New friend for a new school

Lewis Northman

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Lewis had taken the opportunity of his free time to explore his new school and its grounds. It was all so big for this little boy and because it was so unfamiliar he had made sure to go to a place where he would get lost on the way back from. He had not really made any friends yet so he was walking on his own, which wasnt such a bad thing because it mean he could read his books with out interuption but it also meant he didnt have anyone to talk to and he worried a little about leaving it too late and not being able to make friends because everyone would already have friends and he would be left out. He wondered how well he would fit in but he guessed that he should have something in common with his house mates seeing as they must share some sort of traits to be sorted in to the same house.

As the small boy walked he came across a lake, it looked beautiful and he loved being next to the water, it was just so soothing and peaceful. He wandered over to a large rock which sat just infront of the lake. He parked himself down on the rock and pulled out one of his books, it wasnt a lesson book, he had got a little bored with trying to learn something that he had not really been introduced to so he had opted for a normal book which he enjoyed reading when he was at home. A muggle book called troy. It was quite interesting and a good read so Lewis busied himself at reading as he enjoyed the peacefulness of the new found lake.

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