Naomi Johar

Naomi Johar

OOC First Name
12 in., Hazel wood, Kelpie hair core, sturdy

The Basics

Character's Name:
Naomi Devi Johar

Character's Birthdate:
August 22, 2016

Toronto, Canada

Blood Status:
Muggle Born

12 in., Hazel wood, Kelpie hair core, sturdy

Hogwarts House:



Long Black hair

Brown eyes

Naomi's style would be seen as "tomboyish," but she calls it "Ghetto Fabulous". She will wear a dress or skirt from time to time, but mostly it's just hats, shirts, and jeans.

Other Distinguishing Features:
-Full lips
-Doe eyes
-Olive skin

Play-By: Lilly Singh (IISuperwomanII)


A Little Deeper

Naomi is an immature, fun-loving, and crude spirit. She likes to live in the moment and stay in touch with her inner child. Seriousness really bums her out.

Good personality traits: Fun-loving, honest, ambitious

Bad personality traits: Immature, crude, lazy

Most common mood: Hungry

Sense of humour: Pranks, immature jokes

Naomi's greatest joy in life: The simple things

Naomi's greatest fear: Drowning

Why?: She almost drowned in a pool when she was 5. She was actually sent to the hospital, after she came to.

Naomi is most at ease when: On the couch, eating, and playing video games

Most ill at ease when: she's around water

Enraged when: people judge her as immature and childish like it's a bad thing to be

Life philosophy: Live in the moment

If granted one wish, it would be: Unlimited free pizza

Naomi's soft spot: HEDGEHOGS!!!

Naomi's darkest secret: Naomi's an open book, so she doesn't keep secrets. Nor is there one dark enough to keep.

Does anyone else know?: Open book

Naomi was born on August 22, 2016 in Toronto, Canada. She was always a troublesome child, always ready to rebel and cause a mess. As her magic started to kick in, trouble in school and many fights would break between her and other students. Even teachers were fed up with her shenanigans. The Johars didn't know what to do or what was wrong with their child. On the day of Naomi's tenth birthday after school, she checked the mail like every other normal day, but she was particularly looking for birthday cards. She then came across a strange letter from Scotland addressed to her. She opened the parchment and read it's contents thinking it must have been some kind of a joke or prank the boys at her school were pulling, so she threw it in the trash. She kept on receiving the letter for weeks on end. Naomi finally had enough and told told the boys to stop, but they had no idea what she was talking about. When she told her parents about it they couldn't believe the letter either.

Weeks passed and they kept receiving the letter, so they submitted to it. Naomi was pulled out of her other school and sent to Scotland. Luckily, her Aunt Sarita lived in the United Kingdom and agreed to help in the conundrum of the letter. They tried to figure out where the supplies and locations directed on the letter were, but had no such luck until a stranger approached them. He claimed that he worked for Hogwarts and offered them help. They agreed to it and that was the first time Naomi was introduced to the world of magic.

With the help from the stranger, Naomi got all of her supplies and caught the train headed to the school. She was sorted into House Gryffindor along with many other students. She didn't have a lot of trouble making friends at her knew school. With a wide range of students, there was always room for troublemakers. She had friends in every house, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and even Ravenclaw. Her behavior, though, had professors act more unfrindly than friendly towards her. She pranked more often than not and caused trouble for all of her seven years at Hogwarts. That doesn't mean to say that she didn't get good grades though. Naomi would pass every class perfectly, and her parents couldn't be prouder.

Once she had graduated, Naomi became a huge trailblazer. She loved traveling to new countries, but only made homes in Canada and the United Kingdom. While she was traveling, it seemed that her sister had gotten engaged, and when Naomi was invited to the wedding it was a complete surprise. She knew it would be unwise to go to the wedding, considering that her parents will not shut up about when she will have a good husband, but Lilly needed her there. The ceremony was beautiful, the after party was agony. After moving back to Canada, Naomi wouldn't hear the end of her parent's bickering, so she left. Naomi wanted to go to one of her most favourite, scenic places in the world, New Zealand. There was a nice Wizarding community there, so it would be easy for her to find a job. It was perfect.



Mother: Adi Johar
age: 51
Occupation: Chef
Blood Status: Muggle


Father: Kabal Johar
age: 64
Occupation: Banker
Blood Status: Muggle


Sister: Lilly Johar
Age: 25
Blood Status: Muggle

Horoscope and Chinese Zodiac

Starsign: Leo

Element: Fire

Ruling Planet/s: Sun

Symbol: The Lion

Life Pursuit: To lead the way

Vibration: Radiant energy

Leo's Secret Desire: To be a star

About Starsign Leo: Love triumphs over all for this sign, which is ruled by the heart and operates from this dimension too. Leo's are born fortunate. Charismatic and positive-thinking they attract not only an abundance of friends and opportunities, but manage to survive life's stormy times with style and good humour.

Chinese Zodiac: Monkey

About The Zodiac: Monkeys are fun and loving persons who are always cheerful and energetic. They are very clever. Give a monkey a boring book to read and he'll turn it into a Musical. Better yet, he'll invite everyone to see it free! That's how talented, creative and generous monkeys usually are.

Element: Wood​

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