He also cannot stand magic and all talk of it, and it is a quick way to get under his skin. Anything that does not have an explanation tend to make him rather irritated, and will show his uglier personality which tends to be full of sarcasm, enough to hurt someone. Otherwise, he will help others when he is in a good, collected mood and would help someone if he could.
[beliefs] Nicholai believes that everything has a realistic explanation to it, and anything that does not needs to be researched and not meddled with.
[boggart] The boggart would change into a giant dust bunny coming at him to smother him.
[fears] Nicholai has many fears, basically anything that flies, including broomsticks and animals, he will run from, or show some sort of fear. He does not like dust or dirt, as well as germs and very, very sick people. He has a fear of hospitals, and will not, under any circumstance, will be taken to one. Though if someone he knew was there, he would go to see them. Nicholai also has an irrational fear of needles.
[likes] There are a few things that Nicholai does enjoy doing, and one of which is experimenting with technology. Computers, video games, anything of the sort, he does in fact love and will spend hours cracking codes and building websites. Nicholai also loves to research on history and mathematics, as well as sciences and biology. Anything that one would go to college for, which one would find Nicholai in college. He also likes to study languages and anything to do with the human mind to see how it keeps everything. Nicholai would like to become a doctor one day, perhaps in the field of medicine, though his fear of needles is conflicting with his desires. He would also desire to have a perfect son, but he is a little naive on how one is made. He likes the company of someone that is like him, though human companions are not exactly what he believes are worth it.
[dislikes] There are many things that Nicholai dislikes. One of which would be books with pictures, and that includes comic books. He thinks that if people need pictures to establish the story line of a book, then they are not at all intelligent enough to even be around. He also does not like the idea of superheroes, as he finds them nothing more than a joke. He also dislikes anything with wings, that would include birds, bugs, simply anything. Nicholai also does not like someone to be yelling and and screaming because he believes that it accomplishes nothing. He also does not like going outside for anything. He does not like public display of affection either. Any sort of sport, Nicholai finds to be annoying. He simply hates anything that is messy and out of order. It will drive him mad. Something that also drives him mad is the fact that magic exists and he cannot find a reason why. So he shuns it out, and does not like it performed in front of him, or around him,
[goals] One of the goals that Nicholai has is that he wants to be a surgeon, or something along the lines in the medical field, or in science or even mathematics.
[good habits] He had a good habit of keeping everything in order and spotless.
[bad habits] His bad habits would include pointing out flaws, on everything.
[strengths] Nicholai has many strengths, most of which are muggle related. One thing that he is very strong about, is technology. He can do anything with it, and can make anything with it. One of his strengths also including cracking through codes and barriers, whether that would be technology or human-wise. He can get through anything that would take some time. Problem solving is one of the best things that he could be good at, if it is on paper or verbal issues, he could break through it and give out the best possible answer. Nicholai is very intelligent, and his intellect is his power and strength. It provides him with what he needs and desires. He can remember extremely well, and can remember down to the slightest detail upon recall. He can learn languages easily, and figure out how speak them properly, and formally. Nicholai also has a strength in cooking, but this is very secret and one wouldn't know this upon looking at him.
[weaknesses] Like any other person, Nicholai has weaknesses. One of the best weaknesses that he has that is constantly thrown at him by one of his good friends is socializing. He does not get along with people as he often feels superior to them, and tend to shut them off and away from him. He gets shunned often from social get-togethers. Another one of his weaknesses is the fact that he is very naive. He knows no experience of lust, or love or even affection. He knows little to nothing about the emotions that are released during intercourse, and finds that it is just messy. Nicholai is also weak in magic in general because he does not practice it or even attempt to be in the magical world. Nicholai is also weak with anything to do with his family, because he wants absolutely nothing to do with them. One of his weaknesses is the fact that he cannot adapt to change. He also lacks empathy toward others, and also lacks sympathy due to his lack of connection with others.
[loyalties] Nicholai only has loyalties to himself.
[magical talents] Nicholai actually does not have many magical talents because as soon as he graduated from Hogwarts Scotland, he gave up magic. At the time, he was favored in History of Magic, and also in Potions as he saw that those two were the only 'normal' subjects that he could come across. He was only magically talented in potions and charms.
[other talents] Nicholai is a genius when it comes down to problem solving and getting to the bottom of things. He can crack codes in the internet systems, is a superb hacker, and can build great computers from scratch. While he does not play any instruments or paint or anything like that, he is an artist with technology and making things work. Nicholai has talents of reading people, and would figure out what is wrong with them and knows what would help them if they could get him to do so. He is incredibly smart, and can do many things mathematical in his mind. Another one of his hidden talents is making people either intimidated by him, annoyed at him, or just keep away from him.
[patronus form] Nicholai's patronus form is an elephant.
[annoyances] Many things will get under Nicholai's skin, one of which is magic itself. Anything magical, such as charms, creatures, will just annoy him. People that will show affection in public will annoy him, and also if something changes in his household, or anything in his life, it annoys him greatly.
Judge me now, used to be afraid to let it show, bow down
It's in your dream, there's just one question
[chinese year] Being born in 2009, it makes Nicholai an Ox. People born in the Year of the Ox are patient, speak little, and inspire confidence in others. They tend, however, to be eccentric, and bigoted, and they anger easily. They have fierce tempers and although they speak little, when they do they are quite eloquent. Ox people are mentally and physically alert. Generally easy-going, they can be remarkably stubborn, and they hate to fail or be opposed. They are most compatible with Snake, Rooster, and Rat people.
[zodiac sign] Nicholai is an Aquarius, the Water Carrier. The good traits of being an Aquarius is being friendly and humanitarian, honest and loyal, original and inventive, independent and intellectual while the bad traits are intractable and contrary, perverse and unpredictable, unemotional and detached. What an Aquarius likes are fighting for causes, dreaming and planning for the future, thinking of the past, good companions, having fun and they dislike full of air promises, excessive loneliness, the ordinary, imitations, idealistic. Their color of choice is turquoise, and is their starstone.
[fixed sign] An Aquarius has a fixed sign, which means that the person can be described as someone who has stabilization, determination, depth and persistence. Nicholai has all of these qualities, and it fits his character.
[transpersonal sign] Also being a, Aquarius makes them have a transpersonal sign which makes them principally aware of and concerned with humanitarian and existential concerns. This is also not too true to his character however.
[planet] The plant that rules an Aquarius is Uranus. The energies of Uranus can induce a sense of a special purpose or individual, oftentimes very unique. The energies of Uranus allows further truth and awareness to unfold to the seeker. The most sexually active, and inactive, people appear to be influenced by the energy of Uranus. The effects of this energy can vary significantly in individual charts. They often find it hard to let anyone into their lives; close emotional relationships for Aquarians are much more difficult than for any other sign. They find it hard to settle into and sustain one due to their powerful need for independence. Closeness for them means modifying their lifestyle and tolerating an invasion of their privacy, both material and psychological but when and if they do allow this to happen,(they do have a strong romantic streak), they will be very committed and true. The good side of being ruled by this plant is loathing restriction, resourceful, intuitive, inventive and humanitarian. The bad side is resisting change, rebellious, erratic, perverse and eccentric.
[element] Nicholai's element is Air. Airy people are usually natural communicators. On a positive note they are great and conceptual tasks and often tend to 'have their head in the clouds'. On the down side though, they may be so busy living in their head that they lose touch with reality. The lack of air in a birth chart can indicate difficulty in the expression of that person. Communication of ideas and the ability to conceptualise may prove difficult. Some of the positive influences that the element of air gives out are intellectual and thirst for knowledge, social, idealistic, rational and theoretical. While on the bad side, it seems to be unemotional, objective, impersonal, opinionated and distant.
[birthstone] The birthstone for the month of February is the Amethyst. The folklore attached to he amethyst associates it with sobriety, tranquility, protection and peace. This birthstone as also been linked to improving the skin and preventing baldness, as well as protection from deceit.

