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[Name:] Natalie Wolf
[Age:] 14
[Gender:] Female
[House:] Slytherin
[Blood Status:] Half Blood
Natalie has a very laid back, colloquial language. She's smart mouthed, a bit of a rebel and likes to do things her own way. She has an attitude, and doesn't like being told what to do, but she's an all round friendly girl who always has a smile for her friends.
Natalie has a very tom boy-ish style, with her cropped black hair and a Muggle wardrobe of jeans, thank tops and t-shirts. Because of her background and gypsy family, a lot of her clothes are second hand or home made, with hand done modifications such as beading, patchwork and embroidery. She carries a patchwork messenger bag around between classes, which holds her books and equipment. The patches are brown and some faded. A wolf is embroidered onto the flap.
Hey eyes are hazel, and framed by thin black eyebrows. She has a rounded jaw, plump lips around a small mouth, and her nose is nearly straight, but somehow all these features together work well on her, making her not entirely unattractive. In fact, as she grows into a young woman, she begins to look less and less like the young boy she was so often mistaken as as a small child. Some would even call her pretty, and perhaps in a yew years she'll be willing to think of herself as 'pretty' as well.
Natalie was was raised in a new Wizarding orphanage that was established after the late war. She couldn't remember anything before it, if there had indeed actually been anything before it. She was an orphan, an only child, had no friends and little interest in making new ones. She wasn't a cruel or unfriendly child, she just had no interest in other orphans. She hated it. She hated the orphanage and all the people there. So, on her seventh birthday (which, like nearly every other, had been ignored) she ran away and never returned.
She was picked up a few weeks later, starving, cold and weak, by a band of Muggle Gypsies, who cared for her and took her in. Maritsa was her new foster mother, one of the older Gypsies, and cared for her as though she were her own. Natalie called her Ma, and they got on well from the start.
When Natalie got her Hogwarts letter, she only told Ma, and the Muggle woman was happy to make up an excuse to give the rest of the 'family' about where Natalie was spending the majority of the year. It surprised Natalie that Ma had believed her when she had told her that she was a witch, but she didn't question it. She sometimes even fantasized that Ma was secretly a witch herself. Of course, this wasn't true, but as a child Natalie had liked to think that it was.
Natalie wasn't surprised to be sorted into Slytherin at Hogwarts. All the children at the Orphanage had said that she would be. She didn't know much about the houses, but the Sorting Hat had told her that Slytherin would make her powerful, and she was content with that.
Every Summer Holidays she returned to the Gypsies, and told her adopted family all about the amazing things that she had done at boarding school, and about everything she had learned. Ma taught her a little geography, biology and Muggle history to help make the story sound authentic, and Natalie always had fun thinking new ones up every year.
However, when she turned 15, Ma fell very ill. Before she died, she arranged for Natalie to move to New Zealand and live with her sister, who very well happened to be a Witch. They live there now, in a small and homely house by the sea, and Natalie attends Hogwarts New Zealand.
[Age:] 14
[Gender:] Female
[House:] Slytherin
[Blood Status:] Half Blood
Natalie has a very laid back, colloquial language. She's smart mouthed, a bit of a rebel and likes to do things her own way. She has an attitude, and doesn't like being told what to do, but she's an all round friendly girl who always has a smile for her friends.
Natalie has a very tom boy-ish style, with her cropped black hair and a Muggle wardrobe of jeans, thank tops and t-shirts. Because of her background and gypsy family, a lot of her clothes are second hand or home made, with hand done modifications such as beading, patchwork and embroidery. She carries a patchwork messenger bag around between classes, which holds her books and equipment. The patches are brown and some faded. A wolf is embroidered onto the flap.
Hey eyes are hazel, and framed by thin black eyebrows. She has a rounded jaw, plump lips around a small mouth, and her nose is nearly straight, but somehow all these features together work well on her, making her not entirely unattractive. In fact, as she grows into a young woman, she begins to look less and less like the young boy she was so often mistaken as as a small child. Some would even call her pretty, and perhaps in a yew years she'll be willing to think of herself as 'pretty' as well.
Natalie was was raised in a new Wizarding orphanage that was established after the late war. She couldn't remember anything before it, if there had indeed actually been anything before it. She was an orphan, an only child, had no friends and little interest in making new ones. She wasn't a cruel or unfriendly child, she just had no interest in other orphans. She hated it. She hated the orphanage and all the people there. So, on her seventh birthday (which, like nearly every other, had been ignored) she ran away and never returned.
She was picked up a few weeks later, starving, cold and weak, by a band of Muggle Gypsies, who cared for her and took her in. Maritsa was her new foster mother, one of the older Gypsies, and cared for her as though she were her own. Natalie called her Ma, and they got on well from the start.
When Natalie got her Hogwarts letter, she only told Ma, and the Muggle woman was happy to make up an excuse to give the rest of the 'family' about where Natalie was spending the majority of the year. It surprised Natalie that Ma had believed her when she had told her that she was a witch, but she didn't question it. She sometimes even fantasized that Ma was secretly a witch herself. Of course, this wasn't true, but as a child Natalie had liked to think that it was.
Natalie wasn't surprised to be sorted into Slytherin at Hogwarts. All the children at the Orphanage had said that she would be. She didn't know much about the houses, but the Sorting Hat had told her that Slytherin would make her powerful, and she was content with that.
Every Summer Holidays she returned to the Gypsies, and told her adopted family all about the amazing things that she had done at boarding school, and about everything she had learned. Ma taught her a little geography, biology and Muggle history to help make the story sound authentic, and Natalie always had fun thinking new ones up every year.
However, when she turned 15, Ma fell very ill. Before she died, she arranged for Natalie to move to New Zealand and live with her sister, who very well happened to be a Witch. They live there now, in a small and homely house by the sea, and Natalie attends Hogwarts New Zealand.