- Messages
- 10
- OOC First Name
- Alex
- Wand
- 10 1/2 inch, sturdy, knotted, rosewood, with unicorn hair core
Full Name: Niamh Rhiannon Macmillan
Reason or meaning of name: Niamh is of Irish origin meaning "bright." Rhiannon is of Celtic origin meaning "great queen." Macmillan is of Scottish origin meaning "son of tonsure."
Age: 10 (Currently)
Gender: Female
Wand Appearance: Knotted, 10 1/2 Inch, Sturdy, Rosewood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Birthplace: Kilkenny, Ireland
Birthdate: May 11, 2027
Hair: Long brown
Eyes: Blue
Blood Status: Half Blood
Friendly: Niamh strives to make friends with the people around her. This trait, however, can lead to people distancing themselves from her.
Loud: She likes to be loud even to the point of self embarrassment. It's all worth it once she gets a laugh out of others.
Loyal: Niamh is always loyal to her friends and will stick with them through thick and thin.
Penelope; Northern Saw-Whet owl: Penelope is of the same species of owl that Niamh's sister had gotten at her age. This owl, though, is female and much more obedient than her brother. Like her owner, she is loyal but in contrast, is rather shy.

Favourite Colour: Lavender
Least favourite colour: beige
Literature: Fantasy
Form of entertainment: Shopping or reading and watching a bit of telly
Most prized possession: A bracelet her big sister made for her
Optimist or pessimist?: More optimist than she should be
Introvert or extrovert?: Extrovert
Daredevil or cautious?: Daredevil
Stubborn or flexible?: Flexible
Logical or emotional?: Emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Messy
Prefers working or relaxing?: Relaxing
Confident or unsure?: Confident
Animal lover?: Definitely
Plays a musical instrument?: Violin and a bit of Piano
Plays a sport?: No, not very sporty. But she enjoys seeing her sister play
How would Niamh spend a rainy day: Snug under the covers, sleeping. (rain makes her sleepy)
Quirks: She plays with her hair when bored
Likes: Reading, fashion, sweets, sleeping, music, laughter, smiles
Dislikes: Rudeness, hurt animals, tests, sadness
Fears: Bugs
House: Hufflepuff
Bogart: Being buried in assorted bugs
Patronus: A Hare - A patronous associated with quickness. She has many swift, fleeting thoughts that occur to her in a moment's notice. She is a smart creature, always thinking and always thinking just outside the normal perspective allowing her to see things others miss. True, her thoughts are not always on the relevant topic but you can be assured that -when necessary- they will turn to you and find some way to help you out. Otherwise, she is as adorable as a bunny.
Patronus Memory: The memories of her and her big sister playing together.
Amortentia: The smell of home cooked meals
Favourite weather and season: Morning fog in the winter
Favourite food and drink: Sushi and chamomile tea