Naomi Johar

Naomi Johar

OOC First Name
12 in., Hazel wood, Kelpie hair core, sturdy


Full Name: Naomi Devi Johar
Reason or meaning of name: Naomi is of Hindi origin meaning "pleasant." Devi is of Tamil origin meaning "goddess." Johar is of Urdu origin meaning "jewl."
Age: 21 (Currently)
Gender: Female
Wand Appearance: 12 in., Hazel wood, Kelpie hair core, sturdy
Birthplace: Toronto, Canada
Birthdate: August 22, 2016
Sexuality: Bisexual


Hair: Long black hair
Eyes: Brown
Blood Status: Muggle Born
Thoughts on Blood Status: Naomi doesn't get the big deal when it comes to where a wizard or witch comes from. Whether they were born into the Wizarding World or Muggle World, it doesn't matter.


Childish: She's crude, she's rude, and she's immature. This is what makes her fun.
Easygoing: Naomi can be super lazy, but I would describe her more as easygoing. She's super chill most of the time and is down for whatever comes her way.
Honest: She says like it is. She won't sugarcoat anything for anyone's sake.


Nina; a hedgehog: Nina has been with Naomi for over a year now, but they are growing closer every day.



Favourite Colour: Turquoise
Least favourite colour: Grey
Literature: She's not a big reader. She wants to live the adventure, not read it.
Form of entertainment: She passes the time with teli and video games
Most prized possession: Her blankie from when she was a baby. She still uses it whenever she gets anxious or freaked out.

Optimist or pessimist?: She tries to be an optimist, but then she remembers how awful the world can be.
Introvert or extrovert?: Extrovert
Daredevil or cautious?: Daredevil
Stubborn or flexible?: Sort of both. She can be very-go-with-the-flow, but also a stubborn child when she doesn't get her way.
Logical or emotional?: Emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Disorderly and messy
Prefers working or relaxing?: Relaxing puts it mildly. She's straight up lazy.
Confident or unsure?: Acts confident even if she's unsure.
Animal lover?: Heck yes

Plays a musical instrument?: She loves banging out on a drum set.
Plays a sport?: Nah, she has no time for that.
How would Naomi spend a rainy day: Lights some incense and sleeps for the whole day or attempts to clean.
Quirks: She will always use gestures with her hands while she talks.
Likes: video games, Nina, food, sleep, hats, drums, indie-rock music
Dislikes: seriousness, people with no sense of humour, prejudice
Fears: She has this odd fear of water or drowning more like.

Job: Works at Gambol & Japes
Education: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Scotland)
House: Gryffindor
Best Class: Transfiguration
Worst Class: Astronomy

Bogart: Waves of water
Patronus: Tiger- Tiger people tend to be charismatic, passionate, prideful, confident, and represent beauty. Tiger is a symbol of power.
Patronus Memory: When her mother would sing to her when she was upset.

Amortentia: Dragon Blood incense, her mother's curry
Favourite weather and season: She loves snow in the winter season in Canada
Favourite food and drink: Chicken Tikka Masala cooked by her mother. She doesn't really have a favourite drink.

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