New Home

Michelle Darby

Well-Known Member
Cherry/Maple 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring
Michelle was walking around what she called her new home. Her new, huge house that happened to be a castle. She danced lightly along the seventh floor corridor, and paused by a window. She looked out at the grounds, and her gaze lingered on the spot where she had talked to Isaac by the lake. She felt herself smile softly. He seemed to be the only person she had met so far that she might actually be friends with. She turned to face the opposite wall, and leaned against the window sill. She was impatient to start classes. She was having fun exploring the castle and grounds, but the novelty would soon wear off, and she'd need something to do.
Emilie was exploring her new home. She had reached the seventh floor and needed a break. She looked out into the breathtaking view from a window, the lake seemed to be all colours of blue. She sighed.

She glanced around and noticed she was not alone. There was another girl who seemed to be day dreaming and looking out into the magnificant view as well.

Emilie was still in need of friends, because she was so new so she decided to find the confidence to say hello.

"Hi... My names Emilie Silverfox, I'm a Hugglepuff first year, Whats your name?"
Michelle heard a voice and her eyes flew open, as she snapped out of her day dream. Sha saw a girl that she vaguely recognised from sorting standing in the corridor. She instantly straightened up, smoothing the front of her robes out of habit.
The girl said her name was Emilie, and she was in Hufflepuff. The word Hufflepuff instantly put Michelle on guard.
"I'm in Ravenclaw" she said proudly, but didn't introduce herslef.
The girl looked shocked to see someone talking to her. She recovered by smoothing her robes and then telling Emilie that she was from Ravenclaw, yet she did it in such a manor, Emilie was taken aback. Emilie recovered, and was now wondering if she should have introduced herself.

"Ravenclaw, thats cool, whats that like?" Emilie asked, to make sure she didn't look like she was an idiot.
Michelle looked appraisingly at the girl, she seemed to be keeping her cool, but Michelle wasn't going to let her in that easily. She would test her first. She sniffed, and said in an offhand way, in her upperclass English accent
"Ravenclaw is the best, of course"
She wondered if the girl was pureblood.
Emilie considered what Michelle said, and decided that she wasn't going to be bossed round.

"Well considering the House Points at the current time, Hugglepuff's doing pretty well" Emilie said with a certain smile, she winked at Michelle.

She waited to see what Michelle's reply would be.
Michelle raised one eyebrow at Emilie's words, though she knew it was true.
Michelle relented, and held out her hand in a grudging offer of friendship.
She spoke with a half smile "My name is Michelle Darby" she said "Or Micky" she added.
Michelle relaxed a little, letting her guard down.
"Well, I suppose it's the same as any other house, except that we have our own tower" She said with a hint of pride.
"How about Hufflepuff?" she asked in return.

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