Never Ever Mess With Nature

Desiree Bourne

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Desiree had just finish another plateful of vegetables and fruits and she was now bored. It was Sunday and she had no classes so it left her with nothing to do. Desiree sat at the Hufflepuff table with her right hand on the table and her chin resting on her hand. She knew her father and sister would call this action somehow disturbing or annoying since there were still people eating but she ignored it. She looked at all the people with a bored look on her face. There were so many foods in the Hall. Some students were even playing with their food. Desiree shot them a mean look. They should be eating their food respectively, not playing with it. They ought to know how many children and starving to death now. Fortunately, a professor saw the students and quickly warned them. They stopped, thankfully, and went back to what they were supposed to do and that was to eat. Desiree smirked at them. As time went on, Desiree got tedious. She even thought she might fall asleep on the table. She stood up and walked towards the exit of the Hall. When she was out, she inhaled the fresh air. One good thing about Hogwarts is, it's air is not polluted with annoying smokes like the air in the Muggle world. Desiree observed the green view. It was overwhelming how the elves managed to maintain a healthy ground. It brought a smile to the Hufflepuff. As tough as she might be usually, Mother Earth would always be her weakest spot. While mesmerizing the beautiful view of the lawn, an idea popped on Desiree's little head. When they were walking at the sorting line, she heard someone mention 'The Lakefront'. She hadn't been into the place before but she decided to take a little visit.

She figured that the Lakefront would either be at the back or just around the corner of the castle. Desiree, then, began walking. Not a moment too soon, Desiree saw it. Her mouth dropped at it's beauty. "Wow!", she exclaimed. It was certainly beautiful. The way the sunlight reflects on it's cool waters. A grin appeared on the girl's face. She immediately approached the lake and sat. The lake really goes with the Spring theme of the current environment. The flowers surrounding the lake were blooming prettily. Desiree picked up a little Santan flower. She observed it's pretty red color and smell it. It truly smelled beautiful and Desiree put it on her pocket.
Kyle was done with homework and that created several opportunities for him.He could roam about the castle and explore the several towers that made up the Great Castle of Hogwarts,he could pull some dung bombs out of his trunk and set them off in the Great Hall,he could just lay back and do nothing but take a nap in the common room or he could go out and enjoy the beautiful Spring day.

He wasn't quite sure and it was a tough competition between dropping dungbombs and going out doors.In the end he decided to do both.So he went up to his dorm and fished some dungbombs out of his trunk.They had been a going-away gift from his mischievous cousins Jared and Link.He put them on the bed and traded his hoodie for a cool blue shirt.He wore it over his dark blue denims and it gave a cool effect.He messed his hair up a bit and then walked out of the dorm.

He made his way through the castle and finally reached the oak front doors.The sky outside was a perfect blue and a few white clouds drifted lazily across it.He stepped onto the green grass and made his way towards his favourite part of the grounds,The Lake Front.He had a tree that he loved to sit under.But today he felt like absorbing some Vitamin D so he went and laid down on the grass.His head was turned up to the sun.In his peripheral vision he saw a girl sitting a few feet from him so he arched his neck upwards until his head was kinda upside down and grinned right at her."Whatcha up to?" he said in his British accent.
Spring was always Desiree's favorite season. She likes it when the flowers bloom and all the trees come to life. She doesn't hate the other seasons, she just has a soft spot when it comes to Spring. She looked at her surrounding with admiration in her eyes.The flowers were slowly opening and it looked very beautiful. The lake looked absolutely stunning too. With the sunlight matching it's crystal clear waters, everything just looked perfect. Desiree smiled as a cool breeze swept over her. It was nice to be alone in such a wonderful place. The only thing lacking this garden were animals. Fishes for the lake, butterflies for the flowers and birds for the trees.

As Desiree was busy mesmerizing the perfection of the lake, somebody approached her. Desiree head his voice and it seemed like he was a boy. It wasn't really all deep like boys' normal voices are and it wasn't really high pitched like a girl also. Desiree knew immediately from the tone of voice that he was a boy, nonetheless. And he also asked a question. A question that is worth saying "None of your business", but Desiree was feeling a little less moody today so he cut the boy some slack. "Nothing. For now." She replied timidly while touching the flowers before her.
Kyle returned to a sitting position thinking that he was being really cheesy.He studied the girl who looked like she was part of the whole nature setting.She seemed completely at home and enjoying the great weather.I definitely wont chuck a Dungbomb at her he thought wondering how she would react.She didn't look like a mean Slytherin and was definitely not an uptight Ravenclaw.Was she Hufflepuff? Kyle decided to introduce himself as it would be a good start to making a friend but he was also feeling slightly cocky and wondered if he would tease her if she turned out to be in Hufflepuff.Kyle didn't think there was anything wrong with Hufflepuffs,just that they didn't have any extreme qualities that set them apart.

"Oh,would you like some company?Doing nothing is always fun."
he said with a smile.His accent was kind of heavy and Kyle didn't like the way it made him sound like a total English gentle man.Kyle could be very mischievous if he wanted to and the accent hid that part of his personality completely.He gave her his cocky half smile that was better at showing the little trouble maker inside of him."I'm Kyle,Gryffindor first year.What's your name?"
Desiree went on with what she was doing. Even though she has only spent a few days away from her hometown, she already missed it. She missed her farm and her pets. She missed her garden and she missed all of her plants. Both of her siblings never understood why she loves nature so much. But Desiree just kept her mouth shut over it for she knew her siblings would never get the point. All they think about are fresh manicures and phony outfits and these ugly Neanderthals catching stupid balls. She was super glad she did not go to an old fashioned high school unlike her older sister, Deanne. Denise, her younger sister, was planning on following Deanne's footsteps and Desiree was happy about the whole set-up. It would be nice to be away from those two for a change. Desiree wondered if what her pet horse, Bruno, was doing right now. Is he eating sugar cubes? Or perhaps sleeping? Desiree missed him dearly. Desiree couldn't bring him to the school for he was too big. She brought Brownie instead. Her Beagle dog. He was now fast asleep back in her dorm and Desiree hated to wake him from his beauty sleep so she left him alone.

The boy was definitely English. From the way he spoke. Desiree always disliked these accents. It was always hard for her to understand. Anyhow, she kept her opinions to herself and listened as the boy spoke with his English accent again. The boy asked a silly question but then added a remark. Desiree thought that the question was somehow a little awkward so she decided not to answer it. His remark was also a bit annoying. No one could ever do nothing. They were doing something at least, like sitting or perhaps standing. The boy's lacking of common usual information upset Desiree a bit. She was closed to saying "Yes, except no one asked" but she quickly stopped herself. It was spring and she knew she could do better than be moody towards total strangers. "It is usually boring. Literally speaking, it is impossible for someone to do nothing so I think your remark was just an exaggeration. Or is it not?" She asked with an accusing tone of voice. Desiree's American accent was totally different from the boy's. His was more edgy and heavy and old fashioned. Desiree's was more modern but her words make it sound old fashioned also. Desiree raised an eyebrow upon hearing the boy's introduction. She considered this. Somehow, she found it a little weird that he was still a freshman like her. He looked so much older. "Hello Kyle Gryffindor First Year. I'm Desiree Bourne" She said sarcastically without a smile.

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