New Banner[C]

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Lemina Troque

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
12 3/4" Black Walnut/ Maple Essence of Silver Thistle
I have an 'Athene Banner' and would now like another to alternate :D

Character Name: Lemina Troque
Image(s) you want on the banner (person, background, etc): Obviously make it the right way around and if possible replace the red eye with blue.
Name of the person you are using: Lorna Sinclair
Text you want on the banner: Lemina or Lemina Troque and “Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.”
Font(s) you want text in (you may pick any font you want from Scriptina but if it doesn't work use something else.
Colors you want on your banner: A brownish pallet, although if you think sometime else would look better then feel free to use it.
Do you want a House Crest? If yes, which house: No, although I'm Hufflepuff if you think it'd look good.
Size: Whatever you think would look best, although I like the fatter ones like your own very first one.
Other (Anything special you want to add such as eye color or anything really): nah I don't think so. Other than what I said in the picture bit :D

PS. Me forgotted to put my name :-SS lol.

Edit: Decided I want an avvy too.

Image(s) you want on the avatar. (person, background, etc): Extras
Piccy 1
Piccy 2
Do you want the character's name on the avatar?: It's up to you. If Lemina doesn't fit you can put Lemi.

I want it to match the siggy, so everything I haven't mentioned is the same. I've included a couple more pictures. Also if you need to you can use the avatar pics on the banner.
Is that picture of you?

I cannot promise a good quality banner with that picture, because it is a low quality picture. I much prefer professional pictures.
No, not me. :D I just found a random pic of someone on google.

I'll see what I can do. Won't be able to do it tonight but maybe tomorrow. In what way is it low quality? Just wondering ;-)
Lemina Troque said:
No, not me. :D I just found a random pic of someone on google.

I'll see what I can do. Won't be able to do it tonight but maybe tomorrow. In what way is it low quality? Just wondering  ;-)
Well the red eye for one. I just really prefer professional pictures. Also the background is a bit busy for my liking. I can still use it.

The second image under your avatar edit wants me to sign in to Bebo, which I do not have.
Let me know what you think of these.



As always anything can be changed or altered.
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