Needin' A Lot.

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Chloe LeBlanc

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
So I need some RPs, because I've found myself getting a little bored. :(</SIZE></COLOR></FONT>

Adriana Clarke
She's a first year through and through, clueless, but kind of spoiled and she doesn't take to people kindly. However if you get on her good side, she can be the best friend you'd ever have. What I need for her is a mean girl to really teach her how to act like a perfect little Slytherin. For this the girl should be maybe a couple years older? Other than that she just needs to be a not-nice person. :p


Aran Reynolds
This is my adorable adult character, and I'm afraid he's very thread-dead. For him I need everything, and I mean everything. I need friends, enemies, love interests, and a final. His character development is found here. If you don't feel like clicking it, Aran is a generally sweet man, but is a total flirt and really needs to be tied down to stay that way. He won't just listen to anyone, to listen to someone, it means he really cares for them.
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Gabriel Esposito
This is an extremely under-developed character, but his bio will be up in a day or two. He's another adult character, twenty eight years old and a true romantic. He lives in Italy and loves women with a passion. In addition, he suffers from A.D.D. and has trouble focusing often, so expect some random comments from him at times. However, I don't need a love interest for him. I just need friends and maybe some rivals.

If you're interested in anything, just PM me or post below.
For Gabriel and/or Aran I have Fatima Alfred. Her CD doesn't have much yet as I adopted her from someone else and haven't updated her. But she's a Daily Prophet writer for the sports section so she's always traveling the world. She's 26 years of age and enjoys to flirt when she goes to clubs/bars otherwise she's always focusing on work. :)
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