Nerida Andrikonyte-Kiseleva

A stick I found in the park

Nerida Andrikonyte-Kiseleva
"It's okay, the toaster not trying to hurt me.... IT MOVED! AHHHHH!"

Full Name:
- Ekaterina “Nerida” Aldrea Andrikonyte-Kiseleva.
Nerida is a nickname, though it has been used since she was small. Nerida doesn’t remember how she got the nickname, but she has always been called that.

Date of Birth:
- 20 June

Current Age:
- 11

Basic Appearance:
- Nerida’s hair is black and slightly curly, though she wishes she was a blonde. Her hair never looks tidy, even when she tries hard to make it look neat. Nerida has bright blue eyes and child-like features, and she has pale skin. Nerida is very small, only 4”6 and she looks younger than she is. Nerida usually wears black, blue and white. Nerida is rarely seen wearing a skirt, and likes to wear jeans and converse. Nerida hardly bothers with make-up, though sometimes wears mascara. Nerida is supposed to wear glasses, but only wears them in class.

- Nerida is outgoing and friendly. She will talk to anyone and doesn’t judge by first impressions. Nerida doesn’t like people who think they are cool or better than her. Nerida has ADHD, and is impulsive and reckless. When she’s not around people Nerida is daydreaming. If she is around people, she is chatty and cheerful. Also, Nerida is "vaguely" paranoid that everything she comes across is trying to kill her. Just vaguely....

- Beatrice Dawn is her elder sister, and legal guardian. Beatrice doesn’t like Nerida, and vice versa. They have to put up with each other because Nerida would have to live in foster care if Beatrice didn’t want to take responsibility.

Nerida had a twin sister named Kenna, though she died shortly after birth. Nerida often wonders what Kenna was like, and often writes to her.

Nerida’s parents are both dead.

- None. She wants a rat or a mouse.

Area of Residence:
- Wellington, NZ

Blood Status:
- Mixed

- German, with some Greek on her mother’s side

Special Abilities:
- She can speak German, Nerida is very agile and runs fast, she can read at an extremely fast pace (8.8 syllables per second*)
*Normal is around 4 syllable per second

Interests or Hobbies:
- Photography, music (singing and instruments), dance (ballet and hip hop)
Nerida also loves anime, comic books and Pokemon, though doesn’t let people know.

- Unique, friendly, loyal

- Impulsive, reckless, doesn’t use her head, daydreams too much, doesn’t care about work, good at lying (even to friends), PARANOID

Describe your character in three words:
- Unique, paranoid, forgiving

Favourite place to be:
- Anywhere that isn’t Bea’s house.

- Her shadow. Until Nerida was seven, she thought her shadow was her sister Kenna trying to protect her from anything bad. She now sometimes talks to her shadow when she is alone...

Hogwarts House:
- UNSORTED. No idea what house she wants.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Fall in love (though she strictly doesn’t believe in love... Or so she says)

Best school subjects:
- N/A, probably charms

Worst school subjects:
- Anything that requires PAYING ATTENTION

Extracurricular Activities:
- None.

Plans for your future:
- None, the future’ll come when it comes!

Your Patronus:
- Pfft.

Your Patronus memory:
- Nerida doesn’t know. She doesn’t remember much, she tries to forget her past.

Your Boggart:
- Drowning in water. Nerida is secretly terrified of water. She is also scared of spiders, the dark, heights, dogs (she was attacked by a dog when she was younger), injections, telephones. Nerida has phobias about people reading her mind, aliens spying on her, and a fear of the number 7.

Your Animagus:
- Well, she's not one is she? She doesn't know, I don't know, NOBODY KNOWS!

Mirror of Erised:
- A pet kitten to hug. Nerida feels alone.
Then again, maybe she would see her sister, Kenna. Nope, definitely the kitten.

A page from your diary:
-(behold, the randomness that is Nerida)

Dear Kenna

Oh my gosh.
Did you know that sunflowers were yellow? I totally did not. But now I do. Learn stuff is good, right? Unless, you learn so much that your brain explodes! IS THAT POSSIBLE? Really scared now... Um.

The toaster tried to kill me again. My finger is now burnt. I drew a smiley face on it to make myself feel better. I don't like the toaster. But I don't want Bea to smash it!!!! She said she would if I didn't take it to Hogwarts. Eep.

Sooooo.... Nerida. Neeeeeriiiiiidaaaaaa N. E.R.I.D.A. Is that like Flo Rida? Ner Rida. But Floria is a place. Nerida is not. It is a name. It is MY name. Yay for my name!

- Nerida.
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