Needing Of~!

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OOC First Name
Here's Althaia Dubois!

She's a Beauxbatons graduate and a very interesting woman. Generally she's kind and a bit of a pushover, not to mention she's indecisive. The bad part of this is that she's very easily taken advantage of. Also, if you do get her upset (which is a very rare event) she will loose all control. It's like opening up Pandora's box. The right people can get her to calm down eventually of course. The one thing she really wants is to be happy, with a steady job and maybe a nice family. Though, the poor girl is really too shy to accomplish some of it.
She's currently not living anywhere for two long, hopping between travels in France and England. Althaia just can't decide where she wants to settle down.

So this is where you guys come in! What I'm looking for is:

Friends - Preferably a small group with one person she tells everything to. No specific personalities needed, just someone that doesn't mind a shy girl.

Love Interest - Not necessarily a final, but someone that she can have a steady relationship with and earn some confidence off of.

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