A king in my own mind, everything's in place so much brighter from today
Should I kill? Or should I be left behind?
[martial status] Nicholai is currently single and he is not willing to get with anyone, so he is not looking. He has never dated anyone, and does not really want to either.
[whom] N/A
[past relationships] None
[innocence] Nicholai has not lost his virginity yet.
[past sexual partners] None
[turn ons] Books, intellect, willing to deal with his abnormalities, and not-so-magical.
[turn offs] Magic, stupidity, ignorance, wh*res.
[aphrodisiacs] None have been found out yet.
[the perfect female] Nicholai does not have a perfect woman.
[the perfect date] He also does not have a perfect date.

Drown the monster, make all bad dreams go away
Sick and tired of all your complaints
[playby] James Joseph Parsons or also known as Jim Parsons.
[natural hair] Nicholai's hair is a dark brown, and naturally very thin and straight. It is soft to the touch, but if Nicholai grows it out, it becomes more brittle and breaks off. He keeps it cut rather short because it never grows out right. His hair curves around his head, and it is very shiny when he uses the right shampoo, however his scalp is easily irritated, and will often bother him if he uses or changes conditioners or shampoo.
[eyes] Nicholai's eyes are naturally a gray hue, with a few hints of blue so they appear blue in the light. So, one would call them a silvery blue. If one looked into his eyes, they would not see anything more than sheer wisdom. They would also see someone that studies and very observant of their surroundings. The color of his eyes represent connotations of the wide-open sky, sun energy, electricity, the power of conscious thought, and that which is direct and unhidden. Blue eyes may indicate a forceful, direct person who has an immense vitality and a gift for insight and observation.
[height] His height peaks at about six feet three inches, so about average for a man.
[weight] His weight is a little under average, as he weighs about one hundred and forty pounds. Most of his weight goes into his bones.
[complexion] The complexion that Nicholai posses is a light tone, and it is somewhat clear with a few freckles here and there.
[scars] Nicholai currently does not have any noticeable scars.
[birthmark] It is too faded to see.
[smile] It is normally forced when he has to, however on the rare occasion it is very small and somewhat sweet.
[body build] His body build is amazingly lean, almost to the point of being bony. He is slender as well, and since he is over six feet tall, with his low weight, it makes him all that much smaller.
[body modifications] Nicholai does not have any sort of body modifications at all.
[dominant hand] His dominant hand is his right hand.
[style] Nicholai's style can be described as basic, and muggle. He enjoys wearing colorful shirts of a variety, wearing what he wears the most are sweaters, whether they have stripes or anything like that, he will wear them the most. He only wears khaki pants, and nothing else. When he is at work, he wears suits, even if he does not like them. They are normally either black or a dark brown. His shoes are a little contrasting, as he either wears different colored converses and Nikes. One would say that his style of rather casual, if not upper class, though kind of noticeable. He refuses to wear pink, but he is rather fond of purple shirts.

