Closed Nervous

Tanith Whitlock

Clingy- People Pleaser
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 17 1/2 Inch Rigid Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
11 (7/8/2050)
Tanith needed to get away from the school a bit. How did the last year go so wrong? She'd meant to do well, but in the end her nerves had gotten the best of her, tanking her grades royally. She withdrew out to the grounds, just wondering and wondering until she ended up at a rose bush she hadn't seen before. Not sure what it was, she just sat down near it, drawing her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. What if she just wasn't good enough? Would her sisters decide she wasn't worth it, too, and take off? She missed her parents, so much it hurt, and she was sure that if she could just do better, be better, then they would come back. They just had to. Right? Tanith groaned, burying her face in her lap and trying to just focus on her breathing.

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