Nessie Wolfe

Nessie Wolfe

Well-Known Member

The Basics

Character's Name: Nessie Gail Janeall Wolfe

Character's Birthdate: September 13, 2010

Hometown: Seattle, Washington D.C

Blood Status: Mixed Blood (Mother is a Halfblood & Father is a Mixedblood)

Five words that best describe your character: Cute, Adorable, kind, smart and friendly

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff


Hair: Chocolate Brown, Long (above shoulder), Curly & sometimes straight

Eyes: Chocolate Brown & Big

Height: 5'4

Style: She sometimes wear her hair down or if she's doing something she put it in two pony tails. Nessie wear kiddy dress like jumper and she only wears dool shoes.

Other Distinguishing Features: Nessie has a dimples.

Medical Problems: She's a Hemophiliac and has an asthma.

A Little Deeper

Personality: Nessie is a HAPPY-GO-LUCKY person all the time, she might act snobbish if the person is a Ravenclaw -she hates Ravenclaw-, she's quiet a tomboy and a talkative person.

History: Nessie Wolfe is born to a two wealthy family. Her mom is a housewife while her dad is a photographer in Australia. She was born having a disease that she can die for. Nessie is also in one child and doesn't have any brothers or sisters, she likes to play all the time when Nessie was a toddler. Talkative like i say, she always read books and tell it to her friends back at Germany where they stayed a little bit longer. When her dad found another job in Seattle when she was 10, they moved in at her mom's old mansion hidden from muggles. They lived in a village that they called Sunbriged Village.

Family: Carlie Johan Wolfe is a Mixed-Blood Photographer who lives in Brisbane, Australia. He formerly Attended Hogwarts Scotland.

Esmeralda Von Emery Wolfe is a Half-Blood Housewife who formerly lives in Germany. She formerly Attended Durmstrang Academy.

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