Need some help to save her

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Sapphire Bookchild

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V.
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Sapphire Clow has spent an entire semester imprisoned at the Bella - Donna house hold for keeping secrets. This one pertining to her heart which will always belong to Jermey Thorne. After a semester of touture Sapphire has been trown out on her own. What I need is for an older charecter to find her and take her in even though they know nothing about the fifteen year old. If anyone is willing to help give me a pm or post here.
I can offer Morgan le fey owner of the inner eye and mother of Eden elvera and Lilith. Ever since she opened the shop her maternal instinct has grown and she loves helping out her costomers.
If you want more information on her there is a link to her profile in my siggy. Or I could type more when I am on my laptop
I can see it this happening with Sapphire trying to escape the night's cold by trying to break into the shop but being caught then being brought in scared out of her mind. It that works
I can see that working. Maybe she could actually get into the shop (setting off a security spell) and then Morgan could find her lying down on the sofa trying to get some sleep. Or something. Then Morgan (knowing she isn't malicious just lost) can take her upstairs for a hot drink and let her use a proper bed.
Even though it is simmer in new Zealand at the moment it could still be cold or maybe there is a storm, or it's raining
Raining at night which is quite common. I'll post it up if you'd like
Sure but there is no big rush I won't be able to reply for about 12 hours as it is the middle of the night here (I can't sleep) and I have work in the morning
Awesome I have read it and it looks good. I will get a reply when I can. There is a slim chance I may get one in before work
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