Natalie Jane Sinclair

Natalie Sinclair

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The Basics

Character's Name: Natalie Jane Sinclair
Character's Birthdate: January 21
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Blood Status:Mixed Blood
Wand: Unknown
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Hair:Long, straight, and blond
Eyes: Brown
Height: Slightly taller than average for her age
Style:Natalie is very concerned with what the “cool kids” are doing. Her clothes are always right in style, without being a trend setter herself.
Other Distinguishing Features:Natalie is pretty...and she knows it.
Five Words to Describe Natalie:Particular, Fair, Stubborn, Smart, Determined

A Little Deeper
Personality:Natalie is, on the surface, a very material minded person. She likes to be the center of attention and popular, and wouldn’t have it any other way. She is also a perfectionist…and tends to freak a little if things don’t go her way. She is stubborn, and seems to others a tad bit spoiled. But underneath it all, she is a caring and loving person. If you get to see this side of her, you must be very special indeed. She operates with cool indifference most of the time, without being mean.
History:(How did your character grow up? Where? How did they enjoy their childhood? Anything interesting happen to them? How did they first learn about magic?)
Father: William Braxton Sinclair
Hogwarts House:Slytherin
Occupation: Unknown (something to do with the magical world)
Blood Status: Mixed (parents were both magical, but not pure blood)
A Little History:
William Braxton Sinclair is the only child of Richard and Danning (Loise) Sinclair. His parents were very strict, and were both magical. William may seem cold, but he as a sweet spot for both his wife and his daughter. He keeps up his defenses most of the time, a trait that Natalie has inherited.

Mother: Kathleen Helena Sinclair (nee Johnston)
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Occupation: Unknown (something to do with the magical world)
Blood Status: Mixed (father was a muggle, mother was a witch)
A Little History:
Kathleen was raised by two loving parents, but was always a little distant from them. She was a shining star though, and was top of her class in Ravenclaw. She was a determined witch, and incredibly smart, which was what attracted her future husband, William. They were both very wrapped up in their jobs and hadn’t expected to have a child, especially after being married 8 years. Kathleen adores her daughter, whom she sees as perfect, and occasionally considers giving up her career to come home and take care of Natalie. She just never gets around to it.

Grandfather (Maternal): Alabaster Lee Johnston aka Pops
Age: old!
Occupation: Taught English in muggle school before retiring
Blood Status: Muggle
A Little History:
Pops was completely in the dark about Gram being a witch until he married her, and then he slowly came to terms with it. He is an old softie, seeing his wife, daughter, and grand-daughter as perfect angels. He still gets nervous around too much magic though, and leaves the education of Natalie’s magical side to his wife.

Grandmother (Maternal): Helena Jane Johnston (nee Masters), aka Gram
Age: old!
Occupation: Worked as a Muggle Relations Representative and occasionally still helps out
Blood Status: Mixed (both of her parents and grandparents were magical, but not pure)
A Little History:
Gram is one tough old lady! She expects a lot out of Natalie, as she did with her own daughter. She is disappointed in Kathleen that she did not raise her daughter herself, but is proud of the job she has done. She is a kind person, but also very reserved and tough, traits that Natalie has as well.

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