Need to get busy

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Ailith Bisognin

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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Oak Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
So I've been rather busy with school the last few weeks and I forgot to post something in the absence list, sorry! However I'm off for summer now and most of my friends are already on vacation so I found my way back here and am willing to get some things going for my lovelies here.

Ailith Bisognin

To start of with I've got Ailith here, she's a sixteen year old girl and is currently studying at Durmstrang. She has never known her father and grew up with a few different nannies, because her mother had a very busy job. Ailith is a real sweetheart and will always try to see the best in others and help them when she can, sometimes putting them before herself. However when people really push it too far she's very well able to stand up for herself and tell them exactly what she thinks. Ailith has a passion for flying and loves to be up in the air on her broom. For Ailith I'm looking for some friends or enemies and maybe even someone she could develop a crush on after later on.

Emma Mansfield

As second I've got Emma here, my new first year who was placed into Gryffindor. Emma lived in England with her parents untill she was nine and then moved to Australia. She grew up with magic and dreams of becoming an auror. She is very striving, a trait she got from her mothers side of the family, and has a feeling that she needs to be the best at everything she does, which often ends up in her not thinking about others while doing certain things. She often has trouble making friends and people easily find her annoying, which is not her intention at all. What Emma needs are mostly friends, someone who can tell her that she doesn't have to be the best at everything she does and that she should be a bit more thoughtfull of her actions.

Stephanie Harris

Last for now I've got Stephanie. She's is a very friendly and intelligent girl who didn't know anything about the wizarding world untill she got her Hogwarts Acceptance letter at the age of eleven and was told that she's a witch. She still has a lot to learn about magic and loves everything about it. Stephanie is a rather insecure girl and this results in her being quite spineless. She easily backs down from confrontations and this allows people to walk all over her. Stephanie needs some friends or aquaintances which she can hang out with who can maybe boost up her confidence and help her to stand up for herself.

That's it for now! I hope that you guys can help me out getting my characters busy, so if you have any ideas let me know!
For Emma I have a few characters I could offer. I have Paige Hardy my new first year, she was sorted into Ravenclaw and if throwing herself into every club to try and make some friends. She is eager to prove that she belongs in Ravenclaw by showing that she is clever and being good in class so they have that in common, she might not be much good at teaching her that she doesn't have to be the best at everything, because Paige wants to be the same. I also have some older characters, I have Skye Taylor, she is a fellow Gryffindor, she's a third year and coming into her own, she's at that age where she's learning what she is good at and what she isn't so she might be a good friend for Emma who can help her realise that its ok to be bad at something because there's always some your better at than someone else. I also have Casey Daniels and Mathew Cosgrove here I won't bombard you with info on them, but if you wanted Emma to have some older guy friends then I'd be happy to give you more info on them.

I do also have an older character for Stephanie. His name is Oliver Cade Halliwell, he is a ravenclaw graduate and currently a Quidditch player. I think they could be good friends, I reckon he could toughen her up a bit or he could just be the type of friend she goes to when she gets pushed around.

Let me know. :cool:
They all sound great!

I think Emma & Paige can work out pretty well! I think their habit of wanting to do everything perfect and being the best might be something that could turn them into friends, but might also give them some friendly rivalry between them which might show them both that they don't always have to be the best and that doing good is also fine.

Emma & Skye could also work, it would be good for Emma to have some older friends who can teach her things she doesn't really see yet, like how her actions have consequences for others and that it's not the end of the world if soemone is better at something than she is.

So Stephanie & Oliver, I think that they could get along just fine! Stephanie is a Ravenclaw graduate herself and if he could help her toughen up a bit and help her to stand up for herself that'd be great!

As for Casey and Mathew, I'm not too sure so I'll think about it and if I get any idea for any rp I'll pm you with it!
Hello Marijke!

I have this guy here, who is a sixth year at Durmstrang who could be something with Ailith. He's not an overly friendly guy and does very often go looking for trouble. He gets bored easily of classes, and is really just waiting until he graduates. He can be loyal to his friends, but he had very few people he would actually count as friends. He has little interest in romantic relationships but can find people attractive. He might be a bad influence on Ailith and she might be a good influence on him. I think either way it could just be fun!
Let me know what you think!

I also think that Emma would get along quite well with either Victoire or Ailsa, my two young Gryffindor's. They are pretty different people, Victoire is very studious and Ailsa is not. Aisla loves sports and Victoire prefers watching it. Victoire is incredibly passionate about things and Ailsa is just stubborn. Victoire is patient, where Ailsa might not be. If you need information on either of them just let me know! I'd be interested in playing either one out!

For Ailith, I'd like to offer Maximilian Faber. He's my Durmstrang, and I believe he is a 6th or 7th year (I'm honestly not sure. xD ). He's a nice guy, though he is a bit too serious at times because he's had a lot of hardships in his life. Max could definitely use a friend or a crush or whatever you'd like.
Ailith & Yevheniy , I like the sound of that! As you say they might influence each other a bit and I'm rather curious of how that would work out!

As for Emma I think she'll go well with Ailsa. Emma herself is also rather stubborn and it'd be fun to see how she'll react when she finds out that Aisla isn't that studious, whilst Emma is because otherwise she won't be the best.

Ailith & Maximilian should be fun! I think they could become good friends and if he's ever in the need for a serious conversation or anything Ailith will be a good candidate for that.
Do you want to start one, I can start the other? You can pick which you would like to start! :hug:
Yea!! Would you be able to start a topic for them?
I've started one for Emma and Ailsa here, so if you could start one for Yevheniy and Ailith that'd be great!

As for Maximilian and Ailith, that topic can be found right here!
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