<SIZE size="50">Whatever it takes to keep your hands free, open scars, the quiet place
This is the hour we bring it down
</i><FONT font="times new roman">
[school] Nicholai attended Hogwarts Scotland all seven years of his life.
[hogwarts house] He was sorted into the house of Rowena Ravenclaw.
[special titles and awards] The only award that Nicholai was given was Prefect because of his grades.
[extracurricular activities] Nicholai did not participate in any activities.
[favorite subject] History of Magic
[best subject] History of Magic
[loathed subject] Herbology
[worst subject] Herbology
[favorite professor] History of Magic Professor
[loathed professor] Herbology Professor
[grade average] Outstanding
[owl grades]
Potions: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
History of Magic: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Charms: Outstanding; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Arithmancy: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Ancient Runes: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Outstanding
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Transfiguration: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Outstanding
Astronomy: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Herbology: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Acceptable
Muggle Studies: Outstanding; Exam: Exceeding Expectationse

[newt grades]
Potions: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
History of Magic: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Charms: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Arithmancy: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Ancient Runes: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Transfiguration: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Acceptable
Astronomy: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Herbology: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Muggle Studies: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations

[graduated] June of 2027

-----Too be continued on the next post
"All the bridges fall to the ground and you say you sacrificed...

and I close my eyes..."

Judge me now, used to be afraid to let it show, bow down, bow down!
I've come to realize every little glimpse, you fade
</i><SIZE size="50">


[father] Heinze Eitel Van Zant
[born] March 11th, 1978
[died] January 23rd, 2010
[blood status] Unknown blood
[heritage] Frisian
[seeing] Gesa Ailke Laninhga-Van Zant
[occupation] Shop Owner
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Ravenclaw Alumni
[playby] Mark A. Sheppard


[mother] Gesa Ailke Laninga-Van Zant
[born] August 10th, 1980
[died] January 23rd, 2010
[blood status] Half-blood
[heritage] Frisian
[seeing] Heinze Eitel Van Zant
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Hufflepuff Alumni
[playby] Emma Caulfield


[older sister] Aiko Gesa Van Zant
[born] June 16th, 2001
[born] January 23rd, 2010
[blood status] Unknown blood
[heritage] Frisian
[playby] Imogen Poots

Everything's in place so much brighter from today; a king in my own mind
I was told that I could fly when least expected, cloud connected
</i><FONT font="times new roman"><SIZE size="50">
Being born into a good family, tragedy struck when robbers raided their home, and killed everyone in 2010, leaving baby Nicholai orphaned, after not hearing the silent child or else he too would have died. The next day, the next door neighbors found the baby boy and shipped him off to the orphanage, where Nicholai was passed from home to home, no family able to keep up with his bizarre mannerisms. However most of his childhood was blocked off by his mind, only remembering as far back as the moment he received his letter for Hogwarts. Nicholai started school immediately, and as soon as he arrived, Nicholai started to detest magic for all of its worth. Nicholai soon befriended only one person in the entire school and that was none other than Thanatos Van Alstyne after the older student took an interest in the young Ravenclaw's name. However in Nicholai's second year, Thanatos graduated and then offered a home for the Ravenclaw to stay in after Nicholai had had enough with the homes and the false affection that meant nothing to him. While living in Thanatos' home, Nicholai got all the privacy and books he desired and wanted. He did not even get praised for getting Prefect, but that was because no one cared, just the way he preferred it. Nicholai suffered through school even though he hated magic, before they finally released him from school when he graduated. During his final few years, he had been taking muggle college classes when he was not in school. So once he graduated from Hogwarts, he was good to go for college. Attending nearly double the amount, he found a place there for him to belong. With the muggles. Nicholai soon became a Psychologist, and a young one at that. He still continues to go to school to this day, and has his own office with a good reputation. He is able to prescribe certain medications and help people in his rather unique manner. He has yet to develop an interest in girls or anything, but he still resides with Thanatos to this day, the man that doesn't know his origins either.
"And then I close my eyes...

and then I close my eyes..."

Judge me now; a king in my own mind
You seem to be so introverted, how come we fail? With all that is given?

none in this year
Assistance & Blooming Friendships
Used to be afraid to let it show
You crossed the line, you remembered my name

<SIZE size="50"><FONT font="times new roman">Code: Made by me, Kaitlyn.
Lyrics: Silvery blue - The Quiet Place by In Flames; Black - Cloud Connected by In Flames
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye​

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